PD Dr. Ariane Walz
AG Landschaftsmanagement
Campus Golm
Haus 12, Raum 1.10
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam-Golm
- since 2020: Ministry for the Environment, Climate and Agriculture (MLUK), Climate Adaptation
- since 2019: Senior Lecturer/ Privatdozentin for Landscape Management at Univ. of Potsdam
- 2012-2018: Junior Professor for Landscape Management at the Inst. for Earth and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Potsdam (positively evaluated in 2015)
- 2010-2012/2015: Researcher at the Potsdam Institute of Climate Impact Research (PIK), 2012-2015 as visiting scientist
- 2005-2010: Researcher and scientific coordinator of various projects at the Swiss Federal Research Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL-SLF, Davos)
- 2002-2005: PhD at Swiss Federal Research Institute of Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL-SLF, Davos). Titel: Land Use Modelling for an Integrated Approach to Regional Development in the Swiss Alps (Univ. Zurich)
- 2001: Technical assistant at Land Information New Zealand, Wellington, NZ
- 1995-2001: Undergraduate studies in Geography, Geology, Physics, Social Sciences and Development Studies at Univ. Würzburg, Germany and Univ. of Wales, Swansea, UK. Diplomarbeit: Die südliche Aoraki/Mt. Cook Region, Neuseeland: eine Interaktive Geomorphologische Karte
- My research focuses on the interrelation between human and environmental systems and the effect of global change to this interrelation.
- What are the effects of a changing climate and social pressure on ecosystems?
- What are people´s priorities in developing and using their environment (ecosystem service)?
- How can ecosystems help us to cope better with current and future problems, for instance in urban environments?
- A mix of simulation-based, empirical and semi-quantitative, often participatory methods helps me to address such questions.
- Review Activities: Regional Environmental Change (former member of editorial board), Land Use Policy, Environmental Management, Environmental Modelling, Landscape and Urban Planning, Landscape Ecology, Ecosystem, Environmental Impact Assessment Review, Rangeland Ecology and Management
Research Projects
ExTrass - Urbane Resilienz gegenüber extremen Wetterereignissen (2018-2021, definition phase 2017-18 ) (BMBF)
ExTrass möchte, die Resilienz von Groß- und Mittelstädten gegenüber Hitze und Starkregen messbar zu stärken sowie Transferpotenziale zwischen Städten besser nutzbar zu machen. Dabei wird Resilienz als adaptiver (Lern-)Prozess verstanden, in dem Kommunen Maßnahmen aufgreifen und umsetzen, von denen ein schadensreduzierender Effekt bei Wetterextremen erwartet wird wie z.B. durch eine verbesserte Krisenkommunikation, oder eine vorausschauende, klimaangepasste Stadtentwicklung.
- Annegret Thieken, Univ. Potsdam
- and 7 more partners from adelphi, Helmholtz Institut für Raumbezogene Sozialforschung (IRS), Johanniter Unfallhilve e.V. and the Municipalities of Potsdam, Würzburg, Remscheid
DFG Research Training Group NatRiskChange (2015-2020)
Within the DFG Research Training Group NatRiskChange, we focus on the risk stemming from GLOFs in the Himalaya. Please find more information here.
- Annegret Thieken, Axel Bronstert and Oliver Korup from Univ. of Potsdam
- and 13 more partners from UP, PIK, GFZ and FU Berlin.
NAKOPA: Nachhaltige Quartiersentwicklung in Kikwajuni und Kilimani, Sansibar (2017-2020)
- Cordine Lippert and colleagues, Klimakoordinationsstelle der LHS Potsdam
- Mzee Juma and colleagues, Municipality of Zanzibar, Tanzania
- Michael Burkart and Torsten Lipp, Univ. of Potsdam
ECOPOTENTIAL: Improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations (2015-2019) (H2020)
ECOPOTENTIAL focuses on a targeted set of internationally recognised Protected Areas, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services to improve ecosystem management. Our activities address mostly cross-scale land use and biosphere interactions at regional to continental scales.
Check out our role: INTERVIEW in Portal Wissen
- Antonello Provenzale and Elisa Palazzi, CNR
- Guy Ziv, University of Leeds, UK
- Aletta Bonn, iDiv, UFZ, Leipzig
- Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, ETHZ, Switzerland
- and 44 more
OPERAs - Operational Potential of Ecosystem Research Applications (2012-2017) (EU-FP7)
OPERAs investigates whether, how and under what conditions the ES/NC concepts can move beyond the academic domain towards practical implementation in support of sustainable ecosystem management. OPERAs investigates existing ES/NC practice to identify requirements for new policy options and instruments. It tests new insights and improved or novel tools and instruments, in hand-on exemplary case studies in a range of socio-ecological systems across locales, sectors, scales and time. Throughout this iterative process, it brings together available resources and tools the web-based OPPLA portal that is co-developed by scientists and practitioners.
Check out: OPPLA Platform
- Marc Rounsevell, Marc Metzger and others, Univ. of Edinburgh
- Peter Verburg, Free University, Amsterdam
- Ralf Seppelt, UFZ, Leipzig
- Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, ETHZ, Switzerland
- and 25 more partners
"Fellowships für Innovationen in der Hochschullehre" der Joachim Herz Stiftung (2013-2014): GEOSimulator
Das problem-orientiert und fächerübergreifend für die Masterstudiengänge Geoökologie und Geowissenschaften angelegte Lehrprojekt zielt auf eine verbesserte Verständnis-Brücke zwischen den Realitäten im Gelände, den virtuellen Welten der Datenanalyse sowie schließlich den Realitäten tatsächlicher Entscheidungen ab. Eine zentrale Rolle spielt dabei die Simulation in einer 3D-Visualisierungsumgebung. Sie wird die Vorbereitung der Geländearbeit, die Interpretation der Daten und schließlich den aktiven Dialog mit Entscheidungsträgern unterstützen.
- Thomas Gräff, Wolfgang Schwanghardt, Torsten Lipp, Sarah Künzler, Oliver Korup, Gerold Zeilinger, Frauke Barthold, Andreas Bergner (all Institute of Earth and Environmental Science)
VOLANTE - Visions of Land Use Transitions in Europe (2010-2015) (EU-FP7)
The project aims to inform European policy and land management about the bandwidth of critical pathways for multifunctional and sustainable land use. Land management and policy options will be identified in time and space and their consequences will be evaluated in terms of provisioning of ecosystem services and biodiversity. The project will contribute to development of decision-support tools with trade-off evaluation methods.
