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KoUP Cooperation Funding

KoUP Cooperation Funding was established by the Executive Board at the University of Potsdam as a seed money concept for the promotion of international partnerships. The program’s goal is to pave the way for international cooperative agreements and to work together with partner institutions to develop applications for external funding for research projects.

Cooperation promotion KoUP at a glance

With the KoUP funding line, the university supports cooperation with partners in the following countries and regions:

- Argentina, Australia, Brazil, France, Israel, Canada, Colombia, Poland, USA and, in the Sub-Saharan Africa region Botswana, Ghana, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa and Uganda

- Cooperation within the framework of the European Digital UniverCity: Paris Nanterre and Rennes I (France), University of Cagliari (Italy), Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic), University of Pécs (Hungary), University of South-Eastern Norway (Norway), University Jaume I (Spain), Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (associated partner in Ukraine) and Nottingham Trent University (associated partner in the UK)

- Applications within the framework of the university's membership in the YERUN network are also encouraged (current list of members here)

The KoUP grants are awarded to support the further development of collaborations with partners of the university. Applications to expand cooperative relationships with other universities in the priority regions are also possible (see selection criteria). The aim is for the funding to be used in the medium term to prepare a joint application for third-party funding with a partner institution. For further information, please refer to the current call for proposals.

A committee headed by the responsible member of the Executive Board (currently the President) decides on the approval of applications. Applications that focus on cooperation with existing partners are given preference if the application volume exceeds the available funds.

In 2023, the university invested around €130,000 in central funding to establish and expand collaborations in the priority countries.  The funding lines support the areas of research and teaching, as well as knowledge and technology transfer.
The call for proposals is published on 1.12. with the following deadline: 15.01.


Strategic Advisor to the Vice-President for International Affairs and Fundraising


Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
Haus 9, Zimmer 1.Z08
14469 Potsdam