Dr. Mareike Trauernicht
Research staff
Campus Golm
Room 1.52
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam
consulting hours
By arragement
Research interests
- Teacher-student relationships
- Teacher motivation, emotions, and demands
- Family and school as contexts of learning and development
- Burnout of preschool teachers
Professional experience
Since 2022: Doctoral researcher at the Professorship of School Education, Department of Eudcational Science, University of Potsdam
2021: PhD (Dr. phil. of Psychology) at Free University of Berlin (summa cum laude) on the topic „Burnout symptoms in preschool teachers and the relation to job conditions and quality of care“ (Scholar of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation [Deutsche Studenstiftung])
2019 – 2021: Fellow of the International Max Planck Research School on the Live Course (LIFE)
2017 – 2022: Research assistant at the Department of Early Childhood Education and Careat the Free University of Berlin
2013 – 2016: Master of Science in Clinical and Health Psychology at the Free University of Berlin (Scholar of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation [Deutsche Studenstiftung])
2014 – 2015: Student Assistant in the Research Group Adaptive Rationality at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development
2012 – 2013: Studies at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon (Scholar of the German Academic Exchange Service [Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst])
2010 – 2011: Student Assistant in the Department Rehabilitation Psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
2009 – 2012: Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (Scholar of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation [Deutsche Studenstiftung])
Trauernicht, M., Anders, Y., Oppermann, E., & Klusmann, U. (2023). Early childhood educators’ emotional exhaustion and the frequency of educational activities in preschool. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/1350293X.2023.2217485
Ereky-Stevens, K., Pastori, G., Sidiropulu-Janků, K., Sarcinelli, A. S., Schünke, J., Trauernicht, M., Pagani, V., & Mangiatordi, A. (2022). Implementation of ICT-facilitated parent-and family-focused interventions in culturally and linguistically diverse contexts. Frühe Bildung, 11(1), 29-36. https://doi.org/10.1026/2191-9186/a000551
Trauernicht, M., Besser, N., & Anders, Y. (2022). Burnout in der Kita und der Zusammenhang zu Aspekten der Arbeitszufriedenheit. Frühe Bildung, 11(2), 85-93. https://doi.org/10.1026/2191-9186/a000566
Trauernicht, M., Oppermann, E., Klusmann, U., & Anders, Y. (2020). Burnout undermines empathising: do induced burnout symptoms impair cognitive and affective empathy? Cognition and Emotion.https://doi.org/10.1080/02699931.2020.1806041
Cohen, F., Trauernicht, M., Francot, R., Broekhuizen, M., & Anders, Y. (2020). Professional competencies of practitioners in family and parenting support programmes. A German and Dutch case study. Children and Youth Services Review, 116.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105202
Anders, Y., Cadima, J., Ereky-Stevens, K., Cohen, F., Trauernicht, M., & Schünke, J. (2019). Integrative Report on parent and family focused support to increase educational equality. Retrieved from https://staging-isotis-pw.framework.pt/site/assets/files/1605/d3_5_integrative_report.pdf
Cohen, F., Trauernicht, M., Cadima, J., Nata, G., Ereky-Stevens, K., Broekhuizen, M., Francot, R., Anders, Y. (2018). Case studies of promising parent- and family-focused support programmes: ISOTIS Final Report WP3.3.
Moussaïd, M., & Trauernicht, M. (2016). Patterns of cooperation during collective emergencies in the help-or-escape social dilemma. Scientific Reports, 6, 33417. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep33417
Townley, G., Pearson, L., Lehrwyn, J. M., Prophet, N. T., & Trauernicht, M. (2016). Utilizing participatory mapping and GIS to examine the activity spaces of homeless youth. American Journal of Community Psychology, 57, 404-414. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajcp.12060