NKR hands over Annual Report 2020
On 21 October 2020, the National Regulatory Control Council (NKR), whose deputy chairperson is Sabine Kuhlmann, presented its new annual report to Chancellor Angela Merkel: " The Crisis as a Wake-Up Call: Modernise Public Services, Build on the Momentum for Digital Change, Make Legislation Easy to Enforce".
In the report, the NKR states that the pandemic has revealed the considerable backlog at all levels of government in terms of digitalization and administrative modernization, but also highlights the key role of the administration. It is now necessary to use the digitalization push of the crisis to renew the administration and make it crisis-proof. The NKR submitted concrete proposals for such a sustainable 'Modern Administration Initiative' and explained them in its annual report - these include, for example, recommendations for reducing bureaucracy, including simplifications in tax law and measures to accelerate planning and approval procedures, as well as sustainable improvements in the preparation of legal regulations.
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You can download the annual report here.