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Cover: Handbook of Research

"Handbook of Research Methods in Public Administration, Management and Policy"

(published by Eran Vigoda-Gadot and Dana R. Vashdi; Edward Elgar)

In their contribution, Sabine Kuhlmann and Markus Seyfried deal with analytical concepts and methods of comparative administrative research. In addition to classical approaches of the most similar/dismilar design as well as qualitative (small n) and quantitative (large n) methods, typologies for comparing administrative systems are presented and method-critical considerations are made. The handbook represents a relevant current key publication in the field of empirically oriented administrative science and can be recommended for interested students and researchers alike.

Find the link to the book here.
An abstract on the chapter by Sabine Kuhlmann and Markus Seyfried can be downloaded here .

Cover: Handbook of Research