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Event technology

Fotoausschnitt eines Regieraumbediengerätes
Source: Adobe #1121617994

For university staff, the ZIM offers support in the planning and implementation of events that go beyond the usual media equipment in the teaching rooms.

Our services include the supervision of media technology in courses, the installation of media technology in seminar rooms and lecture halls. A wide range of audio-visual equipment makes it possible to solve a wide variety of tasks. Video projectors for presentations or accessories such as stands, projection equipment or screens are available as well as microphone, sound or video technology.

We offer the following technology and technical advice on:

  • Overhead projectors
  • Slide projector
  • DVD/CD/video player
  • Video monitor
  • Projector
  • Laptop
  • Wireless microphone
  • Amplifier
  • Loudspeaker
  • Lecterns
Fotoausschnitt eines Regieraumbediengerätes
Source: Adobe #1121617994

Usage information

Please contact us well in advance, if you wish to hold an event.

In the event of defects and malfunctions of equipment and permanently installed audiovisual systems in lecture halls and seminar rooms, repairs can be carried out. In this case, we welcome notifications about the type of malfunction and the location of the equipment.

Central e-mail:  zim-serviceuni-potsdamde

In emergencies, please contact directly:

Neues Palais location:

Thomas Kühn Tel: 0331 977-4375

Golm location:

Henry Rutschmann Tel.: 0331 977-5385

Jens Hauschild Tel.: 0331 977-3455

Griebnitzsee location:

Jan Krüger-Rohde Tel.: 0331 977-362084

Michael Häntzschel Tel.: 0331 977-4650