BA/ MA Students
Master students in our working group:
Sarah Rafaela Borges Schumacher
Contact: borgesschumacheruuni-potsdampde
Project: Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF)
Title:Phenological responses of grassland species to different environmental cues
Supervisors: Magnus Dobler, Anja Linstädter
Ingo DaCosta-Porep
Contact: ingo.da.costa.porepuuni-potsdampde
Project: Linde-Wildflower-Experiment
Title: Does the shape and connectedness of wildflower areas matter for functional flower traits and plant-pollinator interactions?
Supervisors: Katharina Stein, Anja Linstädter
Anna Gorshunova
Contact: anna.gorshunovauuni-potsdampde
Project: Collaborative Research Centre “Phenotypic Plasticity in Plants”
Title: Exploring phenotypic plasticity patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana along soil nitrogen gradients
Supervisors: Hiba El Hjajbi, Anja Linstädter
Julian Krause
Contact: julian.krauseuuni-potsdampde
Project: Collaborative Research Centre “Future Rural Africa”
Title: Comparison of ecosystem services between residual tree stands on agricultural fields and near-natural savannas in the KAZA-Region in Namibia and Zambia
Supervisors: Katharina Stein, Anja Linstädter
Steffanie Mantik
Contact: steffanie.mantikuuni-potsdampde
Project: Collaborative Research Centre “Future Rural Africa”
Title: Contrasting perceptions of farmers and tourists on wildlife – the complexity of human-wildlife conflict in Southern Africa
Supervisors: Liana Kindermann, Anja Linstädter
Albert Justus Marsden
Contact: albert.justus.marsdenuuni-potsdampde
Project: Botanical Garden Potsdam
Title: Sansevieria in East African Coral Rag Forests: A first study of litter trapping
Supervisors: Katharina Stein, Michael Burkart
Louisa Ramke
Contact: louisa.ramkeuuni-potsdampde
Project: Botanical Garden Potsdam
Title: Population ecology of Sansevieria sp. on the Zanzibar Archipelago, Tansania
Supervision: Katharina Stein, Michael Burkart
Lucas Reichert
Contact: lucas.reichertuuni-potsdampde
Project: Linde-Wildflower-Experiment
Title: Age and edge effects on the functional composition of wildflower-elements in agricultural landscapes with respect to their potential foraging supply for pollinators
Supervisors: Katharina Stein, Anja Linstädter
Viviane Riemer
Contact: viviane.riemeruuni-potsdampde
Project: Priority Program “Fluvial Anthroposphere”
Title: Vegetation dynamics in the floodplains of the Lower Havel River: insights from vegetation resurveys
Supervisors: Jannis Weil, Anja Linstädter
Selina Seyd
Contact: ssyeduuni-potsdampde
Project: Global Change Experimental Facility (GCEF)
Title: Effect of climate change on grassland species' intraspecific trait variation
Supervisors: Magnus Dobler, Anja Linstädter
List of BA students
Marc Schnapka
Contact: marc.schnapkauuni-potsdampde
Project: No project
Title: Die Diversität der Phanerogamen auf dem Campus Golm der Universität Potsdam und ihr ökologischer Wert – eine Bestandsaufnahme
Supervisors: Volker Kummer
Sophie Panske
Contact: sophie.panskeuuni-potsdampde
Project: Botanical gardens as a global phenological observation network (PhenObs)
Title: Do plants in botanical gardens have a different phenology than those in the real world?
Supervisors: Magnus Dobler, Anja Linstädter