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Mineralogisches & Petrologisches Seminar

WS 2024/2025

Das Mineralogische und Petrologische Seminar findet freitags um 12:30 Uhr  in Raum 2.07 (Campus Golm, Haus 27) und online statt.


18. Oktober

Michele PuginiFHI BerlinLiquid-Jet Photoelectron Spectroscopy: Exploring Chemistry in Aqueous Solution
25. Oktober   
1. November  Brückentag
8. NovemberNiklas WehmannU zu KölnCalcium Sulfate Formation in the Atacama Desert
15. NovemberFabian GroscourthU HalleGeochemical and mineralogical patterns in the Armanis base metal deposit, Lori province, Armenia
22. NovemberJie XuU FrankfurtBoron Isotop fractionation in subducting oceanic crust
29. November   
6. DezemberAnita KatheraU BernAtomistic simulation of magnetite for radionuclide retention
13. DezemberGeorgii KovalskiiUPSynthesis of zircono- and titanosilicates under high alkalinity conditions

20. Dezember

3. Januar  Ferien
10. JanuarLea PennacchioniUPNew perspectives in simultaneous XES and XRD at ID27, ESRF: Investigating spin transition in magnesiosiderite
17. JanuarKyriaki DaskalopoulouUPCharacterization of deep intra-continental magma reservoirs – insights from the western Eger Rift (Czech Republic)
24. JanuarHelene Breton GFZIron Modulation of Heat Transfer in Bridgmanite: Insights into Earth's Thermal Engine
31. JanuarRebecca KühnU HalleSerpentinite microstructure at oceanic core complexes: serpentinization reaction or deformation?
7. FebruarKaren AppelEuropean XFELPerspectives of dynamic compression experiments for studying material at extreme conditions


SS 2024

Das Mineralogische und Petrologische Seminar findet freitags um 12:30 Uhr  in Raum 2.07 (Campus Golm, Haus 27) und online statt.


12. April

Christoph MoellerUPTentative stability field of ATP: Implications for life under extreme conditions
19. April  kein Seminar (EGU Konferenz)
26. AprilLuca KoldeweyUPElastic and structural properties of Ab25An25Di50 glass from surface to lower mantle conditions
3. Mai   
10. Mai  kein Seminar (Brückentag)
17. MaiAnastasiia ShevtsovaU de LyonPhosphorylation of prebiotic precursors on the early Earth
24. MaiWolfgang MorgenrothUPHigh-pressure Raman and single crystal diffraction study on apatite
31. MaiLuca KoldeweyUPExperimental constraints on carbonation kinetics and mechanisms of natural Antigorite
7. JuniMaria KokhU MünsterMultiple sulfur isotope fractionation in hydrothermal systems in the presence of radical ions and molecular sulfur
14. JuniAnne GlerumGFZGeodynamic controls on sediment-hosted base metal deposits
21. JuniClara WaelkensU HannoverConstraining magma storage and dynamics from complexly zoned crystal cargoes
28. JuniFujun WangUPFirst identification of Late Mesozoic intraplate granitic magmatism in the Chinese Tianshan
5. JuliMarawit TesfaU ToulouseCapture of Carbone by Biologically induced precipitation of Carbonates
12. JuliDavid MatzdorffHZB/FUThe impact of anion substitution on the crystal structure of Cu-based quaternary chalcogenides
19. JuliLaura García GomezU MalagaLIBS for Planetary Exploration: Laboratory Approaches, Challenges and New Insights


WS 2023/24

The seminar will take place fridays at 12:30 in room 2.07 (building 27 campus Golm) and online via zoom.


20. Oktober

kein Seminar 


27. OktoberChristoph MoellerUPHydrolysis rate constants of ATP up to 120 °C and 1.6 GPa: Implications for life at extreme conditions
3. NovemberMelanie SieberUPFluid-present melting of magnesite in the upper mantle
10. NovemberGeorgii KovalskiiUPFundamentals of XAFS (X-ray Absorption Fine-Structure Spectroscopy)
17. NovemberMaria KokhU MünsterSolubility and speciation of tungsten in hydrothermal fluids
24. NovemberMasafumi SudoUP

In-situ Ar/Ar dating and petrography of Quaternary East Eifel Olbrück volcano: On the source of excess argon in nosean

