The World Health Organization defines mental (psychological) health as a state of well-being in which a person can realize his or her potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to his or her community. If she cannot do so, her mental health is at risk. Especially against the backdrop of current, ongoing and worsening crises, each individual is particularly challenged to maintain mental health. There are many ways to do this. One of them is the use of preventive services.
With the MENTAL GESUND.heitstag, the first GESUND.heitstag at the University of Potsdam, the Student Health Management and the Workplace Health Management want to point out the value of mental health, show which prevention offers the University of Potsdam and the city of Potsdam have to offer, and get into conversation with all members of the university. In addition to speeches by President Prof. Oliver Günther, Ph.D., and Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Rapp, there will be free workshops, offerings, and hands-on activities on all campuses on May 3, 2023. The day will end with the awarding of the Inclusion Prize and a Grill & Chill at Campus Neues Palais.
Program of May 3, 2023
Campus I - Am Neuen Palais
Greeting for the MENTAL GESUND.heitstag | 10am to 10:15am | Auditorium Maximum & Online
President Prof. Oliver Günther Ph. D.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Keynote: Mental Health and Prevention | 10am to 12pm | Auditorium Maximum & Online
Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Rapp
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Open day | 10am to 2pm | und
Mental Health Counseling for students
On May 3, 2023 we will open the doors: Where otherwise individual conversations are held behind closed doors, there is the opportunity to simply "look in", to get to know the colleagues of the Psychological Counseling Center and to inform yourself about the offers.
This offer takes place in English and German for all students.
Open Consulting Hours | 12pm to 1pm |
Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities
The Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities offers an open counseling hour for students and employees of the University of Potsdam. The Central Equal Opportunity Officer, Christina Wolff, provides information about the counseling services offered by the central institution and advises on study path and career planning, conflicts at the workplace or place of study, as well as on issues of gender-based discrimination or in cases of sexualized violence. The open counseling hour is held in German. The entrance to the office is located on the back side of the building at the children's playground.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Open office hours | 10am to 2pm | und
SEKIZ e.V. Das Selbsthilfe-, Kontakt- und Informationszentrum
"Self-help" generally means that people are self-determined and try to overcome their challenges on their own. Have you ever wondered who attends a self-help group or what topics are discussed? The SEKIZ association is committed to more self-help in the city of Potsdam. At an open office hours you can ask any questions and also get advice.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Relax international en el Zessko | 12pm to 2pm | Meadow at the cafeteria
Zessko - Centre of Language and Key Competences
Experience linguistic relaxation exercises for body and mind in German, English and Spanish - and find out about the wide range of offers at the Zessko!
This offer takes place in English, German and Spanish for all students and employees.
Campus Cruiser | 11am to 3pm | Meadow next to the mensa
Feel Good Campus - Student Health Management
The Campus Cruiser brings movement to the campus. With a varied offer of relaxation, games and fun, it brings a little color into campus life. If you have any questions, please contact our Campus Cruiser driver.
This offer takes place in English and German for all students.
Open Office Hours | 11pm to 2pm |
Team Barrier-free
The team offers an open office hour for students with disabilities*/chronic illnesses, where they can get advice on support services offered by the University of Potsdam, such as compensation for disadvantages. We also advise on special study planning or other individual questions. We also provide support for people who are not yet sure whether they are eligible for an NTA.
This offering will be held in English, German and Spanish for all students.
How do I reconcile care, career and studies? | 1pm tp 2:30pm |
Service for families
The Service for Families offers a discussion group on the topic of caring for relatives. This can be parents, children, partners and others. Where can I find support? How do others do it? What opportunities does the university offer me to combine my studies or professional activities with caregiving tasks? These and other questions can be discussed in a personal exchange.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Wellness sport - health for all | 1:15pm to 4:15pm | 2.11.Gym
Accademic Sports Centre
Whether kickboxing is healthy? Of course. Why not.
The decisive factor, however, is whether it suits you. Which sport is healthy for you depends very much on your individual prerequisites. Health includes not only physical well-being, but also psychological and social well-being. Every person has a unique mix of needs and requirements. What exactly you need to feel healthy, you can find out with us. On the occasion of the Health Day, we have put together a "particularly healthy mix" of courses that also cover all the classic core objectives of health sports. So here you can play it safe when it comes to health. Test free of charge which sports area makes your inner light shine!