- Bas Pedroli, DLO Wageningen, NL (Lead)
- Mark Rounsevell and Marc Metzger, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Peter Verburg, VU University Amsterdam, NL
- Sandra Lavorel, CNRS Grenobl, FR
- And 10 more partners
- Visions of future Land Use in Europe. Brochure.
- The Volante Roadmap - Towards Sustainable Land Resource Management in Europe. Brochure.
CARBOExtreme: The Terrestrial Carbon Cycle under Climate Variability and Extremes (2009-2013) (EU-FP7)
Increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases do not only lead to gradual ‘global warming’ but also to changed precipitation patterns, increased variability and weather extremes, such as heat waves, longer dry spells, variability of growing season length and heavy rainfall. CARBOExtreme investigates the effect of such climate extremes on European ecosystems by (1) bringing together and reanalyzing existing long-term carbon cycle related observations, (2) synthesizing and harmonizing new experimental approaches, (3) compiling and adapting latest regional climate scenarios, (4) using a strong model-data integration framework.
The project aims for an improved assessments of the European carbon cycle under future climate and advice to the European Commission and other stakeholders regarding climate, soil and ecosystem protection policies. The Consortium consists of 25 partners from 12 European countries. It is coordinated by the Max-Planck-Institute for Biogeochemistry Jena, Germany.
Project lead:
- Markus Reichstein and Dorothea Frank, Max Planck Institute for Geobiochemistry, Jena.
MOUNTLAND: Sustainable land-use in mountain regions: Integrative analysis of ecosystem dynamics under global change, socio-economic impacts and policy implications (2008-2012) (ETH-CCES)
Mountain ecosystems provide a large array of goods and services, which are highly sensitive to changes of climate and land use. The primary goal of the project MOUNTLAND is to contribute to the development of adapted land use practices for mountain regions that (i) warrant the life-supporting services required for sustainable development, and (ii) are economically and ecologically efficient, and socially and politically feasible. Existing “impact assessments” of global change on ecosystems and society have largely focused on the one-directional impacts from climate change to ecosystems and on to socio-economic and policy implications. The proposed study moves beyond this by (i) considering changes in both climate and land use simultaneously, and (ii) explicitly considering feedback effects from changing socio-economic and political conditions to land use and adaptation to climate change.
The project integrates research activities and research groups of various fields of ecosystem dynamics, economics and political science with complementary methodological. It is based on a sound landscape modeling framework, adapted in three Swiss case study regions and specifically complemented by experimental and observational studies on sensitive processes, thereby taking advantage of existing long-term data. MOUNTLAND will assess the ecological and socio-economic impacts of global change in the three study regions, develop strategies for adapted land use practices in mountain regions, and deliver recommendations for innovative policy solutions for promoting these.
- Andreas Rigling, Research Unit Forest Dynamics, Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL
- Harald Bugmann, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, Chair of Forest Ecology, ETHZ
- Bernard Lehmann, Institute for Environmental Decisions, Chair of Agricultural Economics, ETHZ
- Stefanie Engel & Willi Zimmermann, Institute for Environmental Decisions, Chair of Environmental Policy and Economics, ETHZ
- François Gillet, Ecological Systems Laboratory, EPFL
- Thomas Köllner & Daniel Lang, Institute for Environmental Decisions, Chair of Natural and Social Science Interface, ETHZ
- Peter Bebi, Research Unit Ecosystem Boundaries, Research Group Forest & Treeline Ecosystems, SLF-WSL
- Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Institut for Spatial and Landscape Planning, Research Group Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems, ETHZ
Forest and wood utilisation in the Alpine region of Grisons, Switzerland: Economic impact and CO2 effects (2007-2008) (BAFU)
The Kyoto Protocol aims for a stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. Carbon storage through forest management can already be included in the calculations of involved countries, and it is discussed whether and how wood utilisation can also be accounted for in the following, post-Kyoto phase. This leads to new options in forest management and the utilisation of wood, particularly, if we assume financial compensation for storage and substitution effects through CO2 certificates.
In this case study from the region of Grisons, Switzerland, we focus on the CO2 effects of forest and wood utilisation, and estimate the economic effect including both the value chains and a hypothetical value for CO2 certificates. For that, we adapt models of material/wood fluxes, of substitution effects and an input-output table for the wood industry that have been used in two earlier, nationwide studies. In a first step, the recent situation is assessed to highlight how forest management and wood utilisation already now contribute to climate protection and what monetary difference it would make, if these effects would be remunerated through CO2 certificates.
- Ruedi Taverna & Peter Hofer, GEOPartner AG, mit Umwelt&Entwicklung und INFRAS
- Reto Hefti & Richard Walder, Amt für Wald Graubünden
- James Christallo, Graubünden Holz
Virtual Worlds - Real Decisions? NRP48 Synthesis V on Modelling and Visualisation (2006-2007) (SNF-NRP48)
Experimental approaches can help to increase our knowledge base in the field of spatial and landscape planning and to assist in decision-making. Simulation models represent virtual worlds where experiments can be conducted and the effect of alternative scenarios can be demonstrated. What are the tools needed in planning practice and for decision-making?
In order to show the potentials and limitations of model application in planning and decision-making we pursue the following approach: (1) We review the contributions of the NRP48 in the field of landscape modelling and assess their potential for application in planning and decision-making, (2) We document a modelling procedure by formulating use cases and applying an existing model to one of these use cases, and (3) Through stakeholder involvement we identify the expectations and thoughts on model applications in planning and decision-making.
- Britta Allgöwer and Christian Gloor, Geography, Univ. Zurich
- Peter Bebi and Ariane Walz, WSL-SLF, Davos
- Andreas Fischlin, Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich
- Eckart Lange, Dep. of Landscape, Univ. of Sheffield
- Kai Nagel, TU Berlin
future.scapes (2005-2008) (BMWF, proVISION)
Global change impacts society and landscape. Within the proVISION programme of the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, the project focuses on scenarios of future transitions and strategies to increase resilience on the regional level. We contribute to one of the three case study which focuses on the Montafon region, an alpine tourist area.
In this case study, agent-based modelling is used to combine the processes of settlement extension, decrease in agricultural use, and climate change including possible consequences on (winter) tourism. The future scenarios are developed the result of a participatory process with local stakeholders. They are then simulated and the simulation results are given back to the stakeholder in a further workshop where strategies to reduce negative impact on the region are developed.
