Corpus design
El Sherbiny Ismail, Eman; Gerstenberg, Annette; Lupica Spagnolo, Marta; Schulz, Friederike; Vandenbroucke, Anne. 2022. L’âge avancé en perspective longitudinale et ses outils : LangAge, un corpus au pluriel, in SHS Web Conf. - 8e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française 138, 10003 [1-14]. DOI: 10.1051/shsconf/202213810003
Gerstenberg, Annette. 2011. Generation und Sprachprofile im höheren Lebensalter: Untersuchungen zum Französischen auf der Basis eines Korpus biographischer Interviews (Analecta Romanica 76).
- Susanne Fuchs, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS Berlin) and Laura L. Koenig, Adelphi University (NY)
- Johannes Schröder, Claudia Frankenberg, ILSE-Study University of Heidelberg
Related Publications
- Susanne Fuchs, Annette Gerstenberg and Laura L. Koenig: Changes in phonetic detail as a matter of discourse and aging: Evidence from a longitudinal study on French, 2nd Workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the Lifespan SPPL 2020 (30-31 March 2020, UCL, London, UK) Virtual conference
- Gerstenberg, Annette, Susanne Fuchs, Julie Kairet, Johannes Schroeder & Claudia Frankenberg. 2018. A Cross-linguistic, Longitudinal Case Study of Pauses and Interpausal Units in Spontaneous Speech Corpora of Older Speakers of German and French. Speech Prosody 9.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2015. A Sociolinguistic Perspective on Vocabulary Richness in a Seven-Year Comparison of Older Adults. In Annette Gerstenberg & Anja Voeste (eds.), Language Development: the Lifespan Perspective (Impact: Studies in language and society Volume 37), 109–127. Amsterdam: Benjamins. DOI
Oral history
- Talk XXXVII. Romanistentag Augsburg (October 2021)
Forschungsdaten-Transgressionen am Beispiel des Archivs Zwangsarbeit 1939–1945 und des Korpus LangAge im Rahmen des Projekts Oral-History.Digital, together with Cord Pagenstecher, Projekt Oral History Digital - Gerstenberg, Annette. 2017. A Difficult Termin in Context: The Case of French STO. In Erich Kasten, Katja Roller & Joshua Wilbur (eds.), Oral History Meets Linguistics, 159–184. Fürstenberg: Kulturstiftung Sibirien.
Sociolinguistics of later life
Selected publications: books
- special issue: Gerstenberg & Annette, Camilla Lindholm (eds.). 2019. Language and Aging Research. Linguistics Vanguard 5 s2.
- Gerstenberg, Annette & Anja Voeste (eds.). 2015. Language Development: the Lifespan Perspective (Impact: Studies in Language and Society Volume 37). Amsterdam: Benjamins. DOI:
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2011. Generation und Sprachprofile im höheren Lebensalter: Untersuchungen zum Französischen auf der Basis eines Korpus biographischer Interviews (Analecta Romanica 76). Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann. Datei (Rechte bei der Verfasserin) Rezensionen: Christina Ossenkop, in: Romanische Forschungen 126/3 (2014), 388–392; Livia Gaudino-Fallegger, in: Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie 129 (2013), 785–789: Bettina Lindorfer, in: Philologie im Netz 61 (2012), 24–30; Norbert Dittmar, in: Zeitschrift für französische Sprache und Literatur 126/1–2 (2016), 165–176.
Selected publications: papers
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2020. Pragmatic Development in the (Middle and) Later Stages of Life. In Klaus P. Schneider & Elly Ifantidou (eds.), Developmental and Clinical Pragmatics (HOPS 13) (Handbooks of Pragmatics 13). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 209–234. DOI:
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2019. Generational styles in oral storytelling – what can be learned from narrative priming?, Narrative Inquiry 29(1), 1–28.
