Municipal and Multilevel Crisis Governance: An International Comparative Study Using the Example of the Corona Pandemic (KoCoGo)

Project name: Municipal and Multilevel Crisis Governance: An International Comparative Study Using the Example of the Corona Pandemic (KoCoGo)
Project Lead: Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuhlmann
Project team: Prof. Dr. Jochen Franzke, Benoît Paul Dumas, Niklas Peters
Funding Institution: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)
The corona pandemic has led to an increase in studies of state crisis management, mostly focusing on federal structures. However, the municipal level has so far remained neglected. This research project plans a systematic cross-country comparison of municipal and multilevel crisis governance in the coronapandemic, taking into account different administrative cultures and the role of municipalities as resilience-promoting institutions. The focus is on four guiding questions:
- Influence of European administrative cultures and institutional contexts on municipal and multilevel crisis governance;
- Role of municipalities in multilevel crisis governance;
- Coordination of municipalities with other levels of government and local actors;
- Enabling or inhibiting factors for crisis governance in the multilevel system.
The project will also examine whether the crisis has been used as a "window of opportunity" for institutional innovation and change in the multi-level system. The study is expected to be published in the second half of 2023.
For questions and inquieries of any kind please contact:
Benoît Dumas (dumasuuni-potsdampde)
Niklas Peters (niklas.peters.1uuni-potsdampde)