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Advice on Campus
Photo: Feel Good Campus

The University of Potsdam does not leave you alone!

Various contact and advice centres are available to help you with a range of topics. Some of the contact and advice centres provide advice on conflicts in general, while others specialise in specific topics or discrimination issues. Do not hesitate to contact one of these centres. Together, we will clarify confidentially who at the UP can best advise you on your concerns. Discrimination, harassment, bullying or stalking must not be a taboo subject at the University of Potsdam!

Depending on what your concern is, you can find the contact persons under the following links.

Health and Sports

Conflicts and Worries


Sexism, Gender, Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation

Compatibility, Family, Social Affairs and Care

Disability and Chronic Diseases

International Persons



Career Planning and Promotion

Legal Advice

Scientific Misconduct

Study and Teaching

Digital Violence in the Science System