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The BSc Patholinguistics is a German-language degree program, it is taught in German.

BSc Patholinguistics: Information for prospective students

Study objective and career prospects

The Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Patholinguistics is professionally qualifying, i.e. you can enter the speech and language therapy profession directly after graduation and work as an academic speech and language therapist in the field of speech, language and swallowing therapy. Alternatively, you can deepen your studies in a Master's programme.

The programme takes into account the requirements of the professional world and teaches all the necessary scientific and therapeutic-practical (patho)linguistic, medical, pedagogical and psychological principles. Students acquire all the necessary specialist knowledge, therapeutic-practical skills and methods. As a result, graduates are not only qualified for therapeutic-practical work, but also for scientific and problem-solving work, critical categorisation of scientific findings and independent action.

The degree programme is recognised by the statutory health insurance (see admission recommendations in accordance with Section 124 (4) SGB V, Annex 3). This means that patholinguists (B.Sc.) are authorised to dispense remedies at the expense of the statutory health insurance. They can therefore take on a variety of tasks in the field of diagnostics, therapy, research and teaching of speech, language and swallowing disorders in adults, adolescents and children.

Patholinguists work in clinical or outpatient facilities such as speech therapy practices, socio-paediatric centres, learning therapy facilities, hospitals, rehabilitation clinics, geriatric facilities and counselling centres. Here they work in the areas of diagnostics, therapy and counselling and may also be responsible for the organisation and management of the facility.

Patholinguists who are active in the field of teaching and research work as research assistants and lecturers at universities, colleges or speech and language therapy schools. In addition to basic research, the development of diagnostic procedures and therapeutic approaches is another focus of their work.

The German Federal Association for Academic Speech and Language Therapy (dbs) has created a mission statement and competence profile for academic speech and language therapy, which you can view here.
Our flyer gives you an overview of the aims and structure of the BSc Patholinguistics programme, as well as the course content and possible fields of work.

Requirements and recommendations

In principle, proof of a general higher education entrance qualification or an equivalent qualification is required to study at the University of Potsdam. Non-German nationals must provide proof of language proficiency in German (European Framework of Reference for Languages at level C1) when applying.

External internship
For the degree (B.Sc. Patholinguistics), it is mandatory to complete an external internship in accordance with the study regulations. The external internship requires full vaccination against COVID-19 from 16 March 2022. This means that from 16 March 2022, all persons working in a speech therapy practice or clinic must be fully vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2 or provide proof of recovery or a medical certificate confirming the existence of a contraindication to vaccination against COVID-19. So far (as of 14 December 2021), two vaccinations are considered complete vaccination protection. However, it is quite possible that this regulation will also be adjusted and vaccination protection may therefore ‘expire’. A 3rd vaccination is already recommended no later than 6 months after the 2nd vaccination. Full vaccination protection must be available from 16 March 2022 or when starting an internship or job. Here you will find the corresponding information sheet of the German Federal Association for Academic Speech Therapy and Speech Therapy e.V.

The degree programme is aimed at a speech-intensive profession. We therefore recommend that you have your voice and hearing checked by an ENT specialist or phoniatrist before starting the programme.
In order to determine whether you enjoy working with people of all ages and can adapt to their particular situation with full attention, we recommend that you complete a four-week social work placement, e.g. in a day care centre or a retirement home.
It is in your own interest to implement these recommendations, but they are not a prerequisite for applying to the University of Potsdam!


The BSc Patholinguistics programme can only be started in the winter semester.
The application and application procedure is centralised and carried out directly via the University of Potsdam.

Admission to the BSc in Patholinguistics is regulated by the NC (numerus clausus) and, if applicable, by the waiting period (time after the Abitur that was not spent at a university).
The NC for each year is determined by the number of applicants, their A-level grades and the number of places available. It is therefore not possible to make a binding forecast about future allocation procedures. The selection limits can be viewed here.

Here you will find important information on applying to the University of Potsdam:

- the application and enrolment procedure
- the university entrance qualification
- the allocation of study places (Numerus Clausus and waiting period)
- changing degree programmes
- applications for a second degree programme

Study programme

The BSc Patholinguistics programme comprises 7 semesters and has a total of 210 credit points.
An internship semester takes place in external institutions in the 5th semester. For this, a full vaccination certificate must be available from 16 March 2022 or at the start of the internship. Here you can find the corresponding information sheet of the German Federal Association for Academic Speech Therapy and Speech Therapy e.V.

The course of study is regulated by the study regulations. These contain information on how the programme is structured.
The programme is divided into a total of 21 thematic modules. The exact content of the modules is explained in the module description. The module description also specifies the type of course (e.g. lecture, seminar, internship), the average workload (attendance time and self-study) and the type of examination (e.g. written exam, term paper, presentation).

The examination regulations for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes (BAMA-O) regulate the examination procedure.
The examination regulations relevant to the BSc Patholinguistics can be viewed here.

Programme content at a glance

  • Acquired speech, language and swallowing disorders (basics, diagnosis and therapy)
  • Developmental speech, language and swallowing disorders (basics, diagnostics and therapy)
  • Therapeutic-practical training (therapy didactics, counselling and therapist behaviour, internships)
  • Linguistics, medicine, psychology, education and sociology
  • Speech therapy research methods, professional law and quality management

Stays abroad

The University of Potsdam and the Patholinguistics degree programme expressly support stays abroad during your studies. You can study abroad or complete an internship.

The University of Potsdam participates in the Erasmus+ programme, which promotes cross-border mobility for students in Europe. The Patholinguistics degree programme has partner universities in Belgium, Finland, France, Great Britain, the Netherlands, Austria, Turkey and Switzerland. Stays abroad outside Europe are also possible.

You can find further information on studying abroad on the website of the International Office.

Speech therapy - a profession for you

In five minutes, the film introduces the profession of speech therapy/logopaedics and possible places of work and gives 10 reasons why you should take up the profession.