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Erasmus+ Partner Universities and Coordinators

The exchange in the Erasmus+ programme as well as SEMP takes place at departmental level, i.e. via the exchange agreements concluded in your respective institute/department/faculty. An overview of the faculties with their respective institutes or departments as well as their partner countries and universities can be found in the following list.

The exchange coordinators are your contact persons for questions regarding the application process, documents and partner universities as well as for subject-related questions and, if applicable, recognition. For general questions, practical tips or information on scholarships and BaföG abroad, please contact the Erasmus+ Outgoing Team of the International Office (erasmus-outgoinguni-potsdamde).

For certain exchange coordinators, the application is submitted digitally via the Outgoing Portal of the International Office. You will find the corresponding link listed with the respective exchange coordinators.

Our interactive search engine "Ins Ausland mit der UP" covers all Erasmus+ and SEMP exchange opportunities at a glance, including the possible study levels (Bachelor and/or Master) for each exchange place as well as additional useful information.

Faculty of Human Sciences

Educational Science - Ms. Doris Dlugos

Primary School Education - Mr. Dr. Stefan Pfeil

Linguistics - Mr. Prof. Dr. Adamantios Gafos

Music and Art - Ms. Uta Meyer

Patholinguistics - Ms. Judith Heide

Psychology - Mr. Dr. Christian Kliesch

Sport Science - Mr. Artem Sergeev

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Law Faculty

Mr. Prof. Dr. Michael Sonnentag

Mr. Prof. Dr. Meik Thöne

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Faculty of Arts

General and Comparative Literature / Cultural Studies - Ms. Dr. Maria Weilandt

English & American Studies - Ms. Denisa Latić

Arts and Media - Mr. Alexander Schindler

History - Mr. Dr. Michael K. Schulz

Jewish Theology - Mr. Dr. Ronen Pinkas

Classical Philology - Mr. Dr. Michael K. Schulz

Philosophy - Ms. Isabel Sickenberger

Jewish and Religious Studies / LER - Ms. Dr. Ulrike Kollodzeiski

Romance Studies - Ms. Dr. Dr. Antonella Ippolito

Slavic Studies - Ms. Malgorzata Pilitsidou

Slavic Studies - Mr. Prof. Dr. Alexander Wöll

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Faculty of Science

Biochemistry and Biology - Mr. Prof. Dr. Joerg Fettke

Chemistry - Mr. Dr. Dirk Schanzenbach

Nutritional Science - Ms. Dr. Franziska Ebert

Environmental Science and Geography - Mr. Dr. Wolfgang Schwanghart

Geosciences - Mr. Dr. Julien Guillemoteau

Informatics and Computer Science - Ms. Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Lamprecht

Mathematics - Mr. Dr. Hannes Matuschek

Physics - Mr. Prof. Dr. Carsten Beta

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Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Political, Administrative and Economic Sciences - Ms. Franziska Stimming

Sociology - Ms. Franziska Stimming

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Digital Engineering Faculty

DEF/ HPI - Ms. Cathleen Potter

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*Since 2014/15, Switzerland is no longer participating in the Erasmus+ programme. However, students from the University of Potsdam may study at our Swiss partner universities free of charge as part of the Swiss-European Mobility Programme (SEMP). A mobility grant is paid by the receiving university, but not by the sending university.

** The UK is no longer an Erasmus+ programme country. Students of the University of Potsdam can still study at the partner universities free of charge, but have to take care of the financing of their stay themselves.