Please note that this page was translated with deepL, the German-language website is authoritative.
The BSc Patholinguistics is a German-language degree program, it is taught in German.
Practical training in the Patholinguistics degree programme: Information for parents and interested parties
You can also find the following information here as a PDF.
What we offer
We train academic speech and language therapists on the ‘Patholinguistics’ Bachelor's degree programme at the University of Potsdam. Students gain extensive practical experience during their studies. Under the guidance of expert supervisors, students apply speech therapy diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in practical sessions. Children between the ages of 4 and 10 with (suspected) speech development disorders or pronunciation disorders as well as adults with acquired speech disorders (aphasia) or speech disorders (dysarthria, apraxia of speech) can take part in these practical sessions. The number of places is limited.
Time & place
The practical sessions take place once a week. The exact date will be arranged individually. If you decide to take part, you should attend a practice session for at least four months (approx. 12 - 15 appointments). Continuation is possible by arrangement. The exercise treatments usually take place from March to June and October to February.
Our rooms are located in ZaPP Ausbildung (Potsdam city centre, Palais am Stadtkanal, room 025, Am Kanal 16-18, 14467 Potsdam) and on the Golm campus of the University of Potsdam (room 1.05, Karl-Liebknecht-Straße 24-25, 14476 Potsdam-Golm). You can find the directions here: Directions ZaPP Training / Directions Golm. In individual cases, a practical session can also be held online.
The practice treatments are aimed at one child or one adult at a time. Our students are in their second year of study and prepare each practical session in detail. They are closely supervised by the supervisors. Two to three students form a therapy team that plans and carries out the sessions together. Our supervisors, who have a wide range of clinical experience and training in speech therapy, accompany and advise the planning and implementation and are present at each practical session. Each practical session is analysed and reflected on in detail with the therapy team and the next session is then planned. All content and your data will of course be treated confidentially and in accordance with the GDPR.
Your advantages
The practical sessions are individually tailored to the child or adult in question. The students prepare the practical sessions thoroughly. Our supervisors have many years of practical and teaching experience. Thanks to the direct connection to the university degree programme, the diagnostic and speech therapy methods are always in line with the latest scientific knowledge.
Free participation
The practical sessions are used to train our students and for speech therapy research. Participation is therefore free of charge and you do not need a prescription. Parallel treatment in a speech therapy practice can of course be continued. We are happy to liaise with the treating therapists.
Contact us
If you are interested in taking part in exercise treatments yourself or with your child, you can contact us using the form below. Please note the information on data protection.
We are also happy to answer any questions you may have by telephone or call you back.
For exercise treatments with children, please contact Mrs Jeannine Schwytay, jeannine.schwytayuuni-potsdampde, 0331-9772377 (Mailbox).
For exercise treatments with adults, please contact Mrs Judith Heide, jheideuuni-potsdampde, 0331-9772947 (Mailbox).
* Mandatory fields: Required to submit the form.