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FAQ Application

FAQ - Uni Potsdam master's program

For general questions about the application materials and processes to be submitted, the Division of Student Affairs page may be a first stop: Frequently asked questions about master's degree application via uni-assist e.V.
Furthermore, frequently asked questions are listed below.
If you still have questions, especially about the specific content of the Master's program, please contact the Departmental Advisor or the tutors.

FAQ - Master Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Here we list short answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding the Master's Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. All information given here can also be found in the relevant regulation documents, in particular the

Please read these documents (and possibly existing recent amendments - see here) as well as  the online information published by the University of Potsdam's Division of Student Affairs carefully.

Which undergraduate degree qualifies?

When do I apply?

Where do I send my application documents?

Do you acknowledge my degree … from university of…?

How do I get the admission? What is the NC?

Knowledge of English

Knowledge of German

Uni-Assist does not forward my application. What can I do?

How can I get help with Visa application?

Are there tuition fees?

Until when do I have to enroll to the University of Potsdam?

When is the deadline for course registration?

Departmental Advising

Dr. Marianne Grafe


consulting hours
by appointment


Vivienne Wimmer