Faculty of Science - international
The Faculty of Science has an internationally oriented teaching and research profile. Researchers at all career levels come from the international arena or are linked to it through collaborations.
Current examples are the two international DFG Ph.D. Research Groups from the Institute of Earth and Environmental Sciences "SuRfAce processes, Tectonics and Georesources: The Andean foreland basin of Argentina (StRATEGy)" and "Natural Hazards and Risks in a Changing World (NatRiskChange)".
But also in the area of study and teaching, the Faculty of Science pays special attention to an international orientation. Internationalisation can be realised through differentiation according to degree: While in the Bachelor's degree programmes initially only individual modules are taught in English, this is increasing in the Master's degree programmes. Some programmes will also be taught purely in English in the close future. From doctoral level, research and publication activities take place almost exclusively in international context and in English.