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2024 | News from our group

April 2024: One degree Celsius warmer means that tulips will flower one week earlier

During the past two years, the phenology of herbaceous plants has been monitored within a citizen science project called Plant Climate Culture!

March 2024: NamTip researchers complete a successful fieldwork campaign in Namibia

NamTip researchers visited the study sites and collected data as part of the main fieldwork campaign of NamTip’s second phase.

the coordinators standing in front of tropical plants

March 2024: New project coordinators for the GreenGaDe project

We are happy to welcome two new project coordinators for the GreenGaDe project to our working group.

March 2024: Project Kick-Off Meeting in Namibia with local partner and stakeholders

The Kick-Off Meeting of NamTip Phase II was held in Windhoek, Namibia, with the participation of local partners and stakeholders.

January 2024: New learning opportunities for our students

Working group and project members learn about scientific writing and multivariate statistics

2023 | News from our group

December 2023: Christmas Party in the Botanical Garden

Our working group had a wonderful Christmas Party in the Botanical Garden.

November 2023: TV broadcast on deserts and desertification

Prof. Linstädter was interviewed during an episode of the TV program “Planet Wissen”.

November 2023: Selecting new study sites in Namibia

Fieldwork started for the 2nd phase of the NamTip project

people (with Prof. Anja Linstädter and Helen Schroeter) standing in front of a building on the Neues Palais Campus

November 2023: MSc thesis on Namibian drylands completed

Congratulation to Helen Schroeter for successfully defending her MSc thesis in the framework of the NamTip project.

people standing in front of a yellow coloured tree

September 2023: New NamTip project manager on board!

Working group welcomes Thomas Bringhenti, a new addition to our NamTip project.

September 2023: Field work in Germany under abnormal warm and sunny weather conditions

The last field campaign of the SeBAS project was successfully completed.

July 2023: Meet our newest group members

Our research group welcomes a new scientific postdoc and a new PhD candidate

a group of people standing in front of a field

June 2023: Students experience a week of hands-on ecological research

As part of their course work, students explore research on global change ecology in research projects around Germany.

June 2023: Second question time at our Pflanze Klimakultur! Model climate bed

The project team of Pflanze KlimaKultur! and our workgroup welcomes again citizen scientists in the Botanical Garden Potsdam.

May 2023: PhD students at the International Grassland Congress 2023

Our PhD students Florian Männer and Lisa-Maricia Schwarz presented results of their studies at the IGC 2023 in Kentucky, USA.

May 2023: We are hiring!

Our working group is looking for a Scientific Postdoc for synthetic analyses in GreenGaDe.

two talking women (Prof. Anja Linstädter and Liana Kindermann)

April 2023: Interview UP Magazine

The magazine “Portal” interviewed us for its latest issue on research topics at University of Potsdam related to the future.

February 2023: Annual assembly of the Biodiversity Exploratories

Members of the SeBAS project joined the annual assembly of the Biodiversity Exploratories in Wernigerode.

group picture

January 2023: Project Workshop of GreenGaDe in Potsdam

Project members from Burkina Faso, Germany, Ghana and Niger met for their annual workshop at the University of Potsdam.