- Wolfgang Loibl, Tanja Tötzer und Ernst Gebetsroither, ARC Systems Research, Austrian Research Centre Seibersdorf
- Ika Darnhofer, Univ. of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences BoKu, Vienna
- Céline Loibl, Austrian, Institute of Ecology ÖÖI, Vienna
Footprints(2005-2008) (ÖAW, MaB)
The Footprints project embedded in the Men and Biosphere Research (MaB) activities. It investigates the resource use and landscape impact in Obergurgl, Ötztal, where a MaB research project had already been conduted in the 1980s when the area also become a Biosphere Reserve. The project now focuses on potentials and possibly drawbacks of the certification of the Biosphere Reserve according to Sevilla conventions.
- Willi Haas, Institute of Social Ecology IFF, Vienna
- Charlie Reiter und Dr. Thomas Wrbka, Faculty of Life Sciences, Univ. Vienna
- Rüdiger Kaufmann, Dep. of Biology, Univ. Innsbruck
- Brigitta Erschbamer, Dep. of Biology, Univ. Innsbruck
Regional CO2 budget for Davos (2005-2006) (KTI)
The principle processes to emit CO2 and options to improve the local CO2 balance were identified in this project. For that, CO2 emissions and sinks were first quantified and charged up against each other. Then measures to reduce emissions and to increase sinks were idenfified and their effect on the local balance was estimated. Finally, three scenarios were evaluated with respect to their feasibility.
- Veronika Stöckli, Corinne Lundström, Corina Lardelli and Ariane Walz, WSL-SLF
- Gian Paul Calonder, Gemeinde Davos
ALPSCAPE(2002-2005) (SNF-NRP48)
The ALPSCAPE project investigated future scenarios by combing multi-disciplinary numerical modelling with a participatory processes. For that a Input-Output Table, a Material Flux Analysis, a spatially explicit Land Use Model and a Ecosystem Services Evaluation Approach were combined. The scenarios include 1) a decrease of mountain agriculture, 2) climate change with effects also on tourism industry and 3) the realisation of a mega-sports event. The ALPSCAPE project was supported by the NRP48.
- Peter Bebi, Corinne Lundström, Corina Lardelli, Adrienne Grêt-Regamey and Ariane Walz, WSL-SLF, Davos
- Susanne Kytzia, IRL, ETH Zurich
Dobkowitz, S., A. Walz, G. Baroni and A. Pérez-Marin. 2020. Cross-Scale Vulnerability Assessment for Smallholder Farming: A Case Study from the Northeast of Brazil. Sustainability 12(9), 3787; https://doi.org/10.3390/su12093787
Veh, G., Korup, O. and A. Walz. 2020. Hazard from Himalayan glacier lake outburst floods. PNAS 117 (2), 907-912. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1914898117
Thonicke, K., M. Billing, W. v. Bloh, B. Sakschewski, Ü. Niinemets, J. Peñuelas, J.H.C. Cornelissen, Y. Onoda, P. van Bodegom, M.E. Schaepman, F.D. Schneider, and A. Walz. 2020. Simulating functional diversity of European natural forests along climatic gradients. Journal of Biogeography. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jbi.13809
Martín-López B, I. Leister , P. Lorenzo Cruz, I. Palomo, A. Grêt-Regamey, P.A. Harrison, S. Lavorel, B. Locatelli, S. Luque and A. Walz. 2019. Nature’s contributions to people in mountains: A review. PLoS ONE 14(6): e0217847. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0217847
Rounsevell, M., M. Metzger and A. Walz. 2019. Operationalising Ecosystem Services in Europe. Regional Environmental Change 19(8), 2143–2149. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-019-01560-1
Veh, G., S. Specht, O. Korup, S. Rössner and A. Walz. 2019. Unchanged frequency of Himalayan glacial lake outburst floods since the late 1980s. Nature Climate Change 9: 379-383. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-019-0437-5
Walz, A., K. Schmidt, A. Ruiz-Frau, K.A. Nicholas, A. de Vries Lentsch, A. Bierry, A. Dyankov, D. Joyce, I. Rosario, and S. Scholte. 2019. Sociocultural valuation of ecosystem services for operational ecosystem management: Mapping applications by decision contexts in Europe. Regional Environmental Change 19(8), 2245–2259. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-019-01506-7
Patenaude, G., S. Lautenbach, J.S. Paterson, T. Locatelli , C.F. Dormannn, M.J. Metzger and A. Walz. 2019. Breaking the ecosystem services glass ceiling: operationalising for impact. Regional Environmental Change 19(8): 1-14, 2261–2274. ddoi.org/10.1007/s10113-018-1434-3
Schoonover, H.A., A. Grêt-Regamey, M.J. Metzger, A. Ruiz-Frau, M. Santos-Reis, S.K. Scholte, A. Walz and K.A. Nicholas. 2019. Creating space, aligning motivation and building trust: A framework for stakeholder engagement based on experience from 12 ecosystem service case studies. Ecology and Society. https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol24/iss1/art11/
Hellwig, N., A. Walz and D. Markovic. 2019. Climatic and socioeconomic effects on land cover changes across Europe: Does protected area designation matter? PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219374. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0219374
Kärcher, O., Frank, K., Walz, A., & Markovic, D. 2019. Scale effects on the performance of niche-based models of freshwater fish distributions. Ecological Modelling, 405, 33-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.05.006
Markovic, D., Kärcher, O. & A. Walz. 2019. Scale effects on the performance of niche-based models of freshwater fish distributions: local vs. upstream area influences. Ecological Modelling. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108818
Schmidt, K. Martin-Lopez, B., E. Julius, P.M. Phillips, N. Makan and A. Walz. 2018. Key landscape features in the provision of ecosystem services: Insights for management. Land Use Policy 82: 353-366. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.12.022
Veh, G., O. Korup, S. Roessner, A. Walz. 2018. Detecting Himalayan Glacial Lake Outburst Floods from Landsat time series. Remote Sensing of Environment 207: 84-97. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rse.2017.12.025
Monteiro, A.T., P. Alves, C. Carvalho-Santos, A. Mitchell, R. Lucas, M. Cunha, A. Walz and J.P. Honrado. In review. Accomplishment of Aichi grassland biodiversity targets during major societal developments in 3 Southern Europe: insights from earth observations. Remote Sensing.
