1st PhD Workshop 2012
Key Facts
- Date: June 11-13, 2012
- Location: University of Potsdam
- Organizers: Marco Caliendo and Alexander Kritikos
- Lecturers: Simon C. Parker (University of Western Ontario), Alicia Robb (Kauffman Foundation), Mirjam van Praag (University of Amsterdam)
- Download: Final Program [PDF]
About the Workshop
We are pleased to announce the 1st Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics. The aim of the workshop is to give talented young researchers the opportunity to present and discuss their research and to study new developments in Empirical Economics. This year’s focus is on the “Economics of Entrepreneurship”.
A lecture by Simon C. Parker on the “Economics of Entrepreneurship” will show new perspectives on the topic. Simon C. Parker is Associate Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario. He has published more than 60 peer-reviewed articles in economics, entrepreneurship and management journals and has written and edited multiple books on the Economics of Entrepreneurship.
The second lecture will be given by Alicia Robb on “Longitudinal and Survival Analysis of Business Data wit STATA Using the Kauffman Firm Survey”. Alicia Robb is a senior research fellow with the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and an expert in small business financing as well as in women and minority entrepreneurship. Besides having written numerous books and journal articles she is also giving her expertise in several high-level SME financing initiatives.
Mirjam van Praag will give an additional lecture on “Field Experiments in Entrepreneurship Economics”. Mirjam van Praag is Professor of Entrepreneurship and Organization at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Amsterdam and the founding director of the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship. The focus of her research is on determinants of successul entrepreneurship, in particular the influence of human capital. She has multiple publications in leading economics and entrepreneurship journals.
The 1st Potsdam PhD Workshop in Empirical Economics is open to around 15 graduate students and post doctorates within three years after dissertation who will be given the opportunity to present and discuss their own research either in a presentation or poster session. We encourage all young researchers interested in Empirical Economics to apply.
Please submit your CV and a paper or an extended abstract of your work for a potential presentation by March 15, 2012 to workshop2012@empwifo.uni-potsdam.de. All accepted researchers are also invited to participate in the “Third IZA Workshop on Entrepreneurship Research“ which will take place at the University of Potsdam on June 14-15, 2012.
There will be no workshop fees; travel and accommodation expenses have to be covered by the participants.
Organizational Details
The workshop will start on Monday, June 11 at 9pm and will finish on Wednesday, June 13 at 6 pm.
List of Participants
- Julian Baumann: University of Potsdam & DIW Berlin
- Marco Caliendo: University of Potsdam & IZA Bonn
- Vanessa Dräger: IZA Bonn
- Maximilian Göthner: University of Jena
- Johannes Hagen: Uppsala University
- Clemens Hetschko: Free University Berlin
- Jens Hogenacker: University of Potsdam & IZA Bonn
- Ingrid Hohenleitner: HWWI Hamburg & University of Hamburg
- Sander Hoogendoorn: University of Amsterdam
- Alexander S. Kritikos: University of Potsdam, DIW Berlin & IZA
- Steffen Künn: University of Potsdam & IZA Bonn
- Daniel Lechmann: University of Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Christian Loersch: University of Potsdam & IZA Bonn
- Andreas Moczall: IAB Nuremberg
- Simon C. Parker: University of Western Ontario & IZA Bonn
- Gabriele Pellegrino: University of Barcelona
- Mirjam van Praag: University of Amsterdam & Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship
- Melanie Reimann: University of Potsdam
- Miriam Reuschel: University of Potsdam
- Maximilian Riedl: University of Göttingen
- Laura Rosendahl Huber: University of Amsterdam
- Alicia Robb: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
- Ricarda Schmidl: University of Potsdam & IZA Bonn
- Martin Weißenberger: University of Potsdam
- Isil Yavuz: Özyeğin University