16.09.24 - Interview on teacher training in Germany. The interview with Dirk Richter and Katharina Scheiter was published in the journal "didacta".
11.09.24 - New publication on inequalities in teacher provision. The new publication by Dirk Richter an colleagues was published in the journal "Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaften".
26.06.24 - The Team set sail in a dragon boat for the annual team outing.
23.05.24 - New publication on student teachers as in-service teachers in schools. The new publication by A. Meyer and colleagues was published in the journal "Teaching and Teacher Education".
16.05.24 - New publication on the process quality dimensions of teacher professional development events. The new publication by D. Rzejak and colleagues was published in the journal "Die Deutsche Schule".
16.05.24 - New publication on professional developement of teachers for the digital transformation. The new publication by Dirk Richter and colleagues was published in the journal "Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft".
14.05.24 - New publication on comparing quality and engagement in face-to-face and online teacher PD. The new publication by Nina Mulaimović and colleagues was published in the journal “British Journal of Educational Technology”.
09.05.24 - New publication on Teachers’ engagement in online professional development. The new publication by T. Fütterer and colleagues was published in the journal “Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft”.
07.05.24 - New publication Profiling Teachers’ Motivation for Professional Development. The new publication by Eric Richter and colleagues was published in the “Journal of Teacher Education”.
09.04.24 - New publication about Measuring the quality of teacher professional development. The new publication by Eric Richter and Dirk Richter was published in the journal "Studies in Educational Evaluation".
21.03.24 - New publication on Teacher training in the context of digital media. The new publication from I. Runge and colleagues was published in the journal "Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft".
13.02.24 - New publication on long-term changes in teachers' beliefs and motivation. The new publication from N. Bönke and colleagues was published in the journal "Teaching and Teacher Education".
17.01.24 - New publication on self-referential language and stress in student teachers. The new publication from A. Westphal and colleagues was published in the journal Computers & Education.
18.12.23 - Revisiting effects of teacher characteristics on physiological and psychological stress. The new publication from L. Bardach and colleagues was published in the journal "Scientific Reports".
12.12.23 - New publication about the use of results of achievement tests. The new publication from P. Hawlitschek and colleagues is published in the journal "Studies in Educational Evaluation".
12.12.23 - New publication about Fortbildungsbedarfe von Lehrkräften an Schulen in herausfordernden Lagen. The new publication from K. Weber and colleagues is published in the "Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft".
06.12.23 - New publication about Teachers’ adaptations to COVID-19. The new publication from Y. Huang and colleagues is published in the "European Journal of Teacher Education".
14.10.23 - New publication on German and English teacher training published. The chapter by Hoffmann, Richter, and Weirich provides information on the proportion of second career teachers in the language subjects.
11.10.23 - Kompetenzverbund lernen:digital introduces itself. The blog post in schule21.blog informs about the goals and contents of the newly founded competence network for digitization in school
16.09.23 - Radio interview of Prof. Dr. Richter at Deutschlandfunk Kultur. The contribution "Misery Teacher Shortage" is about lateral entrants, how they should be trained and how they support the school system.
22.09.23 - Trip to Singapur. The work area visited schools and the National Institute of Education in Singapore to learn more about the education system there.
19.09.23 - Ernst Meumann Prize of the Working Group for Empirical Pedagogical Research. Dr. Eric Richter was awarded the Meumann Prize at AEPF 2023. Congratulations!
19.09.23 - AEPF 2023 at the University of Potsdam. From 09/13/2023 to 09/15/2023 the AEPF 2023 took place under the direction of Dirk Richter and Rebecca Lazarides
01.09.23 - Project start "E-FORMAT". Today the project "E-FORMAT" under the leadership of Dr. Eric Richter is starting.
17.07.23 - Development of self-efficacy, learning theory. New publication from Nick Erhardt and collegues in Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften im Beruf published.
17.07.23 - What contributes to a successful career entry for lateral entrants? New publication from Nicole Zaruba and collegues in Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften im Beruf published.
03.07.23 - Study Innovation Award of the Faculty of Human Sciences of the University of Potsdam. Anna Geske and Eric Richter's teaching project "Become a VR Teaching Partner" was named the faculty's best teaching seminar.