Reinhardt, J., S. Liersch, M. Abdeladhim, M. Diallo,C. Dickens, S. Fournet, F. Hattermann, C. Kabaseke, M. Muhumuza, M. Mul, T. Pilz, I. Otto, and A. Walz. 2018. Systematic evaluation of scenario assessments supporting sustainable integrated natural resources management: Evidence from four case studies in Africa. Ecology and Society 23(1): 5. https://www.ecologyandsociety.org/vol23/iss1/art5/
Schmidt, K., A. Walz, B. Martin-Lopez, R. Sachse. 2017. Testing socio-cultural valuation methods of ecosystem services to explain land use preferences. Ecosystem Services 26: 270-288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2017.07.001
Lotze-Campen, H., P.H. Verburg, A. Popp, M. Lindner, P.J. Verkerk, A. Moiseyev, E. Schrammeijer, J. Helming, A. Tabeau, C.J.E. Schulp, E.H. van der Zanden, C. Lavalle, F.B. e Silva, A. Walz and B. Bodirsky. 2017. A cross-scale impact assessment of European nature protection policies under contrasting future socio-economic pathways. Regional Environmental Change, 1-12. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10113-017-1167-8
Markovic, D., Carrizo, S.F., Archer, O.K., Walz, A. and David, J.N.W. 2017. Vulnerability of European freshwater catchments to climate change. Global Change Biology, 23(9), 3567-3580. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/gcb.13657
Walz, A., A. Grêt-Regamey and S. Lavorel. 2016. Social valuation of ecosystem services in mountain regions. Regional Environmental Change 16: 1985-1987. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-016-1028-x
Schmidt, K., A. Walz, I. Jones, & M. J. Metzger. 2016. The Sociocultural Value of Upland Regions in the Vicinity of Cities in Comparison With Urban Green Spaces. Mountain Research and Development, 36(4), 465-474. http://dx.doi.org/10.1659/MRD-JOURNAL-D-16-00044.1
Comber, A., Mooney, P., Purves, R., Rocchini, D. and A. Walz. 2015. Crowdsourcing: it matters who the crowd are. The impacts of between group variations in recording land cover. PLOS ONE 11(7): e0158329 https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0158329
Schmidt, K., Walz, A., and R. Sachse. 2016. Current role of social benefits in ecosystem service assessments. Landscape and Urban Planning 149, 49-64. Awarded “Editor’s Choice” and short-listed for the “Elsevier Atlas Award”. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.landurbplan.2016.01.005
Schulz, K., Vogt, K., Beusch, C., Almeida-Cortez, J.S., Kowarik, I., Walz, A. and A. Cierjacks. 2016. Grazing deteriorates the soil carbon stocks of Caartinga forest ecosystems in Brazil. Forest Ecology and Management 367, 62-70.
Langerwisch, F., Walz, A., Rammig, A., Tietjen, B., Thonicke, K., and W. Cramer. 2016. Climate change increases riverine carbon outgassing while export to the ocean remains uncertain. Earth System Dynamics 7, 559-582.
Langerwisch, F., Walz, A., Rammig, A., Tietjen, B., Thonicke, K. and W. Cramer. 2016. Deforestation in Amazonia impacts riverine carbon dynamics. Earth System Dynamics, 6, 2101–2136
Philips, A., Walz, A., Bergner, A., Graeff, T., Heistermann, M., Kienzler, S., Korup, O., Lipp, T., Schwanghart, W. and G. Zeilinger. 2015. Immersive 3D geovisualization in higher education. Journal of Geography in Higher Education 39(3), 1-13.
Karp, D. S., Tallis, H., Sachse, R., Halpern, B., Thonicke, K., Cramer, W., (...) Walz, A. and Wolny, S. 2015. National indicators for observing ecosystem service change. Global Environmental Change, 35, 12-21.
Rudbeck Jepsen, M., Kuemmerle, T., Müller, D., Erb, K., Verburg, P. H., Haberl, H., Vesterager, J. P., Andrič,M., Antrop, M., ..., Walz, A., ZhllimaI, E. and A. Reenberg. 2015. Transitions in European land-management regimes between 1800 and 2010. Land Use Policy, 49, 53-64.
Opdam, P., Albert, C., Fürst, C., Grêt-Regamey, A., Kleemann, J., Parker, D., La Rosa, D., Schmidt , K., Villamor, G.B., and A. Walz. 2015. Ecosystem services for connecting actors–lessons from a symposium. Change and Adaptation in Socio-Ecological Systems, 2(1).
Rolinski, S., A. Rammig, A. Walz, K. Thonicke, W. von Bloh and M. van Oijen. 2015. A probabilistic risk assessment for the vulnerability of the European carbon cycle to extreme events: the ecosystem perspective. Biogeosciences, 12, 1813–1831.
Frank, D., Reichstein, M., Bahn, M., Thonicke, K., Frank, D., Mahecha, M.D., Smith, P., van der Velde, M., Vicca, S., Babst, F., Beer, C., Buchmann, N., Canadell, J.G., Ciais, P., Cramer, W., Ibrom, A., Miglietta, F., Poulter, B., Rammig, A., Seneviratne, S.I., Walz, A., Wattenbach, M., Zavala, M.A. and J. Zscheischler. 2015. Effects of climate extremes on the terrestrial carbon cycle: concepts, processes and potential future impacts. Global Change Biology 21(8), 2861–2880.
Nussbaumer, S., C. Huggel, Y. Schaub and A. Walz. 2014. Local land-use change based risk estimation for future glacier lake outburst flood. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 1611-1624.
Walz, A., F. Brand, J. Braendle, S. Briner, C. Elkin, C. Hirschi, H. Lischke, D. Schmatz and D. Lang. 2014. Experience from customising IPCC scenarios to specific national-level focus scenarios for ecosystem service management. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 86: 21–32.
Huber, R., A. Rigling, P. Bebi, F. Brand, S. Briner, A. Buttler, C. Elkin, F. Gillet, A. Grêt-Regamey, C. Hirschi, H. Lischke, R. Scholz, R. Seidl, T. Spiegelberger, A. Walz and H. Bugmann. 2013. Sustainable land use in mountain regions under global change: synthesis across scales and disciplines. Ecology and Society 18(3), 36.
Reichstein, M., M. Bahn, P. Ciais, D. Frank, M.D. Mahecha, S.I. Seneviratne, J. Zeischler, C. Beer, N. Buchmann, D. C. Fank, D. Papale, A. Rammig, P. Smith, K. Thonicke, M. van Velde, S. Vicca, A. Walz and M. Wattenbach. 2013. Climate extremes and the carbon cycle. Nature 500 (7462), 287-295.
Huber, R., A. Walz, H. Bugmann and A. Rigling. 2012. Nachhaltige Land- und Forstwirtschaft im Berggebiet: Das Forschungsprojekt MOUNTLAND. Schweiz Z Forstwes 163 (12), 464-468.
