Archive - News
October 18: Jop opening (Post-Doc)
We are looking for Postdoctoral Research Associate (Post-Doc, 5 years, TV-L 13, 100% ) as of 01 October 2025 (or earlier). Applications can be submitted immediately and up to and including 20 November 2024. Further information can be found here: [in German / in Englisch]
October 02: Jop opening (PhD / Post-Doc)
We are looking for Academic Staff (Doc, 4 years, TV-L 13, 75% and Post-Doc, 5 years, TV-L 13, 100% ) as of 01 February 2025 (or later). Applications can be submitted immediately and up to and including 25 October 2024. Further information can be found here: [PhD] / [Post-Doc]
October 02: Job opening (Student employees)
We are looking for new Student employees as of February, 1st 2025 (or later). Applications may be handed in as of now and until October 25, 2024. More detailed Information can be found here: [Download]
October 01: Guest Researcher
We are pleased to welcome Robert Mahlstedt to our team as Guest Researcher.
October 01: Welcome
We are pleased to welcome Lena Simmat to our team today as student employee.
September 10: Guest Researcher
We are pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Adriana Di Liberto from the University of Cagliari to our team as a Guest Researcher until September 2025.
June 27: Job opening
We are looking for new Student employees for the Winter Term. Applications may be handed in as of now. More detailed Information can be found here: [Download]
April 15: Guest Researcher
We are pleased to welcome Elisa Melis to our team as Guest Researcher.
January 26: Job opening
We are looking for new student assistants for the Summer Term. Applications may be handed in as of now and until February 15th. More detailed Information can be found here: [Download]
December 15: Job opening (Statistitcs tutor)
We are looking for an statistics tutor for the summer semester. Applications can be submitted from now on until January 31, 2024. More detailed Information (in german) can be found here: [Download]
October 01: Welcome!
We are pleased to welcome Fabio Angei and Hebe Williams to our team as Visiting Scientist:in.
October 01: Welcome!
We are happy to welcome Felix Degenhardt and Louis Klobes in our Team. They will support us in Teaching and Research as Research Assistant from now on.
October 18: Job openings (Postdoctoral positions)
We seek to fill postdoctoral positions (100%, EG 13 TV-L, initial contract limited to three years) in Empirical, Labour, Health, and Education Economics starting September 01, 2023. The deadline for application is November 20, 2022. More detailed information on the opening is available here: [Download]
October 11: PhD Defense - Congratulations!
Congratulations to Cosima Obst! She successfully defended her PhD thesis „Essays in Labor Economics“ and was awarded „Summa Cum Laude".
August 23: Job opening
We are seeking to fill a Pre-Doc Position in Labor Economics. Applications may be submitted until September 15th. More detailed Information can be found here: [Download]
July 05: PhD Defense - Congratulations!
Congratulations to Linda Wittbrodt! She successfully defended her PhD thesis „Minimum Wage Effects in Germany and Europe - Four Essays“ and was awarded „Magna Cum Laude".
July 05: Job opening
We are looking for new student assistants for the Winter Term. Applications may be handed in as of now and until September 15th. More detailed Information can be found here: [Download]
01. Oktober: Herzlich Willkommen!
Wir freuen uns Aiko Schmeißer in unserem Team zu begrüßen. Er wird uns ab sofort in der Lehre und Forschung als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter unterstützen.
24. August: Stellenausschreibung (SHK/ WHK)
Wir suchen zum 01. November 2021 Studentische/Wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte. Bewerbungen können ab sofort und bis zum 15. September 2021 eingereicht werden. Nähere Informationen finden Sie hier: [Download]
25. Juni: Karl Paul Hensel-Preis - Herzlichen Glückwunsch!
Dr. Katrin Huber wurde für ihre Forschung zu den Auswirkungen von Arbeitsmarkt und Familienpolitik mit dem Karl Paul Hensel-Preis der Doris und Dr. Michael Hagemann Stiftung ausgezeichnet. Wir gratulieren! Prämiert wurde ihre Dissertation "Empirical Essays on Decision-Making Within Families: Determinants and Consequences of Family Labor Supply“, in welcher sie die Effekte verschiedener Arbeitsmarkt- und Familienpolitiken auf Arbeitsmarktentscheidungen von Familien, sowie auf die Entwicklung von Kindern untersucht.
01. April: Herzlich Willkommen!
Wir freuen uns Sophie Wagner in unserem Team zu begrüßen. Sie wird uns ab sofort in der Lehre und Forschung als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin unterstützen.
