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Please note that this page was translated with deepL, the German-language website is authoritative.
The BSc Patholinguistics is a German-language degree program, it is taught in German.

Welcome to the Patholinguistics degree programme!

Dear students and prospective students

On the following pages you will find information and further links about the Patholinguistics degree programme, academic speech therapy and studying at the University of Potsdam. You will also find answers to frequently asked questions.

Zwei Studentinnen in der Therapiebibliothek

Patholinguistics therapy library

There is a large stock of literature, test procedures, materials and games for the diagnosis and therapy of developmental and acquired speech, language and swallowing disorders.



Speech therapy - a profession for you

Why is it worth working as an academic speech and language therapist? The film ‘Speech therapy - a profession for you’ provides answers. In five minutes, the film introduces the profession of speech therapy/logopaedics and possible places of work and gives 10 reasons why you should take up the profession. The film was premiered at the dbs symposium in Dortmund and can be viewed here:
dbs e.V. - Film: Speech therapy/logopaedics - A profession for you (