Tallis, H., H. Mooney, S. Andelman, P. Balvanera, W. Cramer, D. Karp, S. Polasky, B. Reyers, T. Ricketts, S. Running, K. Thonicke, B. Tietjen and A. Walz. 2012. A Global System for Monitoring Ecosystem Service Change. BioScience 63 (11), 977-986.
Kytzia, S., A. Walz and M. Wegmann. 2011. How can tourism use land more effencient? A model based approach to eco-efficiency for tourist destinations. Tourism Management. 32, 629-640.
Loibl, W. and A. Walz. 2010. Generic regional development strategies from local stakeholders' scenarios – an Alpine village experience. Ecology and Society 15 (3): 3.
Walz, A., C. Gloor, P. Bebi, A. Fischlin, E. Lange, K. Nagel and B. Allgöwer. 2008. Virtual worlds - real decisions: Recent research and the potential of computer-based tool in landscape planning. Mountain Research and Development 28, 122-127.
Grêt-Regamey, A., A. Walz and P. Bebi. 2008. Framework for integrating ecosystem service values and their uncertainties in landscape planning. Mountain Research and Development 28, 156-165.
Walz, A., G.-P. Calonder, F. Hagedorn, C. Lardelli, C. Lundström and V. Stöckli. 2008. Regional CO2 budget, countermeasures and reduction aims for the Davos region, Switzerland. Energy Policy 36, 811-820.
Walz, A., C. Lardelli, H. Behrendt, C. Lundstöm, A. Grêt-Regamey, S. Kytzia and P. Bebi. 2007. Participatory scenario analysis for integrated regional modelling. Landscape and Urban Planning 81, 114-131.
Lundström, C., S. Kytzia, A. Walz, A. Grêt-Regamey and P. Bebi. 2007. ALPSCAPE - Linking models of land-use, resources and economy to simulate the development of Alpine regions. Environmental Management 40, 379-393.
Other articles
Schmidt, K. and A. Walz. 2017. Survey results: Assessing the use, appreciation and preferences for the future for the Pentland Hills Regional Park. Pentland Beacon, 47, 9.
Walz, A., Lipp, T., Sachse, R., Schmidt, K., Böhnke-Henrichs, A., Philips, A. and T. Gäbler. 2014. Ökosystem-leistungen – ein Ansatz mit großem Potenzial für das nachhaltige Landschaftsmanagement. FORUM GEOÖKOLIE 25 (2), 10-14.
Schmidt, K., and A. Walz. 2014: Ecosystem Services in the Pentland Hills Regional Park. Pentland Beacon 41, 13.
Walz, A., R. Taverna and V. Stöckli. 2010. Effektiver Klimaschutz: CO2-Senken im Wald mit Holznutzung kombinieren. Wald und Holz, 4, 37-40.
Walz, A. and V. Stöckli. 2009. Die Rolle des Waldes als CO2-Senke. Montagna 12, 10-11.
Walz, A., G.-P. Calonder and V. Stöckli. 2009. Entwicklung des Energieverbrauchs für Gemeindeliegenschaften und Effizienz von Gebäudesanierungen am Beispiel der Energiestadt Davos. Wasser Energie Licht 2, 135-137.
Taverna, R., A. Walz and R. Volz. 2009. CO2-Effekte und ökonomische Bewertung der Wald- und Holzwirtschaft im Kanton Graubünden für das Jahr 2007. Bündner Wald 3, 9-22.
Calonder, G.-P., F. Hagedorn, C. Lardelli, C. Lundström, V. Stöckli, V. and A. Walz. 2009. Klimastudie - Bilanzierung und Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen in der Landschaft Davos. In: Amt für Natur und Umwelt Graubünden. 2009. Klima-Wandel. Übersicht über die aktuellen und zukünftigen Aufgaben der kantonalen Verwaltung: 102-105.
Stöckli, V., Walz, A. and R. Volz. 2008. Le rôle de la forêt dans le protocole de Kyoto. La Forêt 61: 22-23.
Stöckli, V., Walz, A. and R. Volz. 2008. Die Rolle des Waldes im Kyoto Protokoll. Wald und Holz 02/08.
Lange, E., W. Loibl and A. Walz. 2007. Virtual worlds – real decisions: modelling the Alps. Revue de Géographie alpine 4: 135-136.
Stöckli, V., G-P. Calonder, F. Hagedorn, C. Lardelli, C. Lundström and A. Walz. 2007. Die Davoser CO2-Bilanz weist den Weg zur erfolgreichen CO2-Reduktion. Bündner Wald 3: 51-53.
Books, book chapters & selected reports
Heidenreich, A., M. Buchner, A. Walz, A. Thieken. 2019. Das Besucherverhalten unter Hitzebelastung auf der Landesgartenschau Würzburg 2018 – Auswertung von Beobachtungen, Wettermessungen und Befragungen. Universität Potsdam. https://doi.org/10.25932/publishup-43018
Walpole, M., Balvanera, P., with contributions from S. Butchard, B. Halpern, L. Ingwall-King, D. Karp, J. van Kolck, S. Quijas, B. Reyers, C. Romanelli , R. Sachse, K. Thonicke , M. Tierney, B. Tietjen, A. Walz. 2014. Target14: Ecosystems that provide essentiaon services. In: Leadley, P.W., Krug, C.B., et al.: Progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets: An Assessment of Biodiversity Trends, Policy Scenarios and Key Actions. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, Montreal, Canada. Technical Series 78: 327-360.
Haas, W., S.J. Singh, K. Reiter, B. Erschbamer and A. Walz. 2013. Integrated Monitoring and Sustainability Assessment in the Tyrolean Alps: Experiences in Transdisciplinarity. In: Singh, S.J., Haberl, H., Chertow, M., Mirtl, M., and M. Schmid. Eds. Long-term Socio-ecological Research: Studies in Society: Nature Interactions Across Spatial and Temporal Scales, 588 pp.
Vohland, K., A. Walz, A. Popp, H. Lotze-Campen and W. Cramer. 2012. The role of ecosystem services in increasing the adaptive capacity of the poor. In: Lotze-Campen, H., J. Wallacher O. Edenhofer, M. Reder, B. Knopf, J. Müller (eds.) Climate Change, Justice and Sustainability: Linking Climate and Development Policy. Springer, 179-191.
Walz, A., R. Taverna und P. Hofer. 2009. CO2-Effekt und ökonomische Bewertung von Holznutzung und Senkenleistung im Kanton Graubünden für das Jahr 2007. Im Auftrag des Bundesamtes für Umwelt (BAFU).