01. März: Herzlich Willkommen!
Wir freuen uns Dr. Katrin Huber in unserem Team begrüßen zu dürfen. Sie wird uns ab sofort in der Lehre und Forschung als PostDoc unterstützen.
October 28: Job opening (Postdoctoral position)
We seek to fill a postdoctoral position (100%, EG 13 TV-L, initial contract limited to three years) in Empirical/Labour Economics starting September 01, 2021 (or earlier). The deadline for application is November 17, 2020. More detailed information on the opening is available here: [Download]
September 21: PhD Defense and New Job - Congratulations!
CONGRATULATIONS and FAREWELL to Stefan Tübbicke! He successfully defended his thesis on „Essays on Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed and Methods for Causal Inference" today and will start his Postdoc at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) in Nuremberg next week. We will miss him and wish him all the best for a great start into the next phase of his academic career!!!
July 07: Guest Researcher
Dr. Robert Mahlstedt from Copenhagen University visits the University of Potsdam from July 5 until the end of October.
July 03: Job opening (Research Associate)
We are looking for a Research Associate (66%, EG 13 TV-L, initial contract limited to three years) starting October 01. The deadline for applications is August 15, 2020. More detailed information on the position is available here: [Download]
April 15: New Policy Paper
Caliendo, M. (2020): Fünf Jahre Mindestlohn: Einiges erreicht, aber wesentliche Ziele verfehlt, ifo Schnelldienst, 73(4), 23-28.
[Details & Download]
April 02: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Cobb-Clark, D., Obst, C., Seitz, H. and Uhlendorff, A. (2020): Locus of Control and Investment in Training, forthcoming in: Journal of Human Resources.
[Details & Download]
March 23: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M. and Tübbicke, S. (2020): Do Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed affect Participants’ Well-Being? A Rigorous Look at (Un-)Intended Consequences of Labor Market Policies, forthcoming in: Evaluation Review.
[Details & Download]
February 03: Welcome!
We are happy to welcome Paula Körner in our Team. She will support us in Teaching and Research as Research Assistant from now on.
January 09: Job opening
We are looking for new student Assistants starting April 15. Applications may be handed in as of now. More detailed Information can be found here: [Download]
November 17: Guest Researcher
Dr. Benjamin Elsner (University College Dublin) visits the University of Potsdam and presents his paper „Poor Voters, Taxation, and the size of the Welfare State“ at the PRSE.
November 15: New Discussion Papers
Three new discussion papers "Do Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed affect Participants’ Well-Being?“, "What Makes an Employer?“ and "Catching up or Lagging Behind? The Long-Term Business and Innovation Potential of Subsidized Start-Ups out of Unemployment“ are available for download.
[Download], [Download], [Download]
November 07: Guest Researcher
From November 5-8, Dr. Robert Mahlstedt from Copenhagen University visits the University of Potsdam and presents his paper „Returns to ICT Skills“ at the PRSE.
October 01: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Goethner, M. and Weißenberger, M. (201x): Entrepreneurial Persistence beyond Survival: Measurement and Determinants, IZA Discussion Paper No. 12607, forthcoming in: Journal of Small Business Management.
[Details & Download]
September 10: Job openings
We are looking to fill several positions (Postdoc/PhD/student Assistant). Applications may be handed in as of now. More detailed Information can be found here: [Postdoc], [PhD], [SHK/WHK].
September 04: Guest Researcher
From September 9-11 Professor Guido W. Imbens will visit the University of Potsdam and will give a series of lectures at the "6th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics" about "Causal Inference and Machine Learning".
August 27: New accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Cobb-Clark, D., Hennecke, J. and Uhlendorff, A. (201x): Locus of Control and Internal Migration, IZA Discussion Paper No. 9600, forthcoming in: Regional Science and Urban Economics.
[Details & Download]
April 30: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., and Tübbicke, S. (201x): New Evidence on Long-Term Effects of Start-Up Subsidies: Matching Estimates and their Robustness, IZA Discussion Paper No. 12261, forthcoming in: Empirical Economics.
[Details & Download]
April 29: Guest Researcher
On April 30, Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck, director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies, visits the University of Potsdam and presents his paper „Returns to ICT Skills“ at the PRSE.
April 29: Call for Papers
We are pleased to announce that Guido W. Imbens will give a series of lectures at the "6th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics", September 9-12, 2019, University of Potsdam. Submission Deadline: May 31, 2019.
[Download Call for Papers]
March 27: Welcome!
