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Recognition of Previous Academic Credentials

Basic information and forms on the recognition of achievements, change of university and change of degree programme can be found on the pages of the Department of Student Affairs.

Application for recognition of achievements at the Faculty of Science

Please submit the application for recognition to the Office of Student Affairs and Academic Affairs.

The following documents must be submitted:

  • Application for recognition (only available in German, choose at "Studienfach" what you want to study and then just scroll down without clicking the button)
  • If applicable, completed Learning Agreement (for stays abroad as part of the degree programme)
  • Module description(s) / learning outcome descriptions of the courses at the higher education institution, if no (binding) Learning Agreement has been concluded
  • If applicable, secondary hearing certificate for studies and examinations taken at other German universities
  • Transcript of Records or other proof of achievement
  • Current academic record of studies at the University of Potsdam (if applicable)
  • If applicable, application for placement in the event of a change of higher education institution or degree programme

Only complete applications will be forwarded by the Office for Academic Affairs to the examination boards for processing. Please allow 6 weeks for processing.

You will be informed by the Office for Academic Affairs by e-mail as soon as the application has been processed by the examination board.

After you have received the processed application from the Office of Academic Affairs and have enrolled or are enrolled at the University of Potsdam, submit the application together with copies of the relevant certificates of achievement and, if applicable, a secondary hearing certificate to the Department of Academic Affairs, Office of Student Affairs/Examination Office using the upload function in PULS. Students who are transferring from another institution can already send the application by e-mail to pruefungsamtuni-potsdamde before they enrol.

Please note that the application signed by the Examination Committee must be submitted immediately (within 4 weeks) after completed enrolment/ re-registration.

Information on recognition of previous academic credentials:

How should I fill out the application for recognition?

Can I have achievements recognized that I have acquired within the University of Potsdam?

Can I get credit for work I have done outside the University of Potsdam?

Which version of the form (with which "Prüfungsversion") should I take?

What does "Auch nicht bestandene Leistungen sind in die Entscheidung über die Anerkennung einzubeziehen." mean?

What does „Der vom Prüfungsausschuss unterzeichnete Antrag ist nach vollzogener Einschreibung/Rückmeldung unverzüglich (innerhalb von 4 Wochen) an das Studienbüro/PRÜFUNGSAMT zu übermitteln. (...)" mean?

What does „Rechtsbehelfsbelehrung: Gegen diesen Bescheid kann innerhalb eines Monats nach Bekanntgabe Widerspruch bei der Universität Potsdam, vertreten durch den Präsidenten, Am Neuen Palais 10, 14469 Potsdam, eingelegt werden.“ mean?

Note for student teachers


Application for placement in a higher semester at the Faculty of Science

Please submit the application for classification together with the application for recognition to the Office of Studies and Teaching at least 6 weeks before the application deadline for the respective degree programme so that it can be processed in time.

You will be informed by the Office of Studies and Teaching by e-mail as soon as the application has been processed by the examination board.

After you have received the processed applications from the Office of Studies and Teaching, you can apply for the corresponding degree programme within the specified deadlines and with the required documents. After enrolment, please submit the processed application for recognition within 4 weeks to the Department of Student Affairs, Examination Office.

Here you will find some more information on the topic "Placement in a higher semester":

When do I have to submit which application?

Who is the exam committee chair for my subject?

In which semester will I be enrolled after interrupting my studies at the University of Potsdam?

In which semester will I be enrolled if I was already enrolled in the program at another university?

Notes on the semester

When is a placement required for an application for a Master's degree?

Dr. Antonia Menski


Universität Potsdam
Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
14476 Potsdam OT Golm


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