Walz, A., C. Gloor, P. Bebi, A. Fischlin, E. Lange, K. Nagel and B. Allgöwer. 2008. Virtuelle Welten – Reale Entscheide? Die Alpen im Modellbaukasten. Thematische Synthese zum Forschungsschwerpunkt V «Virtuelle Repräsentation» des Nationalen Forschungsprogramms NFP 48 «Landschaften und Lebensräume der Alpen» des Schweizerischen Nationalfonds SNF, ISBN 978–3–7281–3202–4, vdf-Verlag, Zürich, 123 pp.
Walz, A., C. Gloor, P. Bebi, A. Fischlin, E. Lange, K. Nagel and B. Allgöwer. 2008. Virtual Worlds – Real Decisions? The Alps in a modeller's nutshell. Thematic Synthesis of the Research Focus V «Virtual Representation» of the National Research Programme NRP 48 on «Landscapes and Habitats of the Alps» of the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF, ISBN 978-3-7281-3203-1, vdf-Verlag, Zürich, 123 pp.
Loibl, W., I. Darnhofer, T. Tötzer, M. Knoflacher, A.Walz, S. Sedlacek, C. Loibl, S. Edegger, E. Gebetsroither and A. Sonntag. 2008. Futures.scapes: Globaler Wandel und seine Auswirkungen auf Landschaft und Gesellschaft. Szenarien künftiger Entwicklung und Lösungsstrategien zur Minderung negativer Effekte – Synthese, ARC System Research, Report 0166, Wien, 87 pp.
Walz, A., P. Bebi, and R.S. Purves. 2007. Land-use simulation for small regions in the Swiss mountain area - comparison of two modelling techniques. In: Lovett, A., Appleton, K. (Eds.). GIS for Environmental Decision Making. Innovations in GIS. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 131-147.
SLF. 2006. Bilanzierung und Reduktion der CO2-Emissionen in der Landschaft Davos. Eine Machbarkeitsstudie zum Klimaschutz. Schlussbericht zum KTI-Projekt 7984.1. Eidg. Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF, Davos, 97 pp. Online available.
Bebi, P., S. Kytzia, C. Lardelli, C. Lundström, A. Grêt-Regamey, A. Walz. 2005. ALPSCAPE: Simulationsmodell für die Raumentwicklung Alpiner Regionen. Schlussbericht des NFP48-Projekts ALPSCAPE. Davos. 40 pp. Online available.
Winkler, S. and A.Walz. 1997. Wie Fjorde entstehen. Publikasjonar frå Norsk Bremuseum 4, Fjærland, Norway: 25 pp.
Selected abstracts, presentations and posters
Thonicke, K. et al. 2020. Simulating co-existence of functionally divere trees in European natural forests with LPJmL-FIT. EGU2020.
Fischer, M. et al. 2020. Identifying key predictors for the susceptibility of Himalayan glacial lakes to sudden outburst floods. EGU2020.
Schmidt, K., B. Martin-Lopez, E. Julius, P.M. Phillips, N. Makan and A. Walz. 2019. Key landscape features in the provision of ecosystem services: Insights for management. World Conference of the Ecosystem Service Partnership, Hannover, 21-25 Oct 2019.
Schmidt, K., and A. Walz. 2019 Greening courtyards for climate adaptation and co-benefits in Potsdam, German. World Conference of the Ecosystem Service Partnership, Hannover, 21-25 Oct 2019.
Noebel, R. and A. Walz 2019. MODIS-based analysis of land surface temperature (LST) differences and relationships in dependence on city structures and geospatial characteristics. World Conference of the Ecosystem Service Partnership, Hannover, 21-25 Oct 2019.
Billing, M., K. Thonicke, W. von Bloh, B. Sakschewski and A. Walz. 2019. How does functional diversity relate to ecosystem functions in European near-natural forests? Session „Quantifying the relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem services” at the World Conference of the Ecosystem Service Partnership, Hannover, 21-25 Oct 2019.
Hellwig, N., Walz, A., Markovic, D. 2019. Spatial patterns of land cover change across Europe - Climatic and socioeconomic effects and the impact of protected area designation. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie 2019. Kiel, September 2019.
Schneider, P., A. Thieken and A. Walz. 2019 Auswirkung von Hitzeereignissen auf Alarmierungen im Rettungsdienst. Deutscher Kongress für Geographie, 25-30 Sept 2019, Kiel.
Schmidt, K., and A. Walz. 2019. Begrünung von Innenhöfen als Klimaanpassungsmaßnahme in Potsdam. Annual Conference of International Association of Landscape Ecology Germany, Potsdam, 30 Sept-02 Oct 2019.
Heidenreich, A., M. Buchner, A. Thieken, and A. Walz. 2019. (How) Do visitors of open air events adapt to heat stress? Exploring vulnerability, risk awareness and adaptive behaviour via interviews and behavioural observations. International Conference on Environmental Psychology (ICEP), 04-06 Sept 2019, Plymouth.
Hellwig, N., A. Walz, and D. Markovic. 2019. Climatic and socio-economic effects on land cover changes across Europe: Does protected area designation matter? Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019 -4965.
Thonicke, K., M. Billing, B. Sakschewski, W. von Bloh, M. Schaepman, F. Schneider and A. Walz. 2019. Simulating functional traits from boreal to Mediterranean forests in Europe using LPJmL-FIT. Forest Modelling Symposium Leipzig, 03 April 2019.
Veh, G., O. Korup, and A. Walz. 2019. Increasing hazard from glacial lake outburst floods in ice-free Himalayas. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019 -12525.
Wirth, S., M. Brunel, C. Müller, B. Sakschewski, K. Thonicke, A. Walz, and S. Rolinski. 2019. A trait-based approach to implement functional diversity of grassland ecosystems in a dynamic global vegetation model: lessons learned and future perspectives. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019 -11198.
Heidenreich, A., M. Buchner, A. Walz, and A. Thieken. 2019. Dealing with heat stress at open air events: A multi-method approach on visitors’ vulnerability, risk awareness and adaptive behaviour. 4th Climate Change Adaptation Conference (ECCA), 28-31 May 2019, Lisbon.
Patenaude, G., S. Lautenbach, A. Walz. 2018. Towards convergence: Blueprint Indicators for Ecosystem Service Study Design and Synthesis. ESP Conference for Europe. 15-19 October 2018, San Sebastián, Spain.
