4th PhD Workshop 2015
Key Facts
- Date: September 21-24, 2015
- Location: University of Potsdam
- Local Organizer: Marco Caliendo (University of Potsdam)
- Scientific Committee: Lutz Bellmann (IAB Nuremberg), Marco Caliendo, Carsten Schröder (SOEP), Jürgen Schupp (SOEP)
- Lecturers: Gerard van den Berg (University of Mannheim) and Stephen Machin (University College London)
- Download: Final Program [PDF]
About the Workshop
We are pleased to announce the 4th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics. This year’s workshop is organized as a Summer School with a special focus on “Effects and Evaluation of Minimum Wages”. It is part of the Leibniz research project EVA-MIN (see below). The aim of the lectures is to discuss theoretical effects, evaluation approaches, and existing empirical evidence on minimum wages. Talented and interested young researchers will have the opportunity to present and discuss their own research in Empirical Economics (related to minimum wages or any other empirical topic) in poster sessions.
Gerard van den Berg (University of Mannheim) and Stephen Machin (University College London)
The 4th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics is open to around 25 graduate students and post doctorates within three years after dissertation. We encourage all young researchers interested in Empirical Economics to apply.
Please submit your CV and a paper (or an extended abstract) by April 30, 2015 to workshop@empwifo.uni-potsdam.de
There will be no workshop fees; travel and accommodation expenses have to be covered by the participants.
About the EVA-MIN Project
The Leibniz research project EVA-MIN is jointly conducted by SOEP, IAB Nuremberg, and University of Potsdam and aims to comprehensively evaluate the effects of the 2015 minimum wage introduction in Germany. As part of the project, the SOEP and IAB data infrastructure will be extended and made available for use by interested researchers worldwide. Workshop participants will be introduced to the new EVA-MIN data infrastructure and its access possibilities in order to stimulate future research. More information on EVA-MIN can be found here: eva-min.soep.de.
List of Participants
- Bodo Aretz: German Council of Economic Experts
- Florian Artinger: Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin
- Lutz Bellmann: IAB Nuremberg
- Mario Bossler: IAB Nuremberg
- Marco Caliendo: University of Potsdam
- Lionel Cottier: University of Lausanne
- Ernest Dautovic: University of Lausanne
- Alexandra Fedorets: SOEP / DIW Berlin
- Rahel Felder: RWI Essen
- Kea Fiedler: The New School New York
- Benjamin Gampfer: European University Viadrina
- Juliane Hennecke: FU Berlin & University of Potsdam
- Perke Jacobs: Max Planck Institute for Human Development Berlin
- Isabell Klingert: IAB Nuremberg
- Susanne Kniepert: European University Viadrina
- Attakrit Leckcivilize: Leibniz University of Hannover
- Maximilian Linek: Hertie School of Governance
- Stephen Machin: University College London
- Guido Neidhöfer: FU Berlin
- Jessica Oettel: Humboldt University Berlin
- Alexander Plum: Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
- Laura J. Pohlan: ZEW Mannheim
- Malte Preuss: FU Berlin
- Julia Schmieder: DIW Berlin & University of Mannheim
- Carsten Schröder: SOEP / DIW Berlin
- Mathias Schumann: University of Hamburg
- Jürgen Schupp: SOEP / DIW Berlin
- Helke Seitz: University of Potsdam
- Cortnie Anne Shupe: DIW Berlin
- Laura M. Sinn: Ruhr Graduate School in Economics
- Claudia Stier: University of Potsdam
- Simon Trenkle: IAB Nuremberg
- Stefan Tübbicke: University of Potsdam
- Gerard van den Berg: University of Mannheim
- Michael Weber: ifo Institute Dresden
- Martin Weißenberger: University of Potsdam
- Linda Wittbrodt: University of Potsdam
- Florian Wozny: IZA Bonn
Examples of Presented Posters
- Mario Bossler: Anticipatory effects of the new German minimum wage - Evidence from the IAB Establishment Panel
- Lionel Cottier: Private versus public placement of long-term unemployed job seekers
- Ernest Dautovic: The Impact of Minimum Wage on Consumption, Savings and Income in China
- Alexandra Fedorets, Carsten Schröder, Jürgen Schupp: EVA-MIN: Evaluating the Minimum Wage Introduction in Germany
- Rahel Felder: The Minimum Wage in the German Roofing Sector - An Evaluation with the Synthetic Control Method
- Kea Fiedler: Evaluating the Impacts of the German Minimum Wage on In-Work Poverty
- Benjamin Gampfer: Endogenous Competition Exposure: China's rise, intra-industry and intra-firm adaptation
- Juliane Hennecke: Blaming Yourself or Losing (Locus of) Control? - An Economic Perspective on Psychological Reactions to Unemployment Shocks
- Perke Jacobs: Minimum Wage Legislation and Productivity in the German Taxi Market
- Isabell Klingert, Simon Trenkle: Minimum Wage in Germany - Evaluation of the Exemption Clause for Long-Term Unemploymed
- Attakrit Leckcivilize: Does the minim wage reduce wage inequality? Evidence from Thailand
- Guido Neidhöfer: Intergenerational Mobility and the Rise and Fall of Inequality
- Jessica Oettel: Minimum Wage Compliance in the German Construction Sector
- Alexander Plum: Does Neighbourhood Unemployment Affect the Springboard Effect of Low Pay?
- Laura Pohlan: Estimating a Structural Equilibrium Job Search Model to Evaluate the Introduction of a Uniform Minimum Wage in Germany
- Malte Preuss: Careers in Jeopardy: How Job Loss Alters the Willingness to Take Risks
- Julia Schmieder: Reassessing the Relationship between Fertility and Female Labor Supply
- Mathias Schuman: The Effect of Minimum Wages on Firm-Financed Apprenticeship Training
- Helke Seitz: Locus of Control and Investment in Training
- Michael Weber: Efficiency Losses From Decentralizing Public Employment Services - Evidence From A German Policy Experiment
- Florian Wozny: The Effect of Minimum Wages on Teenagers' Education Decisions