Current thesis topics
As part of your final thesis, you will work on an exciting research project at the Chair. Each term we conduct studies (in particular questionnaire studies and experiments) on various issues in the field of leadership and team research. The research focus and opportunities for participation will be explained to you at the kick-off event. This event and other consultation dates will be announced in good time.
As part of your work, you will develop your own research question from the research project, recruit participants, analyse the data collected (under supervision) using statistical software and write up your research results. For this reason, you do not apply in advance for a specific topic, but only for a place to write a thesis. Mrs Metzger and Dr. Buss will support and advise you during the research process in the accompanying colloquia. However, in order to provide you with a personal contact person, please indicate a supervisor preference.
Alternatively, you can apply to Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Victor Tiberius for a specific, predefined topic. Please ask Mr Tiberius for the current selection of topics. On the application form, please indicate Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Tiberius under ‘Supervisor preference’ and your preferred topic under ‘Own topic suggestion’.
Note: Please note that different regulations may apply in individual cases. Your supervisor will discuss this with you individually.