We are happy to welcome our new PostDoc Sylvi Rzepka to our team. From April, she will support us in teaching and research.
March 25: Guest Researchers
Prof. Deborah Cobb-Clark, PhD (University of Sydney) is visiting the department from March 25-26; Dr. Robert Mahlstedt (University of Copenhagen) is visiting the department from April 01-05.
January 16: Welcome!
Daniel Rodriguez and Markus Mueller are strengthening our team as research assistants. Both participate in our two new DFG projects. Marta Meletti, PhD candidate from our partner university in Cagliari, visits us for a research stay from January to August.
December 28: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (2018): The Causal Effects of the Minimum Wage Introduction in Germany: An Overview, Discussion Paper No. 12043, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
October 11: Job opening (Postdoctoral position)
We seek to fill a postdoctoral position (100%, EG 13 TV-L, initial contract limited to three years) starting April 1. The position comprises independent research and teaching obligations (partly in German, so a good knowledge of German is a pre-requisite) as well as participation in research activities of the team. The deadline for application is November 15, 2018. More detailed information on the opening is available here (in German only): [PDF]
August 21: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Preuss, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (2018): The short-run employment effects of the German minimum wage reform, Labour Economics 53, 46-62.
[Details & Download]
August 08: Two new DFG projects
There will be two new research projects at the Chair of Empirical Economics, funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) and starting in October. The projects will be about "Personality and Entrepreneurial Development" and "Expectations and Search Behaviour". Please find further information here.
August 08: New Publication
Bellmann, L., Caliendo, M. and Tübbicke, S. (2018): The Post-Reform Effectiveness of the New German Start-Up Subsidy for the Unemployed, LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 32(3), 293-319.
[Details & Download]
August 06: PCQR-Workshop
A PCQR Workshop on "Introduction to R" with Dag Tanneberg (University of Potsdam) will take place on October 11-12 at the University of Potsdam. Registration is required.
[Details & Download]
July 09: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Preuss, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (2018): The Short-Run Employment Effects of the German Minimum Wage Reform, forthcoming in: Labour Economics.
[Details & Download]
July 04: Job opening (Postdoctoral position)
We seek to fill a postdoctoral position (100%, EG 13 TV-L, initial contract limited to three years) starting October 10. The position comprises independent research and teaching obligations (partly in German, so a good knowledge of German is a pre-requisite) as well as participation in research activities of the team. The deadline for applications is August 15, 2018. More detailed information on the opening is available here (in German only):
[Details & Download]
July 04: Job opening (Academic Assistants)
We are looking for two Academic Assistants (50%, EG 13 TV-L, limited to three years) starting October 10. The positions are part of third-party fund projects on "Job Search and Labor Market Policies" and "Personality and Entrepreneurial Development". The deadline for applications is August 15, 2018. More detailed information on the positions is available here (in German only):
[Details & Download]
July 04: New weekly report
Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Schröder, C. (2018): Mindestlohn: Stundenlöhne steigen, aber Monatsentgelte stagnieren, DIW Wochenbericht No. 27/2018, Berlin, 599-608.
[Details & Download] [Press Release]
May 04: PhD Thesis
Congratulations to Amelie Schiprowski! She successfully defended her PhD thesis „Four Empirical Essays on the Economics of Job Search“ and was awarded summa cum laude.
April 20: PCQR-Workshop
A PCQR Workshop on "Python for text mining" with Nikos Askitas (IZA Bonn) will take place on June 14-15 at the University of Potsdam. Registration is required.
09. April: PRSE-Programm online
The current program of the Potsdam Research Seminar in Economics is now available. The first presentation in this semester is held by Prof. Dr. Emanuel Gasteiger (FU Berlin) on „Endogenously (Non-) Ricardian Beliefs“ on April 17.
You can find the program here.
March 05: New Accepted Paper
Bellmann, L., Caliendo, M. and Tübbicke, S. (2017): The Post-Reform Effectiveness of the New German Start-Up Subsidy for the Unemployed, forthcoming in: LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations.
[Details & Download]
December 31: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Preuss, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (2017): The Short-Term Distributional Effects of the German Minimum Wage Reform, Discussion Paper No. 11246, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
December 14: Alumni - Congratulations!
Congratulations to Martin Weißenberger! He successfully defended his PhD thesis "Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed - New Evaluation Approaches and Insights“ (summa cum laude) and started his new job as referee at the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy.
