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Justine Marienfeldt, M.A.

Research Associate


Campus Griebnitzsee
House 7
Room 3.07.218


consulting hours
by arrangement


Since March 2022
Research Associate in the DFG project DIGILOG (Digital Transformation at the Local Tier of Government in Europe: Dynamics and Effects from a Cross-Countries and Over-Time Comparative Perspective)

Since November 2022 

Lecturer for the Master of Public Administration (MPA) Program of the University of Kassel

Since August 2019
Research Associate at the Chair for Political Science, Public Administration and Organisation at the University of Potsdam

Temporary Lecturer in the study program Master of Public Administration (MPA), Berlin School of Economics and Law
Guest Lecturer at the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences at the Babeș-Bolyai-University in Cluj, Romania (Erasmus+)

Research Assistant at the German Center for Higher Education and Science Studies

Internship at Department of Research of the Governing Mayor of Berlin - Senate Chancellery

M.A. Public Policy & Management at the University of Potsdam and the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University in Georgia

Research Assistant at the Chair for Political Science, Public Administration and Organisation and the Chair of Public and Nonprofit Management at the University of Potsdam

Internship at the German Eastern Business Association

B.Sc. Business Administration, Political Science and Public Administration at the University of Potsdam and the University of Warsaw in Poland

Research interests

Street-level bureaucracy

Public servants, public service systems, and representative bureaucracy

Digital transformation of public administration

Comparative Public Administration, particularly Eastern Europe

Public Policy 

Awards & Publications


(2024) Wehmeier, L., Kuhlmann, S., Marienfeldt, M.: Top-down or bottom-up digital transformation? A comparison of institutional changes and outcomes. Public Money & Management, pp. 1–10.

(2024) Kühler, J., Kuhlmann, S., Proeller, I., Marienfeldt, J.: Kommunale Verwaltungsdigitalisierung im föderalen Kontext: ein europäischer Ländervergleich. Der moderne Staat, 17(1), pp. 35–59.

(2024) Marienfeldt, Justine.: Digitalisierung und Automatisierung in der Sachbearbeitung. In Klenk, T., Nullmeier, F. & Wewer, G. (eds.), Handbuch Digitalisierung in Staat und Verwaltung (pp. 1-12). Springer VS.

(2024) Marienfeldt, J.: Does digital government hollow out the essence of street-level bureaucracy? A systematic literature review of how digital tools' foster curtailment, enablement and continuation of street-level decision-making. Social Policy & Administration, 1–25.

(2023): Kuhlmann, S., Marienfeldt, J.: Comparing Local Government Systems and Reforms in Europe: From New Public Management to Digital Era Governance? In: Teles, Filipe (ed.): Handbook on Local and Regional Governance. Celtenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 315-322.

(2022): Bogumil, J., Kuhlmann, S., Heuberger, M. und Marienfeldt, J.: Bürgernahe Verwaltung Digital? I-Kfz und Digitaler Kombiantrag Elternleistungen Im Praxistest. Berlin: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung.

(2021): Marienfeldt, J.: Three paths to e-service availability: a fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis among the EU member states. In: International Journal of Public Sector Management.

(2019): Best Poster Award at the N3GZ-Junior Network on E-Government meeting in the category of methodologically most convincing project for the Master thesis project on The Three Paths to E-Government Success – A Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis of the Institutional and Organizational Conditions for E-Service Availability among EU Member States.

(2018): Marienfeldt, J.: Quality Management in Nonprofit-Organisations: a micro-political analysis using the example of the worker's Welfare Association Berlin (Series of publications on Public and Nonprofit Management, Volume 22). Potsdam.

