Please note that this page was translated with deepL, the German-language website is authoritative.
The BSc Patholinguistics is a German-language degree program, it is taught in German.
Patholinguistics therapy library
Paula Ambrus
Campus Golm
House 14, Rooms 1.02 and 1.05
consulting hours
by agreement
The therapy library of the Patholinguistics degree programme (B.Sc.) has an extensive collection of literature, test procedures, materials and games for the diagnosis and therapy of developmental and acquired speech, language and swallowing disorders (including SES, LRS, fluency disorders, mutism, aphasia, dysarthria, apraxia of speech, dysphagia).
The materials are used in teaching and in therapeutic-practical training and are primarily available to students and staff of the Patholinguistics degree programme. Students and staff of other degree programmes can only use the therapy library on request.
Longer-term loans are possible in exceptional cases and must be registered at least two weeks before the desired date of use. Please send an e-mail to therapiebib-pluuni-potsdampde. Please state your subject, the required material and the desired date of use in the e-mail.
Please note our terms of use.