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Summer Semester 2020

The administration of course dates as well as access to learning materials and other functionalities related to the individual courses is usually done via the central learning platform Moodle2.UP of the University of Potsdam. The following courses will be offered in the summer semester 2020:

Research Colloquium

During the research seminar current research projects as well as student work at the Chair of Complex Multimedia Application Architectures will be presented and discussed.

seminar date:
Tuesday, 14:00 - 16:00 CES in seminar room

Course Information for Emergency Operation Mode

Due to the lack of attendance, the course will initially be held online this semester. If the official regulations permit, we will switch back to attendance mode. In Moodle.UP we will provide you with a max. 30-minute lecture recording and short reflection questions on Monday every week. You will then have one day to work through the material. On Tuesday at 14:30 we will connect via the video conferencing software Zoom and discuss virtually with each other. All the important information about this and further details about the course of the seminar can be found in the introductory presentation, which you can download and view from mid-April on Moodle.UP.

The grading consists of two components:

  1. individual examination of the presented research work, proven by active participation in at least 80% of the reflection and discussion sessions
  2. Writing a five-page essay on a presentation of your choice from the seminar

Here, 1. is the prerequisite for admission to the module examination, and the module grade for this seminar results from 2.

If you have any questions regarding content, technical or organizational issues, please feel free to use the forum in Moodle.UP; we will answer you there as soon as possible. Please do not send us any emails.


Network-based Storage Systems

The course takes place as follows:

V 2 Th 8-10 03.06.H01 (100 places) - Reserve (32 places)
Ü 2 Tue 12-14 (32 seats)

The natural sciences are among the largest producers of data; innovative technical and organisational solutions for storing and processing large amounts of data in distributed IT systems are therefore indispensable. In this module topics treated as:

  • storage virtualization
  • network attached storage (NAS)
  • storage area networks (SAN)
  • research data management

In addition, excursions to selected storage installations at the University of Potsdam are offered.

Course Information for Emergency Operation Mode

Due to the current emergency operation mode the course will be held online this semester. In Moodle.UP we will provide a weekly lecture recording and additional reading material. You will then have one week to work through the material. In the following week, you will have to complete reflections and practical exercises in Moodle.UP. Throughout the semester, you will also have to create an individual research data management plan for a data-based project of your choice. All important information and further details about the structure of the seminar can be found in the introductory presentation, which you can download and view on Moodle.UP from mid-April.

Assessment in this course consists of three components:

  • successful completion of exercises, proven by handing in at least 80% of the exercise sheets and achieving at least 50% of the points
  • individual development of a research data management plan, evidenced by submission of a project description, two intermediate versions of the plan and peer feedback
  • submission of a research data management plan for a self-chosen project

Here, 1. and 2. are prerequisites for the admission to the module examination, and the module grade for this course results from 3.

If you have any questions regarding content, technical or organizational issues, please use the forum in Moodle.UP, where we will answer you promptly. Please do not send us any emails.

Conscience Bits Seminar: Digital first, Conscience second?

The seminar takes place Tue 10-12 in

Due to the lack of attendance, the course will initially be held online this semester. If the official regulations permit, we will switch back to attendance mode. Since you will spend a large part of the time in this seminar anyway with (virtual) group work on the conception of a research project, this is not a restriction. In Moodle.UP, we will provide you with weekly materials (lecture notes and reading material) as well as reflection questions on this topic. You will then have one week to work through the material. In addition, we will connect and discuss virtually with each other in some seminar sessions using the video conferencing software Zoom. All the important information about this, as well as further details about the course of the seminar, can be found in the introductory presentation, which you can download and view on Moodle.UP from mid-April.

The service recording consists of three components:

  1. individual examination of the subject area AI + ethics, proven by active participation in at least 80% of the reflection and discussion rounds
  2. Development of an individual research project in interdisciplinary small groups, proven by submission of research questions, project idea and peer feedback
  3. Description of an individual research project in interdisciplinary small groups, proven by submission of a project proposal and presentation of the project idea

Here, 1. and 2. are prerequisites for admission to the module examination, and the module grade for this seminar results from 3.

If you have any questions regarding content, technical or organizational issues, please feel free to use the forum in Moodle.UP, where we will answer you promptly. Please do not send us any emails.


Project Development of VR teaching / learning applications with Unity

The project will take place as follows:

Mon 10-12 in (32 seats)

In the project seminar, the possibilities, risks and implications of using virtual reality in an educational context will be discussed. In addition to theoretical considerations, the focus is on the development of an own VR teaching/learning application. In the project seminar, the basic programming knowledge will be taught using the development environment Unity. Basic programming skills in a modern programming language are required.

Course Information for Emergency Operation Mode

Due to the lack of attendance the course will be held online this semester. Therefore there will be a weekly recording in Moodle.UP for download and editing. The results of the participants* will be evaluated and discussed in the following week via video conference. Further details about the process can be found in the first recording, which will be available for download in Moodle.UP until April 19th. All participants will receive all necessary access data in Moodle.UP until the start of the lecture.

Each participant must also have access to their own computer on which the free development environment Unity in the student version 2019.3.4XX is installed and running. For the duration of the course every participant must create a Unity account! The following tutorial has to be played through until TERMIN to ensure that it is executable on your computer:

The service entry consists of a total of three components and refers to a self-chosen project:

  1. presentation of the project concept to the public by means of a self-recorded video until 31.05.2020
  2. Presentation of the preliminary project results to the general public by means of a self-recorded video until 24.07.2020
  3. Delivery of project documentation including software project until 31.08.2020

Here, 1. and 2. are prerequisites for the admission to the module examination, and the module grade for this course results from 3.