Conferences, presentations & workshops

(2024) Tepe, M., Winkler, M., Marienfeldt, J.: “Street-level Bureaucrats’ Role Identity: Self-conceptualization and Associated Challenges”; SLB Aalborg University Copenhagen, 18.-20. June 2024  

(2024) IRSPM Tampere, Finland (Meaningfulness) & Polzer et al. “Digital Transformation of Local Government Services in Europe. A Structured Literature Review”, 16.-18. April 2024

(2024) FoJuS (Meaningfulness) 12.-13. March 2024

(2024) Research Visit University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 19.-22. February 2024

(2023/24) Research Management & Leadership Programm of PoGS, University of Potsdam

(2023) QCA Paper Development Workshop, Antwerpen 12.-13. December 2023

(2023) Marienfeldt: “Serving a greater purpose? Perceived meaningfulness of digitalization and automation by street-level bureaucrats”; 2023 Weizenbaum Summer School “AI and the transformation of work: employment, skills and job quality”, 11.-15. September 2023

(2023) Wehmeier, L., Kuhlmann, S., Marienfeldt, J.: IRSPM “Top-down or bottom up digital transformation? A comparison of institutional changes and outcomes”, 3.-5. April 2023

(2023): Thapa, B., Heinz, F., Marienfeldt, J: DVPW-Perspektivtagung „Politikwissenschaftliche Fragen des digitalen Regierens“: Perspektivtagung im Workshopformat, 6.-8. February 2023

(2022): Gräfe, P., Marienfeldt, J., Wehmeier, L. & Kuhlmann, S.: Phasing out the middle-level? The digitalization and automation of public administrative work. European Group for Public Administration (EGPA), 6.-9. September 2022.

(2021): Marienfeldt, J.: Does digital government hollow out the essence of street-level bureaucracy? – A systematic review of the effects of ICT-based tools on discretion. International Research Workshop “Street-Level Bureaucrats in Times of Change” of the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development (GIF), October 18, 2021.

(2021): Marienfeldt, J.: Digitalisierung in Bürgerämtern in Deutschland. Workshop “Digitalisierung im Öffentlichen Dienst”, TU Berlin, June 10, 2021.

(2021): Bogumil, J., Kuhlmann, S., Heuberger, M. und Marienfeldt, J.: Implementationsprobleme bei der Digitalisierung und (Teil-) Automatisierung von Verwaltungsleistungen in Kommunen. 28. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, September 14-16, 2021.

(2021): Marienfeldt, J.: Public Servants and Public Values in Digital Government. Nachwuchsworkshop Professionssoziologie, June 11, 2021. 

(2021) Marienfeldt, J.: Does digital government hollow out the essence of street-level bureaucracy? – A systematic review of the effects of ICT-based tools on discretion. International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM), April 20-23, 2021.

(2021): Marienfeldt, J.: Arbeitswelt in der digitalen Verwaltung. N3GZ Nachwuchsnetzwerk Digitale Verwaltung, March 18, 2021.

(2021): Marienfeldt, J. und Heuberger, M.: Automatisierung von Verwaltungsleistungen – Auswirkungen auf die Beschäftigten am Beispiel von i-Kfz. 14. Jahrestagung des Forum Junge Staats-, Verwaltungs- und Policy-Forschung (FoJuS) „Zukunft der Verwaltung, Verwaltung der Zukunft“, Universitity of Potsdam, Germany, February 25 and 26, 2021.

(2020): Marienfeldt, J.: Public Servants in Digital Government – A Systematic Review. European Group for Public Administration (EGPA) PhD Symposium, September 1, 2020.

(2020): Marienfeldt, J.:  Public Personnel in Digital Local Government. 13th Annual Meeting of the Forum of Early Career Researchers in Political Sciences, Public Administration, and Policy Research (FoJus) „The Future of Public Administration, the Public Administration of the Future", Helmut-Schmidt-University, Germany, February 27 and 28, 2020.

Journal reviews 

Der moderne Staat (dms)

International Journal of Public Sector Management (IJPSM) 


Summer term 2023

Digital transformation of public administration“ (MA)

Winter term 2022/23
“Representative bureaucracy“ (BA)

Summer term 2022
"Street-level bureaucracy" (BA)

Summer term 2021
“Public servants – who they are and what they do“ (MA)

Winter term 2020/21
“Introduction into scientific work in political and administrative science“ (BA)

Summer term 2020
“Understanding public administration – theoretical foundations and empirical research“ (BA)
“Politics and public administration“ (Berlin School of Economics and Law) (MA)

Winter term 2019/20
“Introduction into scientific work in political and administrative science“ (BA) 
“Digital government in Germany” (Babeș-Bolyai-University in Cluj, Romania) (BA)