December 06: Job opening (Postdoctoral Position)
We are currently seeking to fill a postdoctoral position (100%, EG 13 TV-L, initial contract limited to three years), starting on April 1, 2018. The position comprises independent research and teaching obligations (partly in German, so a good knowledge of German is a pre-requisite) as well as participation in the research activities of the team. Successful applicants should hold a Ph.D. in Economics or a related discipline, display a strong interest in labor economics and/or evaluation and/or entrepreneurship and possess excellent knowledge in statistics and econometrics. Applications will be accepted until January 8, 2018. More detailed information about the opening are available here (in German only): [PDF]
December 06: New Policy Paper
Burauel, P., Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Grabka, M., Schröder, C., Schupp, J. and Wittbrodt, L. (2017): Minimum wage not yet for everyone: On the compensation of eligible workers before and after the minimum wage reform from the perspective of employees, DIW Economic Bulletin No. 49/2017, Berlin, 509-522.
[Details & Download][Press release]
December 04: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Fedorets, A., Preuss, M., Schröder, C. and Wittbrodt, L. (2017): The Short-Run Employment Effects of the German Minimum Wage Reform, Discussion Paper No. 11190, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
November 30: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Mahlstedt, R. (2017): Mobility Assistance Programmes for Unemployed Workers, Job Search Behaviour and Labour Market Outcomes, Discussion Paper No. 11169, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
November 15: Call for Papers - Workshop EVA-MIN
Within our research project EVA-MIN we are organizing a workshop „Evaluation of Minimum Wages“. The workshop will take place on July 4-5, 2018 at DIW in Berlin. The submission deadline is April 1, 2018 and further information can be found here: EVA-MIN-WEBSITE/ FLYER.
[Download Flyer]
October 16: PRSE-Program online
The current program of the Potsdam Research Seminar in Economics is now available. The first presentation in this semester is held by Dr. Felix Weinhardt (DIW) on "ICT and Education: Evidence from Student Home Addresses" on November 07.
[Details & Download]
September 29: New Discussion Paper
Bellmann, L., Caliendo, M. and Tübbicke, S. (2017): The Post-Reform Effectiveness of the New German Start-Up Subsidy for the Unemployed, Discussion Paper No. 11055, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
July 13: 5th Potsdam PhD Workshop
Thanks to all participants for an inspiring and interesting "5th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics". A special thanks to the lecturers Steffen Altmann and Hilmar Schneider for sharing their expertise and to the external discussants Lisa Bruttel, Thomas Siedler and Carsten Schröder for their helpful comments.
[More information on the workshop]
June 27: Guest Researcher
John Ham is visiting the University of Potsdam and presenting his paper „Estimating (Easily Interpreted) Dynamic Training Effects from Experimental Data“ in the PRSE.
June 22: Alumni - Congratulations!
Congratulations to Robert Mahlstedt! He successfully defended his PhD thesis "Essays on Job Search Behavior and Labor Market Policies: The Role of Subjective Beliefs, Geographical Mobility and Gender Differences“ (summa cum laude) and started his job as a Postdoc Fellow at the University of Copenhagen.
April 06: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Mahlstedt, R. (2017): The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed, Journal of Public Economics.
[Details & Download final version] [Details & Download previous version]
April 06: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Mahlstedt, R. and Mitnik, O. A. (2017): Unobservable, but Unimportant? The Relevance of Usually Unobserved Variables for the Evaluation of Labor Market Policies, Labour Economics.
[Details & Download final version] [Details & Download previous version]
March 13: Call for Papers
Call for Papers: "5th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics", July 6-7, 2017, University of Potsdam. Submission Deadline: May 1, 2017.
[Download Flyer]
March 13: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Lee, W.-S. and Mahlstedt, R. (2017): The Gender Wage Gap and the Role of Reservation Wages: New Evidence for Unemployed Workers, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 136, 161-173.
[Details & Download final version] [Details & Download previous version]
February 20: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Mahlstedt, R. (2017): The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed, forthcoming in: Journal of Public Economics.
[Details & Download]
February 16: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Mahlstedt, R. and Mitnik, O. A. (2017): Unobservable, but Unimportant? The Relevance of Usually Unobserved Variables for the Evaluation of Labor Market Policies, forthcoming in: Labour Economics.
[Download final version] [Details & Download previous version]
February 15: Job opening
Maastricht University is looking for PhD candidates in Labor Economics, Economics of Education, and Macroeconomics. Application deadline is February 28.
