Internships Abroad
You are interested in gaining practical work experience? You want to improve your foreign language skills, to socialize and network with interesting people in other countries? Then an internship abroad is a perfect option for you. Internships in other countries will give you the opportunity to gain work experience that is related to your field of study. You can become part of international networks and establish contacts to companies, which might be helpful when you start out your career. You can brush up your language skills and expand your technical vocabulary. At the same time you will get to know the cultural traits of your host country.
Due to the current situation we do not offer internships in Russia at the moment.
Further Information
Consultation and advice for internships worldwide
Elisabeth Borsdorf & Cosima Pfitzner
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10
Haus 08, Raum 0.40