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Bild: Ernst Kaczynski

The Department of Linguistics

The Department of Linguistics at the University of Potsdam has a strong international reputation in interdisciplinary research, combining theory and empirical methods to study human language. Research in the department spans all subfields of linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics) and includes psycho- and neurolinguistics (language comprehension, language production, language development, language disorders) as well as applied and theoretical computational linguistics. In our research we make use of a broad range of methodological approaches (e.g., cross-linguistic comparisons, computational modeling, behavioral and electrophysiological experiments).

We have a long tradition of fruitful cooperation with neighboring disciplines including psychology and computer science, for example within the SFB 1287 Limits of Variability. See here to learn more about the wide range of research we are doing.

We are part of the Research Focus Cognitive Sciences and the intra-faculty unit Cognitive Science in the Faculty of Human Sciences.

The Department offers various undergraduate and graduate/doctoral programs:

Bachelor BSc:

Master MSc.:

Structured doctoral programmes:

Visit us: The Department is located on theUniversity Campus Golm, in Building 14. The Potsdam Research Institute for Multilingualism is located in Building 2.