Photographs are of enormous importance in print media, websites, posters, invitations and flyers as well as in other materials, also for illustrative purposes. A colorful photo can attract more attention than any catchy title and can support informative texts with exemplary images and make them easier to understand.
We are happy to create portraits for you and your area in our photo studio or accompany selected, important moments in your events on site with group and reportage photos.
Of course, innovative and individual formats are also possible. High-resolution, automated and waterproof cameras are available for this purpose. Aerial photography with drones can also be realized.
If you book us for public events, we ask you to inform invited persons about the photographic accompaniment. This can be noted on the invitation, for example.
When creating individual portraits, a signed declaration of consent must be submitted in advance.
Notes on use
- A cost centre at the University of Potsdam is required to commission the service.
- Photos are supplied as standard in high quality, printable .jpg files.
Get in touch with us via the contact form