1. DezemberChristian AlbersTU Dortmundnur nach Anmeldung (E-Mail an Wolfgang Morgenroth bis 22. November): Verteidigung Christian Albers, TU Dortmund
8. DezemberKerstin GreskyUPInvestigation of anatectic melt inclusions to unravel the chemical differentiation of the continental crust
15. DezemberLukas SchifferleGFZOptical Properties of (Mg,Fe)O at high pressure (Verteidigung)
22. Dezemberkein Seminar  
29. Dezemberakademische Weihnachtsferien  
5. Januarakademische Weihnachtsferien  
12. JanuarPatrick O'BrienUP'Gemstones' from Germany
19. JanuarFranziska SchefflerU JenaGlasses in agriculture
26. JanuarMonika Koch-MüllerGFZThe coesite-stishovite transition in hydrous Al-bearing SiO2: preliminary results of an in situ synchrotron X-ray study
2. FebruarMarie BonitzGFZCan we define alteration indicators to identify hydrogeological influences in a sedimentary rock sequence?
9. Februar  short presentations, perhaps from the course 'Experimental Mineralogy-Petrology'


SS 2023

The seminar will take place in room 2.07 (building 27 campus Golm) and online via zoom.


05. Mai

2 pm!!!

Enrico RibackiUP

PhD defense titled:

Intra-granitic pegmatites of the Las Chacras-Potrerillos batholith, Argentina

12. MaiRebecca VolkmannGFZTransformation Processes and Kinetics in the Magnesium Phosphate Mineral System
19. Maikein Seminar  
26. MaiAnna NikolenkoGFZSolubility of Zr- and Nb-bearing minerals in alkaline silica-undersaturated
melts at 750-1000 °C and 100-200 MPa conditions
02. Junikein Seminar  
09. JuniMoritz ZöllnerBAMMineral thermometry of carbonate minerals in high-fired medieval gypsum and lime mortars: Burned or not burned?
16. JuniDebby SchmidtUPBioleaching of Rare Earth Element from Primary Resources using Heterotrophic Organisms – Chances for the Sustainable Recovery of Critical Metals?
23. JuniChristoph MöllerUPIn-situ hydrolysis rate constants of ATP as a function of p-T-X, exploring the limits of life
30. Junikein Seminar  
07. Juli

kein Seminar

14. JuliIris WannhoffFUNew insights about the (U?)HP Koralpe-Saualpe-Pohorje Complex (Eastern Alps)
21. JuliDaniel JaeckelUPContributions to provenance analyses of the Silgara Formation, Santander Massif, Colombia
28. JuliEnrico MarzottoGFZOlivine’s High Radiative Conductivity Increases Slab Temperature by 100-200 K


WS 2022/2023

Das Mineralogische und Petrologische Seminar findet im WS 2022/2023 freitags um 12:15 Uhr  als reine online Veranstaltung  statt. Die Vortraege werden nicht aufgezeichnet. 

Die Zugangsdaten zum Zoom Meeting können bei Fr. Dr. Sieber eingeholt werden. 

WS 2022


21. Oct 2022online onlyMaxwell ThiemensVrije University BrusselThe evolving battle over lunar evolution
04. Nov 2022cancelledSofia LocchiUni Milan 
11. Nov 2022online onlyNada Abdel-HakGFZ

The relevance of phengite and garnet as hosts for nitrogen in the deep Earth: an experimental study

18. Nov 2022online onlyBernd HinrichsenBASFWhat on Earth? A Mineralogist's Career in Chemical Industry
25. Nov 2022hybridYulia GruzdevaGFZMagmatic controls on fluid exsolution and implication for Porphyry deposits formation
02. Dec 2022hybridMatthew Stephan HuberUniversity of the Western CapeHiding in plain sight: Discovering the proximal impact ejecta of the Earth's largest impact (Vredefort, South Africa)
13. Jan 2023postponedAnna NikolenkoUni Potsdam / GFZEudialyte solubility in alkaline silica-undersaturated melts at 750-1000 °C and 100-200 MPa conditions
20. Jan 2023hybridTobias SchepperGFZHydrogeochemical impacts of pumped hydropower storage in open-pit lignite mines
27. Jan 2023online onlyCatharina HeckelUni FrankfurtSheared peridotites from the Kaapvaal craton: Linking deformation and metasomatism in the lithospheric mantle
03. Feb 2023online onlyLisa EberhardUtrecht UniversityRethinking antigorite dehydration: microstructural analyses of deformed serpentinites