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University and Faculty Partnerships of the University of Potsdam

Current resolutions from the Executive Board regarding Russian universities

The University of Potsdam has suspended its partnerships with Russian  universities until further notice due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine in violation of international law. There is currently no cooperation with these universities (Resolutions from the Excecutive Board of the University of Potsdam).

You can find a list of all university and faculty partnerships of the University of Potsdam (cooperation agreements, memoranda of understanding, and joint PhD programs) on this site.

  • For more information on the partnerships of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) alliance, please click here.

Faculty partnerships are negotiated and administered directly by the faculties or central institutions and signed by the respective dean or head of the central institution.

An overview of the respective faculty partnerships can also be found on the  international pages of the faculties.

  • For more information on the partnerships of the European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) alliance, please click here.

More information on partnerships suitable for student exchange (exchange partnerships incl. Erasmus partnerships) can be found in the menu Going Abroad/Studying Abroad.

Academic freedom in partner countries

The annual Academic Freedom Index (AFi) of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and the V-Dem Institute Gothenborg allows universities to assess the degree of academic freedom in a partner country. The UP is aware of the restrictions on academic freedom with certain partner countries and checks in each individual case whether partnerships meet its own standards for freedom of research and teaching.

Academic Freedom Index (AFI) 2022

Link to the visualization tool of the AFi (V-Dem project)



Argentina (priority country)

Australia  (priority country)


Please note: According to the Academic Freedom Index, academic freedom in Belarus is significantly restricted (status E).

Brazil (priority country)


Canada (priority country)

China (PR)

Please note: According to the Academic Freedom Index, academic freedom in China is significantly restricted (status E).


Columbia (priority country)

Costa Rica

Czech Republic

France (priority country)





Please note: According to the Academic Freedom Index, academic freedom in Hungary is significantly restricted (status D).


Please note: According to the Academic Freedom Index, academic freedom in India is significantly restricted (status E).


Israel (priority country)






Namibia (priority region Sub-Saharan Africa)

Nigeria (priority region Sub-Saharan Africa)


Palestinian Territories (West Bank)

Poland (priority country)


Russian Federation (priority country)  (++++ partnerships suspended until further notice ++++)

Please note: According to the Academic Freedom Index, academic freedom in Russia is significantly restricted (status D).



South Africa (priority region Sub-Saharan Africa)

South Korea

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul (student exchage agreement)




Please note: According to the Academic Freedom Index, academic freedom in the Ukraine is significantly restricted (status D).

USA (priority country)

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

Regional Advisor for University Partnerships

regions Asia, Australia, Europe


Campus Neues Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10, 14496 Potsdam
Haus 8, Raum 1.06

Regional Advisor for University Partnerships

regions North America, South America, Sub-Saharan Africa


Campus Neues Palais
Am Neuen Palais 10, 14496 Potsdam
Haus 8, Raum 0.36