[Details & Download]
February 13: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Lee, W.-S. and Mahlstedt, R. (201x): The Gender Wage Gap and the Role of Reservation Wages: New Evidence for Unemployed Workers, forthcoming in: Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
[Download final version] [Details & Download previous version]
December 16: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Cobb-Clark, D., Seitz, H. and Uhlendorff, A. (2016): Locus of Control and Investment in Training, Discussion Paper No. 10406, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
November 09: PCQR Workshop
A PCQR Workshop on "Generalized Propensity Score Matching and its Implementation in Stata" with Michela Bia (LISER) will take place on November 30 at the University of Potsdam. Registration is required.
[Details & Download]
October 11: New Publication
Caliendo, M. and Gehrsitz, M. (2016): Obesity and the Labor Market: A Fresh Look at the Weight Penalty, Economics and Human Biology, 23, 209-225.
[Details & Download]
October 04: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Uhlendorff, A. (2016): Earnings Exemptions for Unemployed Workers: The Relationship between Marginal Employment, Unemployment Duration and Job Quality [previous title: Marginal Employment, Unemployment Duration and Job Match Quality], Labour Economics, 42, 177-193.
[Details & Download]
September 21: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M. and Gehrsitz, M. (2016): Obesity and the Labor Market: A Fresh Look at the Weight Penalty, forthcoming in: Economics and Human Biology.
[Details & Download]
September 15: Job opening
There is a job opening at the SRH Hochschule Berlin for Post Doc/PhD position in an empirical research project. Application deadline is September 30th.
[Details & Download]
September 01: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Uhlendorff, A. (2016): Earnings Exemptions for Unemployed Workers: The Relationship between Marginal Employment, Unemployment Duration and Job Quality [previous title: Marginal Employment, Unemployment Duration and Job Match Quality], forthcoming in: Labour Economics.
[Details & Download]
June 06: Guest Researchers
Kevin Schnepel, PhD (University of Sydney) is visiting the department from June 06-07.; Prof. Deborah Cobb-Clark, PhD (University of Sydney) is visiting the department from June 20-24.
May 31: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Weißenberger, M. (2016): Personality Traits and the Evaluation of Start-Up Subsidies, European Economic Review, 86, 87-108.
[Details & Download]
May 17: 3rd Internal BeNA Workshop
The internal workshop of the Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA) takes place on May 25, 2016 at the University of Potsdam in room 3.06.S21.
[Details & Download]
April 05: PCQR - Lecture Series
The seminar series of the research initiative "Potsdam Center for Quantitative Research" for the summer term 2016 starts on April 20 at 16.15 in room 3.06.H02. Prof. Marcel Fratzscher, Ph.D. will talk about "Verteilungskampf - Warum Deutschland ungleicher wird".
[Details & Download]
March 17: New Publication
Caliendo, M. (2016): Start-up subsidies for the unemployed: Opportunities and limitations, IZA World of Labor, No. 200, 1-11.
[Details & Download] [Newsroom]
March 04: Call for Papers
Call for Paper: "3rd BeNA Labor Economics Workshop", May 25, 2016, hosted by WZB (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung). Submission Deadline: April 6, 2016.
January 18: New Publication
Caliendo, M. and Schmidl, R. (2016): Youth Unemployment and Active Labor Market Policies in Europe, IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 5(1), 1-30.
[Details & Download]
January 07: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Weißenberger, M. (2016): Personality Traits and the Evaluation of Start-Up Subsidies, forthcoming in: European Economic Review.
[Details & Download]
December 30: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Cobb-Clark, D., Hennecke, J. and Uhlendorff, A. (2015): Job Search, Locus of Control, and Internal Migration, Discussion Paper No. 9600, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
December 07: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Gielen, A. and Mahlstedt R. (2015): Home-Ownership, Unemployed's Job Search Behavior and Post-Unemployment Outcomes, Economics Letters, 137, 218-221.
[Details & Download]
November 16: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M. and Schmidl, R. (2015): Youth Unemployment and Active Labor Market Policies in Europe, forthcoming in: IZA Journal of Labor Policy.
[Details & Download]
November 16: New Publication
Caliendo, M., Clement, M. and Shehu, E. (2015): The Effect of Individual Professional Critics on Book's Sales: Capturing Selection Biases from Observable and Unobservable Factors, Marketing Letters, 26(4), 423-436.
[Details & Download]
October 26: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Gielen, A. and Mahlstedt R. (2015): Home-Ownership, Unemployed's Job Search Behavior and Post-Unemployment Outcomes, forthcoming in: Economics Letters.
