Teaching – Current Courses
Oberseminar – “Current Topics in Biodiversity Research” (ENG)
We would like to invite all students of University of Potsdam and members of ecological working groups of University of Potsdam to join our Weekly seminar in which we invite distinguished researchers to present their work to our group and students and to facilitate a discussion about shared interests. The seminar is running each Monday at 2:15 pm during the semester in a hybrid format. It is held in presence at Maulbeerallee 2a and It is also streamed live on Zoom.
This seminar operates in tandem with the Ecological colloquium, click here for more information.
Instructor(s): Hiba El Hjajbi, Prof. Dr. Linstädter
Term(s): WS and SS
Course material:Moodle
Excursions (ENG/DE)
The regularly held excursions give students the opportunity to get valuable insight into different highlights of local plant diversity and habitats. Each one is lead by an expert in the field who shares their scientific and botanical expertise to allow the students to get a deeper understanding of the vegetation around us. Please note that the language of instruction for most of the excursions will be German.
If you are interested, please send an email to Ms. Ines Schneider (exkursion-biodiv@uni-potsdam.de) with the date and title of the excursion you would like to take part in. This gives us an overview of the number of expected participants and allows us to create a list of those who can attend and also a replacement list.
Please note that a maximum of 20 persons can take part per excursion and (out of fairness to your fellow students) only register for excursions that you will actually attend! A private transfer of excursion places is not possible and you have to confirm your participation again by email about one week before the date.
The half-day or full-day botanical excursions (usually offered on Saturdays or Sundays) in WiSe 2024/2025 are listed below. They turn to a. to students in the Bachelor of Biosciences, Bachelor of Teaching and the corresponding Master's courses, but are also open to students of other disciplines. The respective meeting point including time is given in the second line.
Please note: Dont't ask the excursion leaders for an extra seat on the list! Because it's not fair for the students on the replacement list!!!
Winter Semester Schedule
BSc Course “Botanische Bestimmungsübungen für Studierende der Geoökologie” (DE)
Dieser Kurs bietet Studierenden der Geoökologie und der Geowissenschaften die Möglichkeit einen Einblick in Vielfalt und Systematik der Pflanzen zu erhalten. Er ist als praktiksche Übung konzipiert und soll Absolvent:innen befähigen selbeständig Pflanzenarten mit Hilfe von Bestimmungsliteratur identifizieren zu können. Außerdem soll der Kurs Merkmale wichtiger Pflanzenfamilien vermitteln, sodass diese im Freiland identifiziert werden können.
Instructor(s): Liana Kindermann and Ingo da Costa Porep (Tutor)
Term(s): SS
Course material:Moodle
BSc Kurse “Allgemeine Botanik” (DE)
Die Allgemeine Botanik vermittelt Grundlagen der Botanik für Studierende der Biowissenschaften, Biologie (Lehramt) und der Ernährungswissenschaften. Es gibt eine Vorlesung (gehalten von Thilo Heinken), die ergänzt wird durch praktische Übungen. Schwerpunkt sind Bau, Funktion und Fortpflanzung höherer Pflanzen; es wird aber auch ein Überblick über die Vielfalt pflanzlicher und pilzlicher Organisationsformen vermittelt. Die praktischen Übungen vertiefen und erweitern den Stoff der Vorlesung durch den praktischen Umgang mit botanischen Objekten (Präparieren, Mikroskopieren).
Instructor(s): Thilo Heinken, Volker Kummer, Liana Kindermann, Magnus Dobler
Term(s): WS
Course material:Moodle ; Moodle (Praktische Übungen)
BSc & MSc Module “Ecology and diversity of terrestrial plants” (ENG)
This module combines a practical field course with lectures and seminars to deepen both theoretical and practical knowledge in terrestrial plant ecology. The practical course will be different for Bachelor and Master students.
Instructor(s): Prof. Dr. Linstädter, Dr. Burkart, Magnus Dobler, Hiba El Hjajbi, Dr. Amanuel Gebremichael, Liana Kindermann
Term(s): SS
Course material:Moodle
MSc Module for Lecture State of the Art-Ecology, Compulsory Module 1 (ENG)
This is a facultative tutorial to the lecture series "State of the Art Ecology, Compulsory Module 1". For questions about the lecture content and to deepen what has been learned, the tutorial will be offered in English on Mondays 16:15-17:45 h in Room: 5.03. 1.04
Instructor(s): Prof. Dr. Gaedke, Prof. Dr. Linstädter, Hiba El Hjajbi
Term(s): WS & SS
Course material:PULS