- Gerstenberg, Annette & Camilla Lindholm. 2019. Language and Aging Research: New Insights and Perspectives. Linguistics Vanguard 5(s2), 1–6. DOI:
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2015. Langue et générations : enjeux linguistiques du vieillissement. In Claudia Polzin-Haumann & Wolfgang Schweickard (eds.), Manuel de linguistique française, 314–333. Berlin: de Gruyter. DOI:
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2015. A Sociolinguistic Perspective on Vocabulary Richness in a Seven-Year Comparison of Older Adults. In Annette Gerstenberg & Anja Voeste (eds.), Language Development: the Lifespan Perspective (Impact: Studies in language and society Volume 37), 109–127. Amsterdam: Benjamins. DOI
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2015. Absolute, relationale und historische Generationenbegriffe in der Sprachwissenschaft: Perspektiven ihrer Verwendung. In Eva Neuland (ed.), Sprache der Generationen, 2nd edn. (1st edn. Mannheim, Zürich: Duden Verlag 2012) (Sprache, Kommunikation, Kultur 17), 49–64. Frankfurt am Main: Lang.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2014. The Same Old Story? – Prosodic Features in Narratives of Old Age as Cues for Genre Description. Cahiers de Linguistique Française 31. 87–92.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2012. Erinnern in der Stadt: Situationseinbindung und Kontext im institutionalisierten autobiographischen Erzählen. In Bettina Lindorfer & Solveig K. Malatrait (eds.), Alter(n) in der Stadt. Vieillir en ville. Sprach- und literaturwissenschaftliche Beiträge aus Romanistik und Germanistik., 101–114. Berlin: Frank und Timme.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2012. Sprachlicher Wandel und Funktionen des Sprachenstreits zwischen den Generationen. Am Beispiel des Französischen. In Judith Visser, Dietmar Osthus & Christian Schmitt (eds.), Streit um Sprache: Akten der gleichnamigen Sektion des XXXI. Deutschen Romanistentages (Bonn, 27.9.–1.10.2009), 229–245. Bonn: Romanistischer Verlag.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2010. Question de genre, question de style. Quelques remarques sur la base d’un corpus oral. In Maria Iliescu, Heidi Siller-Runggaldier & Paul Danler (eds.), Actes du XXVe Congrès International de Linguistique et de Philologie Romanes: Innsbruck 2007, 417–426. Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2010. Analyse sociolinguistique d'un corpus oral par regroupement hiérarchique. In Sergio Bolasco, Isabella Chiari & Luca Giuliano (eds.), Statistical Analysis of Textual Data.: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference 'Journées d'Analyse statistique des Données Textuelles' 9-11 June 2010 - Sapienza University Rome, 939–950. Milano: LED.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2007. Generation und 'Sprachprofile': Untersuchung zum höheren Lebensalter auf Basis biographischer Interviews. In Heike Hartung, Dorothea Reinmuth, Christiane Streubel & Angelika Uhlmann (eds.), Graue Theorie: Die Kategorien Alter und Geschlecht im kulturellen Diskurs, 15–34. Köln, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau.
- with Humboldt Research Award Winner Heidi E. Hamilton work on older adults’ multiply-told stories
- Talk IPRA Strategies of memory work in a lifespan pragmatics perspective
- Gerstenberg, Annette & Heidi E. Hamilton. 2022. Older adults’ conversations and the emergence of “narrative crystals”: a new approach to frequently told stories. Narrative Inquiry. 1–34.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2019. Generational styles in oral storytelling – what can be learned from narrative priming?, Narrative Inquiry 29(1), 1–28.
- Gerstenberg, Annette. 2014. The Same Old Story? – Prosodic Features in Narratives of Old Age as Cues for Genre Description. Cahiers de Linguistique Française 31. 87–92.
Second Hand Stories
PhD projects
- Valerie Hekkel (2019): With the increasing interest for the age variable in language variation, the role that older speakers play in language change is becoming more relevant. Valerie Hekkel’s project focuses on the synchronic and diachronic variation in the use of the causal conjunction parce que, used in a subordinating syntactic or in more pragmatic ways, combining two corpora containing linguistic data collected in Orléans; ESLO (1&2) and LangAge. It aims to answer the question of which factors might determine the use of parce que in old age and if the principle of Labov’s (1972) apparent time hypothesis can be applied to the analysed grammatical phenomenon.
- Julie Kairet: Entendre le vieillissement langagier : études longitudinales de profils prosodiques", the ongoing thesis by Julie Kairet (2016–2020), aims at analyzing the speech of older speakers from a linguistic point of view and focusing on the longitudinal change on the level of prosody. Based on the literature’s comments about the slowdown of speech rate when aging (Linville 2001, Schwab, & Avanzi 2015…), the project now focuses on variation of speech rate and pauses location. Using LangAge Corpora, the production of ten speakers will be analyzed through time (2005–2015).
- Friederike Schulz: Syntaktische Komplexität im höheren Lebensalter