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Completed BA/MA Theses


Juliane Alison Christ: (Master 2025) Demand and conservation of ecosystem services in rural Africa through traditional botanical knowledge - A cross-country study in Zambia and Namibia (supervised by Prof A. Linstädter & Dr L. Kindermann)

Vera Nauke: (Master 2024)  Investigating therelationship between climatic conditions and phenotypic plasticity in Arabidopsis thaliana via fast phenotyping (supervised by  Hiba El Hjajbi, Anja Linstädter)

Michelle Eckhardt: (Master 2024) Species diversity effects on the temporal stability of productivity: Insights from managed grasslands in Central Europe. (supervised by Prof. Dr. A. Linstädter and Sophia Meyer)

Helen Schroeter: (Master, 2023) The effects of drought and grazing on ANPP and RUE in a Namibian rangeland with two different land-use histories being further and closer to a DTP. (supervised by Prof. Dr. A. Linstädter)

Hannah Weeks: (Master, 2022) Biodiversity and design of front gardens: A case study in Cologne. (supervised by Prof. Dr. A. Linstädter)

Romy Angermann: (Master, 2020) Der Einfluss von Herbivorie auf Plant-Soil Feedbacks in Pflanzengemeinschaften. (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

Luise Werger: (Master, 2020) Vergleichende Studie zu Windeffekten auf die Wurzelmorphologie von Pflanzen. (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

Laura Krumpholz: (Master, 2020) Effekte von „clipping“ und Herbivorie sowie deren Intensität auf Pflanzenmerkmale. (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

Tom Krumpholz: (Master, 2020) Herbivorie-Effekte auf Pflanzenmerkmale: Einfluss von Zeitpunkt und Art der Herbivorie. (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

Anne Fronia: (Master, 2019) Impact of herbivory intensity on plant-soil feedbacks and associated effects on plant competition (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

Sven Greiner: (Bachelor, 2019) Plant-soil feedbacks under different levels of aboveground herbivory. (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

Monika Prause: (Master, 2019) "Einfluss der Landschaftsdiversität auf die Abundanz und Diversität der Arthropodengemeinschaft" (supervised by Dr. L. Raatz)

Luise Werger: (Bachelor, 2019) Einfluss von Windstärke auf die Wurzelarchitektur von Pflanzen und die Interaktionen mit Bodenmikroorganismen. (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

Leah Kirchhoff: (Bachelor, 2018) Disentangling biotic and abiotic effects on local adaptation of Plantago lanceolata. (supervised by Dr. J. Heinze)

M. Tomowski: (Master, 2018). The role of epigenetics in local adaptation to herbivores and pathogens in two invasive Solidago species. (supervised by S. Eckert)

Ireen Engelhardt: (supervised by Dr. E. Weber and PD Dr. T. Heinken)

Maximus Tochukwu Anochirim