Evaluation of the study program "Primary School Teaching" at the Humboldt University of Berlin (Q-Master)
Principal investigators: Prof. Dr. Dirk Richter
Research staff: Christin Lucksnat
Duration: 01.06.2019 - 31.12.2021
Funding: Bertelsmann Stiftung
Project description
Currently, the need for additional teachers is increasing due to growing numbers of students and a higher number of teachers leaving the school due to age, especially in the primary level (Klemm & Zorn, 2018). Due to a general shortage of teacher training graduates, an increasing number of people without a teacher training degree (career changers) must be hired to teach. The federal states are countering this situation with short-term qualification programs that take place in addition to or within the framework of the preparatory service.
In addition, some universities also offer qualification programs for career changers. One of the few university programs for career changers for the primary school teaching profession was established by the Humboldt University of Berlin (Q-Master).
This program is to be examined more closely in an evaluation study in a research cooperation between the Bertelsmann Foundation, Humboldt University Berlin and the University of Potsdam. It is to be examined which professional competencies the students acquire in the Q-Master study program and how the competence development of Q-Master students differs in comparison to regular students. The study will focus on both interdisciplinary competencies and subject-related competencies in the subject area of primary science and social studies. With the help of questionnaires, the subject-related and pedagogical competencies as well as other cognitive and motivational characteristics of the students at different points in time are to be recorded. Furthermore, interviews are to provide more precise information about the expectations of and experiences with the respective courses of study. A total of five measuring points are planned.
Further information can be found on our project flyer.
Link to Humboldt University Berlin
Lucksnat, C., Fehrmann, I, Müncher, A., Pech, D. & Richter, D. (2022). Abschlussbericht zur Evaluation des Q-Masters an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Potsdam: Universität Potsdam.
Lucksnat, C., Fehrmann, F., Pech, D., Richter, D. & Zorn, D. (2021). Zwischenbericht zur Evaluation des Q-Masters an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Potsdam: Universität Potsdam.