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Meeting Protocols

The FSR will next meet will be next week on our Discord server, you are welcome to attend if you are interested in the work of the FSR. 



12th of March Extraordinary Meeting for Merch
6th of March

Merch, Our Mailing Problems, Events

2nd of March

Extraordinary Meeting for Merch

21st of February

Meeting times, Mails, Merch, Events

7th of February 

Mails, working group directory, Meetings in lecture free time, Events

31st of January

Mails, Designs, Events, BoxUp, Elenas grades, Meetings in lecture free time, election date

24th of January

Mails, Study Board, Design, VeFa Mailing list, VeFa, Elections

19th of Januaryfinances
17th of JanuaryMails, Design Meeting, Events
10th of JanauryGeneral Updates, Mails, Design (Meeting), Game night
5th of Januaryfinances
3rd of JanuaryMails, Design (Meeting), Investments, Mailing list, Events
20th of DecemberMails, Drive, Finances, Events, CogSci Conference, Key, Evaluation, VeFa
13th of DecemberGeneral, Updates, Events, Meetings over Christmas, Key
29th of NovemberMails, VeFa, Finances, Room, Christmas events
15th of NovemberMails, Office Hours, WhatsApp-Community, Psych DM, Events, Game night, VeFa, Else
8th of NovemberMails, Study board meeting update, CogSys room meeting, Finance AstA meeting 
1st of NovemberMail, Finances, Grading, AstA, CogSys, City Tour, B.Sc. Evaluation
25th of OctoberMails, FSR Meeting dates, Room, Freshi stuff,
18th of OctoberMails, Freshi-Stuf, FSR room, Finances, FSR meetings in new semester
1st of OctoberExtraordinary meeting - Freshi settlements  
29th of SeptemberMails, Freshi Bags, Mailingliste Application
19th of SeptemberMails, Freshi-Welcome, Logo
10th of SeptemberResearch Module, Mails, Meetings, Finances, PULS, Protocols
31st of JulyMails (Budget Plan, Mailing List etc.) Monitoring 
24th of JulyMails, Monitoring, Semester Break
10th of JulySummer party, Mailing list, Markt der Möglichkeiten, Organization BoxUP, Budget plan, Mentoring, Meetings during semester break
03d of JulyBudget Plan
26th of JuneWeekly Mail Assignments, Finances, Mails, Events 
19th of JuneFinances, Mails, Events, Stamps, Tutoring
12th of JuneMonitoring, Budget Plan, Events
05th of JuneMails, Websitem Mailing List, Events, Room
29th of MayMails, Websitem Mailing List, Events, Room
22nd of MayMails, Log Managment, Newsletter
15th of MayMails, Events, Rearranging 
12th of MayHow do we deal with mails / questions reg application process for the master
08th of MayWorking load of 2nd semester Master, Web page update, Mails, Code of conduct, Events 
02nd of  MayStudy Board debrief, Vote for formal roles, Mails
24th of AprilIntroduction to FSR for our new members
18th of AprilElection Protocol 



Januar 2022Link
Februar 2022Keine Treffen
März 2022Link
April 2022Link
Mai 2022Link
Juni 2022Link
Juli 2022 
August 2022 
September 2022 
Oktober 2022 
September 2022 
November 2022 
Dezember 2022 



Mai 2021Link
Juni 2021Link
Juli 2021Link
August 2021Keine Treffen
September 2021Link
Oktober 2021Link
November 2021Link
Dezember 2021