[Details & Download]
October 19: Alumni - Congratulations!
Jens Hogenacker successfully defended his thesis "Essays on the Transition from Unemployment with a special Emphasis on Start-up Subsidies in Germany" and Steffen Künn started his new job as Assistant Professor at the University of Maastricht. Congratulations!
October 01: Guest Researcher
Prof. Kleinjans, PhD (California State University, Fullerton) is visiting the department from October 2015 till June 2016. Further information is available here.
September 29: 4th PhD Workshop 2015
Thanks to all participants and to our lecturers for an inspiring and interesting "4th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics/EVA-MIN Summer School". Some workshop impressions are available here.
September 18: Call for Papers
Call for Papers: "2nd BeNA Labor Economics Workshop", December 2, 2015, hosted by the RWI (Rheinisch-Westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung). Submission Deadline: October 23, 2015.
September 07: 4th PhD Workshop 2015
The Preliminary Program for the 4th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics / EVA-MIN Summer School is now available online.
August 27: New Accepted Paper
Caliendo, M., Clement, M. and Shehu, E. (2015): The Effect of Individual Professional Critics on Book's Sales: Capturing Selection Biases from Observable and Unobservable Factors, forthcoming in: Marketing Letters.
[Details & Download]
July 30: New Publication
Caliendo, M. and Künn, S. (2015): Getting Back into the Labor Market: The Effects of Start-Up Subsidies for Unemployed Females, Journal of Population Economics, 28(4), 1005-1043.
[Details & Download]
July 16: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Künn, S. and Mahlstedt, R. (2015): The Return to Labor Market Mobility: An Evaluation of Relocation Assistance for the Unemployed, Discussion Paper No. 9183, IZA Bonn.
[Details & Download]
July 15: Guest Researcher
Dr. Maximilian Göthner (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) is visiting the department from July 15-16.
May 04: PCQR - Lecture Series
The seminar series of the newly founded research initiative "Potsdam Center for Quantitative Research" starts on May 06 at 16.15 in room 3.06.H01. [PDF]
April 23: New Discussion Paper
Caliendo, M., Gielen, A. and Mahlstedt, R. (2015): Home-Ownership, Unemployed's Job Search Behavior and Post-Unemployment Outcomes, IZA Discussion Paper No. 8972, Bonn.
[Details & Download]
April 17: Reminder - Call for Papers
"4th Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics/EVA-MIN Summer School: Effects and Evaluation of Minimum Wages", September 21-24, 2015, University of Potsdam. Submission Deadline: April 30, 2015.
April 07: New Publications
Caliendo, M., Cobb-Clark, D. and Uhlendorff, A. (2015): "Locus of Control and Job Search Strategies", Review of Economics and Statistics, 97(1), 88-103.
[Details & Download]
Caliendo, M., Hogenacker, J., Künn, S. and Wießner, F. (2015): "Subsidized Start-Ups out of Unemployment: A Comparison to Regular Business Start-Ups", Small Business Economics, 45(1), 165-190.
[Details & Download]
Caliendo, M., Fossen, F., Kritikos, A. and Wetter, M. (2015): "The Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship: Not just a Matter of Personality", CESifo Economic Studies, 61(1), 202-238.
[Details & Download]
February 16: Job opening
We are looking for 1 research assistant, starting date is September 15, 2015. The deadline for applications is April 30.
[Details & Download]
February 06: Call for Papers
6th IZA/Kauffman Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research, September 16-17, 2015, Washington D.C., USA. Submission Deadline: April 30, 2015.
February 02: Executive Committee (EALE)
Prof. Caliendo was elected as a member of the Executive Committee of the European Association of Labour Economists (EALE) for the term 2015-2017.
January 31: New Accepted Paper
"Subsidized Start-Ups out of Unemployment: A Comparison to Regular Business Start-Ups", forthcoming in: Small Business Economics.
[Details & Download]
January 15: Guest Researcher
Corrado Giulietti (IZA Bonn) is visiting the department Jan 16-21.
January 08: New Research Project
"Evaluating the Minimum Wage Introduction in Germany (EVA-MIN): Innovative Knowledge Transfer and Evidence-Based Evaluation" [joint with SOEP and IAB], Leibniz Competition, Berlin, Germany.
December 19: New Accepted Paper
"Getting Back into the Labor Market: The Effects of Start-Up Subsidies for Unemployed Females", forthcoming in: Journal of Population Economics.
