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Kick-off workshop in Ouagadougou

A promising start of the GreenGaDe project

Our project, a cross-continental collaborative project in West Africa, officially started with a workshop in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from November 2-6, 2021.

This workshop brought together researchers from Germany, Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Niger to collaborate within the GreenGaDe project. Keynote speeches were given by representatives from the Ministry of Environment of Burkina Faso, the President of UJKZ, Directors of INERA, and the Director of WASCAL Competence Centre. Our PhD candidates also presented their dissertation outlines and future project plans.

We visited research sites in Ouagadougou, including croplands, forests, and fallow lands, where supervisors and senior scientists demonstrated the protocols for field sampling that the students will use in their PhD work.