Veh, G., O. Korup, W. Schwanghart, S. Roessner and A. Walz. 2018. Lake outburst hazard from ice-free Himalayas. Treffen des AK Geomorphologie, 24.-26.9.2018, Gießen.
Veh, G., S. Specht, O. Korup, S. Rössner and A. Walz. 2018. Less glaciers, more floods? Evaluating three decades of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Himalayas. EGU April 2018, Vienna.
Patenaude, G., A. Walz and S. Lautenbach. 2017. Breaking the ecosystem services glass ceiling: from concept to impact. Valuing Nature Conference, 18-19 Oct 2017, Edinburgh.
Walz, A. and O. Korup. 2017. CORINE for large-scale monitoring of Protected Areas in Europe. 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 02-03. Nov. 2017, Salzburg.
Gedon, L., R. Sonnenschein and A. Walz. 2017. Remote sensing based comprehensive monitoring of land cover change in protected areas. 6th International Symposium for Research in Protected Areas, 02-03. Nov. 2017, Salzburg.
Veh, G., O. Korup, S. Rössner and A. Walz. 2017. Detecting Himalayan Glacial Lake Outburst Floods from Landsat time series. AK Geomorphologie, 09-10. Oct 2017, Bayreuth.
Schmidt, K., B. Martín-López and A. Walz. 2017. Using participatory mapping of ecosystem services to inform land management priorities. IALE-Europe Conference, 12-16 Sept 2017, Gent, Belgium.
Veh, G., Korup, O., Rössner, S. and A. Walz. 2017. Automatically detecting Himalayan Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in LANDSAT time series. EGU April 2017, Vienna.
Schmidt, K., A. Walz, B. Martin-Lopéz and R. Sachse. 2016. Social valuation of ecosystem services to explain trade-off in land management in the Pentland Hills Regional Park in Scotland. ESP Conference on "Helping Nature to Help Us", 19-23 Sept 2016, Antwerp, Belgium.
Walz, A., K. Schmidt, R. Sachse and P. Ruhrländer. 2016. LANDPREF: A visual trade-off tool to assess landscape preferences. ESP Conference, 19-23 Sept 2016, Antwerp, Belgium.
Schoonover, H., A. Bierry, I. Geijzendorffer, A. Gret-Regamey, J. Lascurain, M. Metzger, A. Walz, M. Wilson, and K.Nicholas. 2016. Creating Space, Aligning Motivations, and Building Trust: Key Elements of Stakeholder Engagement in 12 Ecosystem Services Case Studies. ESP Conference, 19-23 Sept 2016, Antwerp, Belgium.
Veh, G., Walz, A., Korup, O. and S. Roessner. 2016. Towards an improved inventory of Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Himalayas. EGU General Assembly, April 18-22, 2016, Vienna, Austria.
Walz, A., Schmidt, K., Makan, N. and M. Metzger. 2016. Ecosystem services for opertional use in land management. 2nd German Future Earth Summit, 28-29 January 2016, Berlin.
Comber, A., P. Mooney, R. Purves, D. Rocchini and A. Walz. 2015. Comparing national differences in what the people perceive to be there: mapping variations in crowd-sourced land cover semantics. ISPRS Geospatial Week, Montpellier.
Schmidt, K., A. Walz, L. Jones and M. Metzger. 2015. Ecosystem services provided by mountain regions in the vicinity of cities compared to inner urban green spaces: The case of Edinburgh, Scotland. Mountains of Our Future Earth Conference, 05-09 Oct 2015, Perth, Scotland.
Walz, A., J. Paterson, S. Schmidt, S. Lautenbach, C. Dormann, K. Nicholas, G. Patenaude, R. Seppelt and M. Wilson. 2015. Forward steps to improve robustness in case study based ecosystem services research. IALE World Congress, 06-10 July 2015, Portland, US.
Sachse, R., A. Walz, K. Thonicke and P. Verburg. 2015. Analysing ecosystem service trade-offs by combined global-scale land change and ecosystem modelling. IALE World Congress, 06-10 July 2015, Portland, US.
Philips, A., A. Walz, T. Graeff, M. Heistermann, S. Kienzler, O. Korup, W. Schwanghart, and G. Zeilinger. 2015. Usefulness of immersive 3D geovisualisation in higher education. Digital Landscape Architecture 2015 Conference, June 04-06, 2015, Dessau, Germany.
Philips, A., A. Walz, T. Graeff, M. Heistermann, S. Kienzler, O. Korup, W. Schwanghart, and G. Zeilinger. 2014. Immersive 3D geovisualisation in higher education. General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union (EGU), 27 April-02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Rolinski, S., A. Rammig, A.Walz, K. Thonicke, W. von Bloh, M. van Oijen, E. Davin, B. Vieli, T. Kato and C. Beer. 2014. Vulnerability and resilience of European ecosystems towards extreme climatic events: The ecosystem perspective. General Assembly of the European Geophysical Union (EGU), 27 April-02 May 2014, Vienna, Austria.
Schmidt, K. and A. Walz. 2014. Eliciting social values of ecosystem services to better inform land use decision making. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, 18-21 March 2014, Berlin.
Walz A., R. Sachse, K. Thonicke and P. Verburg. 2014. Analyzing global threats to ecosystem service provisioning based on combined land use and dynamic ecosystem modeling. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, 18-21 March 2014, Berlin.
Paterson, J., M. Metzger, M. Pérez-Soba, A. Jensen, M. den Herder, T. Terkenli, A.Walz, A. Cormont, M. Winograd, I. Bouwma, E. Pavlis and T. Kollaske. 2014. Using normative visions to explore the future of land use change in Europe. Global Land Project Open Science Meeting, 18-21 March 2014, Berlin.
Walz, A., K. Thonicke, A. Rammig, F. Langerwisch and R. Sachse. 2013. Use of process-based ecosystem modelling for priorisation in ecosystem management, a showcase from the Amazon Basin. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie (GfÖ), 9-13 Sept 2013, Potsdam.
Philips, A., A.Walz, A. Bergner, T. Gräff, S. Kienzler, T. Lipp, O. Korup, W. Schwanghart and G. Zeilinger. 2013: GEOSimulator: 3D-visualisation for flood risk reduction within a problem-oriented teaching project, GI Forum, AGIT, 05-07 July 2013, Salzburg, Austria.
Schmidt, K. & A. Walz. 2013. The role of social valuation in ecosystem service assessment. Workshop Indication, Integration and Application of Ecosystem Services, Ecosystem Service Partnership, 07-08 May 2013, Kiel.