[Details & Download]
November 17: Guest Researcher
Dr. Maximilian Göthner (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) is visiting the department from November 17-19.
October 17: Job opening
We are looking for 1 research assistant starting in February 2015. The deadline for applications is November 11.
[Details & Download].
August 08: New Discussion Paper
"Unobservable, but Unimportant? The Influence of Personality Traits (and Other Usually Unobserved Variables) for the Evaluation of Labor Market Policies", IZA Discussion Paper No. 8337, Bonn.
[Details & Download]
July 16: New Discussion Paper
"The Gender Wage Gap: Does a Gender Gap in Reservation Wages Play a Part?", IZA Discussion Paper No. 8305, Bonn.
[Details & Download]
July 14: Guest Researcher
Dr. Steffen Künn (IZA Bonn) is visiting the department from July 15-16.
July 02: IZA Workshop
The "5th IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research" will be held on July, 3-4 at the University of Potsdam.
June 20: Guest researcher
Wang-Sheng Lee (Deakin University Melbourne) is visiting the department from June 23-26.
May 23: New Research Report
"Evaluation der Programme "Gründercoaching Deutschland" and "Gründercoaching Deutschland – Gründungen aus der Arbeitslosigkeit", IZA Research Report No. 61.
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May 21: New Accepted Paper
"The Gender Gap in Entrepreneurship: Not just a Matter of Personality", forthcoming in: CESifo Economic Studies.
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May 16: Published
"Regional Effect Heterogeneity of Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed", Regional Studies, 48(6), 1108-1134.
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May 15: Thesis
Ricarda Schmidl successfully defended her thesis "Empirical Essays on Job Search Behavior, Active Labor Market Policies, and Propensity Score Balancing Methods". Congratulations!
May 06: Published
"Personality Characteristics and the Decision to Become and Stay Self-Employed", Small Business Economics, 42(4), 787-814.
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March 27: Published
"The IZA Evaluation Dataset Survey: A Scientific Use File", IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2014, 3:6.
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March 11: Guest Researcher
Patrick Arni (IZA Bonn) is visiting the department from March 25-26.
March 04: Guest Researcher
Deborah Cobb-Clark (University of Melbourne) is visiting the department from March 24 - April 1.
February 21: New Discussion Paper
"The IZA Evaluation Dataset Survey: A Scientific Use File", IZA Discussion Paper No. 7971, Bonn.
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February 14: New Discussion Paper
"Obesity and the Labor Market: A Fresh Look at the Weight Penalty", IZA Discussion Paper No. 7947, Bonn.
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February 07: Call for Papers
5th IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research, July 3-4, Potsdam. Submission Deadline: March 31.
January 14: Treasurer (ESPE)
Prof. Caliendo started his term as treasurer of the European Society of Population Economics (ESPE) in January. The next ESPE conference will take place in Braga, Portugal (June 18-21) and the submission deadline is February 1.
November 6: Guest Researcher
Scott Adams (University of Wisconsin Milwaukee) is visiting the department from November 11-13.
October 30: Call for Papers
"3rd Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics", March 24-26, University of Potsdam. Submission Deadline: January 15.
October 01: New Accepted Paper
"Locus of Control and Job Search Strategies", forthcoming in: Review of Economics and Statistics.
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September 25: New Accepted Paper
"Personality Characteristics and The Decision to Become and Stay Self-Employed", forthcoming in: Small Business Economics.
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September 10: Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA)
The University of Potsdam joined the Berlin Network of Labor Market Research (BeNA). The seminar takes place under the aegis of Prof. Dr. Marco Caliendo and is co-organized by Martin Weißenberger.
August 21: New Accepted Paper
"Regional Effect Heterogeneity of Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed", forthcoming in: Regional Studies.
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June 26: New Discussion Paper
"Regional Effect Heterogeneity of Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed", IZA Discussion Paper No. 7460, Bonn.
[Detail & Download]
May 28: Guest Researchers
Deborah Cobb-Clark (University of Melbourne) and Arne Uhlendorff (University of Mannheim) are visiting the chair from June 03-06.
May 28: DAAD Scholar
Tymon Sloczynski (Warsaw School of Economics) is DAAD Scholar and will be visiting the chair from June 3-28. His fields of research are microeconometrics and labor market economics.
April 30: Published
"Benefit Duration, Unemployment Duration and Job Match Quality: A Regression-Discontinuity Approach", Journal of Applied Econometrics, 28(4), 604-627.
