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Equipment rental

You need technical equipment?

Foto von mehreren Laptops
Source: Adobe #933142645

The service centers at the UP locations Am Neuen Palais, Golm and Griebnitzsee offer you a contingent of equipment:

  • Beamers
  • Laptops
  • Adapters
  • Intercard Puck readers (for Schreib.UP)

These can be borrowed and returned on a daily basis.

Detailed information about the devices and availability can be obtained via support request or e-mail to zim-serviceuni-potsdamde.

Foto von mehreren Laptops
Source: Adobe #933142645

Note: AStA currently provides students with 10 rental laptops. Students are asked to email tech-rentastaupde if needed.

Planning to teach a course?

Scientists, university staff and students can borrow audiovisual equipment for their projects at the respective university locations. If you have any questions about the handling and operation of the equipment, our staff will be happy to provide instruction.

The equipment can be borrowed during the opening hours of our service centers.

Terms of use

  • All members of the University of Potsdam may use the equipment, but only for teaching, learning, and research purposes.
  • The loan of equipment is free of charge.
  • For the loan of equipment for larger events, a lead time of 2 to 4 weeks is necessary.