Departmental Advising
- Patholinguistik | Single-Subject Bachelor
- Philologische Studien | Single-Subject Bachelor
- Philosophie | Single-Subject Bachelor, Dual-Subject Bachelor or Master
- Physik | Single-Subject Bachelor or Master
- Physik | Teaching Degree for Secondary Education Stages I and II | Bachelor/Master
- Politik und Verwaltung | Dual-Subject Bachelor (discontinued)
- Politik und Wirtschaft | Single-Subject Bachelor
- Politik, Verwaltung und Organisation | Single-Subject Bachelor
- Politikwissenschaft | Master
- Politische Bildung | Teaching Degree for Secondary Education Stages I and II | Bachelor/Master
- Polnisch | Teaching Degree for Secondary Education Stages I and II | Bachelor/Master
- Polonistik | Dual-Subject Bachelor
- Polymer Science | Master
- Primary Education | Teaching Degree for Primary Education
- Psychologie mit dem Schwerpunkt Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie | Master
- Psychologie mit den Schwerpunkten Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie oder Kognition und Verhalten | Master
- Psychologie | Single-Subject Bachelor & Master (discontinued)
- Psychologische Bildungsforschung | Master
- Public Health, Exercise, and Nutrition | Master
- Public Management | Master (discontinued)