20.06.23 - On May 23, 2023, the AOK company run took place in Potsdam. Our work division was also represented.
05.06.23 - New publication by Thamar Voss and colleagues published.
24.05.23 - Results of the Lehrkräfte Plus presented in an interview with Jan-Martin Wiarda.
05.05.23 - Workbook on training quality published. The workbook describes what constitutes quality in teacher training and how it can be measured.
01.05.23 - Report on the accompanying research of Lehrkräfte Plus. Results of the accompanying study of the qualification program Lehrkräfte Plus in NRW published.
16.04.23 - Study on online training. New publication by André Meyer and colleagues on the effectiveness of online professional development for teachers.
27.03.23 - On Monday, March 27, 2023, Christin Lucksnat successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations!
18.01.23 - MDR broadcast on teacher shortage - round table discussion with education policy, science and school representatives in Thuringia.
17.01.23 - Topic: In-service training for teachers - state of research and need for action for science & education policy.
28.09.22 - New publication from Yizhen Huang published in the series "Edition ZfE".
31.08.22 - New publication by E. Richter and colleagues published in Computers & Education.
16.08.22 - New publication by I. Runge and colleagues published in Empirische Pädagogik.
16.08.22 - New publication by Eric Richter and colleagues published in Computers & Education: Video-based Reflection in Teacher Education: Virtual Reality and Real Instructional Videos Compared.
03.08.22 - Guest article by Christin Lucksnat on lateral entry into the teaching profession. Guest article in Campus Schulmanagement on the state of research on lateral entry into the teaching profession.
25.07.22 - Comparing video and virtual reality as tools for fostering interest and self‑efficacy. New Publication from Yizhen Huang, Eric Richter, Dirk Richter und Colleagues in BERA.
28.06.22 - 2nd place Student Innovation Award. For their teaching project #TeacherMoments, C. Lucksnat and E. Richter were awarded 2nd place in this year's Student Innovation Award.
22.06.22 - Interview with Dirk Richter on the alternatively certified master. Schule21 in conversation with D. Richter about the evaluation concerning the master programm for career changers into the teaching profession.
19.06.22 - How do traditionally and alternatively certified teachers differ? New publication by Christin Lucksnat, Eric Richter and Dirk Richter.
15.06.22 - How Instagram can help teachers to collaborate. New publication by Eric Richter in Das Deutsche Schulportal.
01.06.22 - Dialogforum on alternatively certified teachers. The Dialogforum on alternatively certified teachers takes place on June 2nd at Schleswig-Holstein’s Representation in Berlin.
26.05.22 - Final report of the evaluation of the workshop "Schule leiten" published. The final report of the evaluation of the workshop "Schule leiten" was published on May 26, 2022.
09.05.22 - Doctoral degree of Jenny Kuschel. On Monday, Mai 9, 2022, Jenny Kuschel successfully defended her dissertation. Congratulations!
12.04.22 - Lehrkräfte Plus. The mid-term report of the accompanying research on the Qualification Program for Lehrkräfte Plus has been published.
11.04.22 - Doctoral degree of André Meyer. On Thursday, April 7, 2022, André Meyer successfully defended his dissertation. Congratulations!
05.04.22 - Q-Master Evaluation. The final report of the evaluation project on the Q-Master program at HU Berlin was presented.
29.03.22 - Class size affects preservice teachers’ physiological and psychological stress reactions. New Publication by Yizhen Huang and Colleagues in Computers & Education.
01.03.22 - How can principal leadership practices promote teacher collaboration and organizational change? New Publication from André Meyer and Colleagues in Journal of Educational Change.
07.02.22 - A Dynamic Structural Equation Approach to Modeling Wage Dynamics and Cumulative Advantage. New Publication from Andrea Hasln and Colleagues in Multivariate Behavioral Research.
10.08.21 - Who participates in content-focused teacher professional development? New Publication from Eric Richter und Colleagues in Frontiers in Education.
30.03.21 - Teachers' professional vision in action. New Publication from Yizhen Huang in German Journal of Educational Psychology.
20.02.21 - Teacher Educators' Task Perception and its Relationship to Professional Identity. New Publication from Eric Richter and Colleagues in Teaching and Teacher Education.