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Thesis projects

In the department of Educational Research in the Educational Sciences, bachelor's and master's thesis topics are regularly assigned. We supervise and accompany students in the preparation of their final theses on topics related to the development of professional knowledge, attitudes and the motivation of teachers during their education, training and continuing education.

If you are interested in writing a thesis at our department, please refer to the following information.

We currently offer the following topics for theses at the department.

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1. Topic selection

The first step is to find a suitable topic for writing a thesis. Here you can find more information about finding a topic.

2. Supervision of the thesis

Once you have found a suitable topic, you will need a supervisor and a second reviewer. You can find further information here.

3. Literature research

For literature searches, please use relevant scientific databases and the library's catalog. An overview of important journals of empirical educational research can be found here.

4. Preparation of an exposé

The concretization of the topic takes place on the basis of an exposé of about three pages. You can find a guideline for creating an exposé here (document only available in German).

5. Registering the thesis

Once the examination board has confirmed your topic, you may proceed to register your final thesis. You can find futher information here.

6. Evaluation of the thesis

The evaluation of your thesis is based on an evaluation grid on which various criteria are assessed. You can find the criteria here (document only available in German).

7. Thesis defense

In the case of Master's theses, a defense is scheduled after the assessment of the thesis. Here we have collected important information on the disputation.

8. Guidelines on writing a thesis

Our guide provides information about the formal requirements for a thesis. Among other things, it contains information on the correct way of citing (document only available in German).

9. Plagiarism policy

Consider the plagiarism guidelines of the University of Potsdam when writing your thesis (document only available in German).

On this page you will find successful bachelor's and master's theses, which can serve as orientation for the design of your thesis.