The organizational structure of the Feel Good Campus is pyramid-shaped and is divided into five levels, which are networked with each other and assume different responsibilities and functions within the project.

Core Team
The core team is the executive part of student health management. It consists of the project manager in University Sports, the project coordinator Julia Seiffert and her student colleagues. The core team is responsible for the conception, organization and implementation of all goals and tasks. More information about the entire team can be found here.
Project Team
The project team consists of the head of university sports Maren Schulze, project manager Julia Seiffert, student employees and a representative of Techniker Krankenkasse. Their task is to control the project and advise the core team on the implementation of the individual tasks.
Steering Committee
The steering group discusses the next steps in the project and sets goals. The steering group meets four times a year and is made up of the project team, the President of the University of Potsdam or the Head of the President's Office, representatives of the student body, representatives of teaching staff and the representative for students with disabilities.
Topic-specific Working Groups
New challenges are constantly arising as the project develops. Working groups are formed to adequately address these. Among other things, there is currently a working group for a health survey for students.
Student Body
Student health management thrives on participation, which is why everything stands and falls with the university's students, who form the basis. The services are developed and the project is constantly refined based on the needs of the students. Students and their representatives can get involved in the design of the university's health structures via the downstream structural units.