Erasmus+ worldwide
Mobility with Partner Countries (KA171)
General Information
Although the Erasmus+ program is known primarily for the cooperation between higher education institutions in so-called program countries summarized under the funding line KA131 and the mobility of individuals within Europe, Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ program also includes exchanges with so-called partner countries worldwide.
Every year, the University of Potsdam applies for project funding from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the funding line KA171 (formerly KA107) for a selection of partner countries and universities, which is intended to strengthen academic exchange and cooperation between the University of Potsdam and its partners. These project funds are meant for individual mobility, i.e. for students seeking to study or complete internships (SMS and SMP), for teaching staff seeking to conduct academic courses (STA), and for staff seeking continuing education and training (STT).
The approved funds are mainly available within the framework of institute/department-specific cooperations and are allocated accordingly within the respective institute/department; the application and administration is handled centrally by the International Office. Funds available to university-wide cooperation funding are used to support mobility under the University Partnership Program or are part of the Teaching & Training call for applications.
The DAAD's brochure (German only) provides general information on the KA171 programme.
Erasmus+ Partner Countries
Region 1: Western Balkans | Region 2: Neighbourhood East | Region 3: South-Mediterranean Countries | Region 4: Russian Federation | Region 5: Asia |
Region 6: Central Asia | Region 7: Middle East | Region 8: Pacific | Region 9: Sub-Saharan Africa | Region 10: Latin America |
Region 11: Caribbean | Region 12: USA and Canada | Region 13*: Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State | Region 14*: Switzerland, Faroe Islands, United Kingdom |
*Regions 13 and 14 are excluded from funding.
Application for Project Funding
The application for project funding in the funding line KA171 at the National Agency DAAD takes place once a year in February and is handled by the International Office. The National Agency's decision on awarded funding is typically received in July, with a project start date of August 1. Interested academic departments should contact the International Office by September 30 at the latest for an application in February of the following year.
KA171 is a qualitative application in which the planned mobility and cooperation projects for the requested regions, countries, and institutions of higher education are explained and substantiated in detail. Therefore, the application can only be submitted for a limited number of projects and the interested departments will have to provide detailed information that is relevant to the application.
The number of requested mobilities will be defined in coordination with the International Office, but the National Agency DAAD will decide on the actual amount of funding on the basis of the budget or budget components per region provided by the European Commission in the respective call as well as the objectives and priorities of the European Commission. For more information on the 2025 call and the budget components and priorities, please refer to the DAAD website.
Current Partnerships
Project 2022 (36-month term: August 1, 2022 - July 31, 2025)
- Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv, Israel)
- University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel)
- DORMANT: National Research University Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russian Federation)
Project 2023 (36-month term: August 1, 2023 - July 31, 2026)
- Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv, Israel)
- University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel)
- Birzeit University (Birzeit, Palestine)
- University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa)
- Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine)
Project 2024 (36-month term: August 1, 2024 - July 31, 2027)
- Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv, Israel)
- University of Haifa (Haifa, Israel)
- Birzeit University (Birzeit, Palestine)
- University of Pretoria (Pretoria, South Africa)
- Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Tbilisi, Georgia)
Funding Rates (Project 2022 & Project 2023)
Subsistence expenses
Travel expenses
Funding Rates (Project 2024)
Subsistence expenses
Travel expenses
Contact person for Erasmus+ KA171
Wiebke Giese
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam
Building 8, Room 0.41
consulting hours
Upon request.
Contact person for Erasmus+ KA171 project applications
Dr. Silke Brodersen
Campus Am Neuen Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam
Building 8, Room 0.36
consulting hours
Upon request.