Current resolutions from the Executive Board regarding Russian universities
The University of Potsdam has suspended its partnerships with Russian universities until further notice due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law. There is currently no cooperation with these universities (Resolutions from the Excecutive Board of the University of Potsdam).
Internationalization Strategy of the University of Potsdam 2020-2024
The UP considers internationalization as an integral part of its overall strategy and as an important cross-sectional task that is steered by the university administration and accompanied by the Advisory Board for Internationalization. The internationalization strategy was passed by the Executive Board and approved by the Senate on October 23, 2019 and is valid for the period of four years (2020-2024). In its Internationalization Strategy, the University of Potsdam pursues the general goal of increasing the quality and competitiveness in research, teaching, and studies through appropriate internationalization measures, strengthening intercultural exchange and the welcoming culture at the University of Potsdam's campuses, and making the University more visible in the European and global context. The internationalization strategy of the University of Potsdam pursues five main goals and three strategic fields of action.
The five main goals of the internationalization strategy are:
- focusing on priority regions and strategic partners
- internationalizing teaching and academic programs
- creating a welcoming culture on campus
- strengthening international competitiveness in research, knowledge and technology transfer
- positioning the University of Potsdam as a globally visible and well-connected university
The strategic fields of action are cross-thematic and closely linked to the university's overall strategy:
- using digitalization as a means for flexible and innovative mobility (e-learning)
- internationalization through global themes (supporting the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the areas of research and knowledge transfer)
- internationalization of teacher education (supporting the international mobility of future teachers)
The complete Internationalization Strategy of the University of Potsdam can be found here: PDF Internationalization Strategy 2020-2024.