Project management software | Redmine
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The ZIM provides Redmine as a project management platform. Redmine can be used to organise projects and distribute tasks. The tool offers time planning, task distribution, milestone planning, risks and tasks, progress indicators, document upload, wiki and calendar functions.
Many features can be added modularly.
A manager role activates further users in different roles for use.
All roles are configurable and provided with specific rights and views.
Projects can be structured hierarchically and divided into sub-projects.
Depending on the individual configuration, the tool sends notifications of activities from the projects to a specified address.
Usage information
The project management software can be used by all UP employees. A valid UP account is required.
- Log in to the platform at using the data from your UP account.
- Write an informal e-mail to the ZIM service (zim-serviceuuni-potsdampde) with the request to be assigned to a role as manager in Redmine.
- After the assignment of this role you can independently manage your projects and their participants.