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A spontaneous face-to-face meeting in Bayreuth, Germany

Face-to-face meeting between Eveline sawadogo from Burkina Faso and Roman Hinz from University of Kassel
Photo: GreenGaDe

Even though researchers involved in the same GreenGaDe work packages live and work thousands of kilometers apart, two of them recently got the chance to meet each other rather spontaneously in person:

Within GreenGaDe, Eveline sawadogo (INERA, Burkina Faso) is investigating socio-economic factors that drive the implementation of climate-smart agricultural practices in West Africa and is simultaneously part of the African Cluster Centres (ACC). As luck would have it, the representatives of the ACC met at the University of Bayreuth – around 300 km away from the University of Kassel where Roman Hinz, her collaboration partner, is based.

Roman did not need to be told twice and used this precious occasion for a face-to-face exchange with Eveline about their activities and ideas. During the meeting, they worked among other things on the questionnaires for the field campaigns, they defined responsibilities for stakeholder identification and decided about using qualitative methods in participatory research.

For both, the meeting was very successful, and they are eager for further cooperation.

Face-to-face meeting between Eveline sawadogo from Burkina Faso and Roman Hinz from University of Kassel
Photo: GreenGaDe