Thonicke, K., Rolinski, S., von Bloh, W., A.Walz, and A. Rammig. 2013. Role of fire in biome-boundary shifts in Europe. General Assemply of the European Geophysical Union (EGU), 08-12 April 2013, Vienna, Austria.
Rolinski, S., A. Rammig, A.Walz, K. Thonicke, W. von Bloh, and M. van Oijen. 2013. Estimating the vulnerability of European ecosystems to extreme events: The ecosystem perspective. General Assemply of the European Geophysical Union (EGU), 08-12 April 2013, Vienna.
Rolinski, S., A. Rammig, A.Walz, K. Thonicke, W. von Bloh, and M. van Oijen. 2013. A probabilistic risk assessment for the vulnerability of the European carbon cycle to extreme events: The ecosystem perspective. General Assemply of the European Geophysical Union (EGU), 8-12 April 2013, Vienna.
Walz, A., C. Reyer, A. Rammig, S. Rolinski, K. Thonicke, M. van Oijen, W.Cramer, M. Wattenbach, D. Frank and M. Reichstein. 2013. Expert opinions on potential adaptations in ecosystem management to meteorological extremes. Open Science Conference on Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles in the Terrestrial Biosphere: Impacts and Feedbacks Across Scales, 02-04 April 2013, Seefeld, Austria.
Rolinski, S., Rammig, A., Walz, A., Thonicke, K., von Bloh, W . and M. van Oijen. 2013. European ecosystem vulnerability to extreme events: The ecosystem perspective. Open Science Conference on Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles in the Terrestrial Biosphere: Impacts and Feedbacks Across Scales, 02-04 April 2013, Seefeld, Austria.
Walz, A., Rammig, A., Rolinski, S., Thonicke, K., van Oijen, M., Cramer, W., Wattenbach, M., Frank, D. and M. Reichstein. 2013. Expert options on potential adaptations in ecosystem management to meet changing magnitude and frequency of climate extremes. Open Science Conference on Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles, 2-5 April 2013, Seefeld, Austria.
Thonicke, K., Rolinski, S., von Bloh, W., Walz, A., Rammig, A. 2013. Influence of climate variability on future fire regimes and vegetation-fire interaction in Europe. Open Science Conference on Climate Extremes and Biogeochemical Cycles, 2-5 April 2013, Seefeld, Austria.
Walz, A., Barthold, F., Bergner, A., Gräff, T., Korup, O., Lipp, T., Oberhänsli, R., Strecker, M. and G. Zeilinger. 2013. GEOSimulator - Bindeglied zwischen Realen und Virtuellen Welten in der Lehre. Fellowship Meeting "Innovationen in der Hochschullehre", 18-19 Jan 2013, Hamburg.
Frank, D., M. Reichstein, M. Bahn, C. Beer, M. Mahecha, S.I. Seneviratne, M. van Oijen and A. Walz. 2012. Climate extremes and the carbon cycle – a review using an integrated approach with regional examples for forests & native ecosystems, EGU, Vienna.
Walz, A., Elkin, C. and D. Schmatz. 2009. Exposure of Swiss municipalities to climate change induced changes in agriculture. Abstract of the Conference on Climate Change: Global risks, challenges and decisions. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 6. (could not be held)
Walz, A., Loibl, W. and E. Gebetsroither. 2008. Local actors involvement to develop scenarios of a sustainable future of landscape and society in an Alpine region – the Montafon experience. International Conference on Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes, Berlin, April 6-9, 2008, Book of Abstracts: 118.
Walz, A., Taverna, R. and P. Hofer. 2008. Forest and wood utilisation in the Alpine region of Grisons, Switzerland: Economic impact and CO2 effects. International Conference on Impact Assessment of Land Use Changes, Berlin, April 6-9, 2008, Book of Abstracts: 154.
Purves, R.S. and A. Walz. 2005. A neighbourhood-based algorithm for categorical map comparison. In: Proceedings of the international Workshop on "Integrated Assessment of the land system: the future of land use", Amsterdam. Online available.
Walz, A. 2005. Landnutzungsveränderungen im Schweizer Berggebiet im Rahmen einer nachhaltigen Regionalentwicklung. Phil.Alp 2005, Bern. Online available.
Walz, A., Grêt-Regamey, A., Lardelli, C., Lundström, C., Kytzia, S. and P. Bebi. 2005. Future scenarios for landscape change – a combined approach based on participatory scenario development and integrated numeric modelling. Bio-Scene Conference on "Biodiversity conservation and sustainable development in mountain areas of Europe: The challenge of interdisciplinary research". Ioannina, Greece.
Walz, A., P. Bebi and R. Purves. 2004. Land-use simulation for small regions in the Swiss Mountain Area comparison of two modelling techniques. Proceedings of GISRUK 2004, Norwich, UK: 356-359.
Walz, A. 2002. How to bring the dynamics of a mountain environment closer to its people? An interactive Geomorphological Map for the Southern Aoraki/Mt. Cook Region, NZ. In: Relationships between man and the mountain environment in terms of geomorphic hazards and human impact in Europe, Proceedings of the IAG Symposium 2002, Dornbirn, Austria: 87.
2018-2020: Head of the "Studienkommission" Geoecology
2015-2020: Member of the "Studienkommission" Geoecology
2013-2020: Member of the "Prüfungskommission" Geoecology
Current Teaching: LINK to PULS/UP teaching system
- WiSe (since 2012): Landschaftsmanagement in Europa (Seminar, MSc.: PM 3 GÖ "Landschaftsmanagement & Ressourcenschutz")
- WiSe (since 2012): Landschaftstrukturanalyse in der Umweltplanung (Vorlesung , MSc.: WOMMEUW "Landschaftsstrukturmaße in der Umweltplanung")
- WiSe (since 2012): Integrierte Umweltplanung (Vorlesung mit Übung, BSc.: Methodische Vertiefung "Umweltplanung und Naturschutz")
- WiSe (since 2012): Beitrag Geoökolog 1 (Vorlesung mit Seminarteil, BSc.: PM "Geoökologie 1")
- SoSe (since 2012): Landschaftsökologie (Vorlesung, BSc.: GÖ2 "Geoökologie II")
- SoSe (2012-2018): Geländetage (MSc.: PM 3 GÖ "Landschaftsmanagement & Ressourcenschutz")
- SoSe (2011): Global Change (Seminar, BSc.: Thematische Vertiefung GW1 "Globaler Wandel: Die Erde als System")
- Invited lectures at ALTER-Net Summer School, Peyresque, and Geography Department, Univ. of Zurich.
Betreuung von Abschlussarbeiten/Promotionen:
- to come