"The BSc Kogitionswissenschaft is a German-language degree program, it is taught in German."
Information can be found here (https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/kow/index) and here (https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/studium/studienangebot/bachelor/ein-fach-bachelor/kognitionswissenschaft) (in German).
Welcome to the Cognitive Science degree programme
Dear prospective students,
On the following pages you can find information about the cognitive science program at the University of Potsdam.
Information for beginning students of the BSc cognitive science
Briding course in mathematics
At the beginning of the fall semester, the faculty of science offers a bridging course in mathematics for STEM-students. This course is strongly recommended for students of the BSc program in cognitive science and is supplemented with a tutorial. The course for incoming students aims at filling gaps in the students‘ mathematical skills to facilitate the begin of studies. It involves freshening up the content of the final secondary-school examinations in groups. The course is relevant for the courses "Mathematik für Informatik I und II", which have to be taken by all students of cognitive science in their first semester.
The dates will soon be updated:
In addition to the bridging course, you can also refresh your mathematical knowledge by means of the following online courses (which, however, do not replace the bridging course!):