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April 08: Published
"Fat Chance! Obesity and the Transition from Unemployment to Employment", Economics and Human Biology, 11(2), 121-133.
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March 25: 2nd Potsdam PhD Workshop
Thanks to all participants, lecturers and external discussants for a fantastic "2nd Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics". You can find some impressions from the workshop here.
February 27: 2nd Potsdam PhD Workshop
The Program for the 2nd Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics (March 18-20) is available now.
January 25: Job opening
We are looking for 1-2 research assistants starting in October 2013. The deadline for applications is April 15.
[Details & Download].
January 17: Published
"The German labor market after the Great Recession: successful reforms and future challenges", IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2012, 1:3.
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November 22: Call for Papers
4th IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research, July 9-10, San Francisco. Submission Deadline: Febuary 15.
November 21: Research Professor (DIW Berlin)
Prof. Caliendo was appointed as Research Professor at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin).
November 12: Call for Papers
"2nd Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics", March 18-20, University of Potsdam. Submission Deadline: January 15.
October 16: Published
The Cost Impact of Spam Filters - Measuring the Effect of Information System Technologies in Organizations, Information Systems Research, 23, 1068-1080.
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September 20: EALE-Meeting in Bonn
Prof. Caliendo is organizer of the "24th Annual Conference of the European Association of Labour Economists" in Bonn from September 20-22.
September 09: Finance Ministers' Meeting in Stockholm
Prof. Caliendo comments on "Youth Unemployment and Start-Up Subsidies" on invitation by Swedish Minster of Finance Anders Borg.
September 04: New Discussion Paper
"Getting Back into the Labor Market: The Effects of Start-Up Subsidies for Unemployed Females", IZA Discussion Paper No. 6830, Bonn.
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September 02: New Accepted Paper
"The German Labor Market after the Great Recession: Successful Reforms and Future Challenges", forthcoming in: IZA Journal of European Labor Studies.
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July 19: Published
Alte Idee, neues Programm: Der Gründungszuschuss als Nachfolger von Überbrückungsgeld und Ich-AG, Journal for Labour Market Research, 45(2), 99-123.
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June 20: 1st Potsdam PhD Workshop
Thanks to all participants for a fantastic "1st Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics". You can find some impressions from the workshop here.
May 29: Associate Editor
Prof. Caliendo has been assigned Associate Edtior for the IZA Journal of Labor Policy.
May 25: New Accepted Paper
"Benefit Duration, Unemployment Duration and Job Match Quality: A Regression-Discontinuity Approach", forthcoming in: Journal of Applied Econometrics.
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April 26: New Discussion Paper
"Marginal Employment, Unemployment Duration and Job Match Quality", IZA Discussion Paper No. 6499, Bonn.
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April 26: 1st Potsdam PhD Workshop
A preliminary program of the "1st Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics" is now available.
February 15: New Policy Paper
"Gründungszuschuss für Arbeitslose: Bislang solider Nachfolger der früheren Programme", IAB Kurzbericht, 2/2012.
February 14: New Accepted Paper
"Fat Chance! Obesity and the Transition from Unemployment to Employment", forthcoming in: Economics and Human Biology.
February 06: New Accepted Paper
"Alte Idee, neues Programm: Der Gründungszuschuss als Nachfolger von Überbrückungsgeld und Ich-AG", forthcoming in: Journal for Labour Market Research.
January 26: New Published Papers
IZA Discussion Papers 5370 and 5790 are now published in the Journal of Economic Psychology (Vol 33(2)).
January 24: Call for Papers
"1st Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics", June 11-13, University of Potsdam. Submission Deadline: March 15.
December 29: New Discussion Paper
"Fighting Youth Unemployment: The Effects of Active Labor Market Policies", IZA Discussion Paper No. 6222, Bonn.
[Details & Download]
December 19: Call for Papers
"3rd IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research", June 14-15, University of Potsdam. Submission Deadline: February 15.
October 18: New Discussion Paper
Alte Idee, neues Programm: Der Gründungszuschuss als Nachfolger von Überbrückungsgeld und Ich-AG. IZA Discussion Paper No. 6035, Bonn.
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October 17: New Published Papers
IZA Discussion Papers 5165, 5400, 5485 are now published in a special issue of the International Journal of Manpower entitled: "New perspectives for labour market research: the IZA evaluation dataset" (Vol 32(7)).
October 01: New Website
Marco Caliendo started as Professor of Empirical Economics at the University of Potsdam on October 1, 2011. On the following pages you will find some information about him and his team, their research, publications and teaching.