Awareness Month on the topic of equal opportunities and mental health
The reasons for mental illness are at least as varied as the people affected. However, there is widespread empirical agreement that experiences of discrimination can also affect people's health.
Stress caused by experiences of discrimination can manifest itself both psychologically and physically: Affected persons report stress, anger, fear, helplessness or inner tension. These stressful factors can develop into mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety or sleep disorders. In addition to individual microaggressions, i.e. forms of subtle and repeated discrimination in everyday life, structural discrimination anchored in society plays a particularly decisive role here. Such institutional structures shape a person's resources and opportunities and thus influence the way their life is shaped. For example, experiences of discrimination in the university context can have a significant impact on the mental state of university members and thus influence their everyday university life and career. This is because the mental health and well-being of students and staff play a decisive role in academic success, academic careers and good working conditions.
However, many people are unaware of the connection between mental health and experiences of discrimination. In addition, mental health problems are still a taboo subject, especially in the workplace. For this reason, the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities, together with the Student and Occupational Health Management and the Representative for Students with Disabilities and his team, would like to draw attention to the topic of mental health from a discrimination-sensitive perspective as part of MentalUP Awareness Month from January 29 to February 23, 2024.
The awareness month starts with a one-week general introduction to the topic of discrimination and mental health. The following three weeks will focus on the influence of classism, racism and ableism on the psyche. During these four weeks, various events and interactive formats such as lectures, workshops, exhibitions and podcasts will provide information on the links between different forms of discrimination and mental health. We look forward to taking a closer look at the topic of discrimination and mental health and thereby highlighting the connections, breaking down the taboos surrounding mental illness and discussing discrimination-sensitive solution strategies for the University of Potsdam together.
The project is funded by the German Rectors' Conference as part of the “Diversity at German Universities” initiative.