- Presentation of your preliminary results approx. 8-10 weeks before submission
- Thesis
- Defense
Theses are generally only assigned at the chair in the following fixed periods:
If you are interested in writing your thesis at our chair in the summer semester 2025, please contact Nicole Pohle by e-mail between March 5 and March 31, 2025. You will receive the current list of topics for the semester on request (from March, 5).
In the e-mail, you should briefly explain which courses you have already attended at the chair (including final grades and current transcript of records), where your thematic interests lie (maximum 3 topic requests) and whether your thesis should have a theoretical or empirical focus. The general subject areas and some topics already worked on at the chair can be found below.
After reviewing the applications, assigning the topics and determining the supervisors, we will contact you by email by April 7, 2025. Once you have been accepted, you should delve into your topic and submit a first rough outline of your thesis to your supervisor. The official registration (topic assignment) must be submitted to the Examination Office by April 15, 2025.
Please note that in the semester in which you write your thesis, you must also attend the MA: Colloquium at the chair. You can only take part in this if we have received the official registration (topic assignment) for your thesis. Please note the separate registration deadlines in PULS for the BA: Colloquium.
If you do not meet the above-mentioned deadlines, we cannot guarantee supervision of your thesis in the respective semester.
Participation in the courses
- MA: Microeconometrics,
- MA: Public Policy Evaluation and the
- MA: Research Seminar - Applied Empirical Economic Research / Applied Econometrics
is strongly recommended.
General Topics
Based on case studies from specialist articles, various economic issues (e.g. from the areas of labor, public policy or entrepreneurship) are to be examined independentlySelected areas in theory and application:
- Treatment Effects: Theory, Methods, and Practical Applications
- Entrepreneurship
- Personality, Preferences, and Economic Outcomes
- Labor Economics
For a current list of topics, please contact Nicole Pohle.
Examples of Submitted Theses
- Crowdfunding: Financial Constraints and the Effect of Crowdfunding on Entrepreneurship (Literaturarbeit)
- The Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship and its Validity for German Regions (empirisch)
- Individual Determinants of Volunteer Work – An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between Volunteering Behavior and Personality Traits (empirisch)
- The Estimation of Treatment Effects with Matching Estimators and the Mean Standardized Bias (empirisch)