More information about the different time slots will be coming soon.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration requested.
Healthy through the conflict! How to prepare for difficult conversations| 3pm to 4:30pm|
Persons of Trust of University of Potsdam
Conflicts are not only unpleasant, they can also put a strain on mental health. Clarifying conversations can do good in conflict situations and contribute to finding solutions - but what is the best way to go about it? In this workshop, you will learn from the trusted advisors at the University of Potsdam how to prepare for difficult conversations. In a practical part, you will receive methods and tips that will strengthen you for conflict talks. In addition, there will be information on support services and, starting at 4 p.m., the opportunity for exchange and individual discussions (optional).
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Studi-Pausenexpress | 10am to 4pm | in lectures
Feel Good Campus - Student Health Management
Experience the lecture in a different way? Our trainers lead live, short and invigorating movement sessions (five to seven minutes) in the middle of a course to inspire students to take an active or relaxed break and thus generate maximum learning success. Mobilizing exercises and relaxation methods promote concentration and improve individual well-being.
This offer takes place in German for all students.
Pausenexpress | 10am to 2pm| individual booking
Accademic Sports Centre
This health-oriented course offer provides the opportunity to interrupt your working hours for 15 minutes and actively move. Under the guidance of qualified trainers, mobilization, strengthening and relaxation exercises are performed that will help you switch off from the stressful daily work routine and experience active relaxation.
This offer takes place in German for all employees. Prior registration desired.
Presentation of the Inclusion Award | 5pm | Meadow at the sports ground
Representative for University Members with Health Impairments and Disabilities | Sponsored by Barmer and Universtitätsgesellschaft Potsdam
The Inclusion Award goes to Amanda Beser and Marlon Schwarze. The two AStA advisors successfully competed in the competition "How inclusive is the UP? "EineBarriereWeniger" with their idea of founding a leisure-oriented networking and empowerment group for students with and without disabilities.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Grill & Chill | 5pm to 7pm | Meadow at the sports ground
Feel Good Campus - Studentisches Gesundheitsmanagement
Health is based on the interaction of many factors, such as a healthy environment, a healthy lifestyle or healthy working and learning conditions. So we want to conclude the MENTAL with a focus on social health in a cozy setting. You are cordially invited to come together at the Grill & Chill starting in the late afternoon and let the day come to an end.
This offer will take place in English and German for all students and employees.
Campus II - Golm
Smoothie-Bike | 11am to 3pm | Mensa Golm
The bike is used for exceptional self-mixing of smoothies. Participants will experience how much energy is needed to blend a smoothie and how delicious freshly prepared "vitamins to go" are.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Open consulting hours | 11:30am to 1:30pm | Mensa Golm
Studentenwerk Potsdam
The team of the Counseling and Social Services Department will be present on this day with an information booth in front of the Mensa Golm. Students are welcome to stop by and get information about the services offered by the psychosocial counseling, social counseling (incl. student financing) and job placement.
This offer takes place in German for all students.
Crisis prevention | 12pm to 1:30pm |
Jannis Seidemann - NOW e.V. Potsdam
Mental illness can be a burden for the whole family. Often, such families are caught in a vicious cycle of problems and stress, with consequences for children and adolescents growing up in these families. Corona has done its part to further increase the burdens. Statistics confirm this trend.
- But how exactly are mental illness and family life related?
- How can family contribute to the improvement of an illness or what are risk factors?
- What can be done to counteract already ingrained patterns and stresses?
- Where can help be found in Potsdam and what kind of help is actually suitable for what?
- What are the requirements for access?
- What can be done preventively, as a professional or as a person affected?
These questions and questions from them should be the focus of the workshop. At the same time, the space can and should also be used to promote exchange on the topic and to hear good practice examples (especially from those affected).
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Bicycle repair workshop | 12:30pm to 1:30pm | Mensa Golm
Angelika von Pressentin - Klimaschutzmanagement
Using one of the repair pillars on campus, the most helpful ways to make your own bike fit for the ride will be shown.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Society's vices and the question of when you've had too much coffee | 1:30pm to 2:30pm |
Sandra Kind - Addiction Prevention Center Potsdam
An addiction problem is not always obvious. Permanent pressure to perform, excessive or insufficient demands, conflicts at the workplace or temporary employment relationships can lead insidiously to addiction. Addiction prevention can help you:
- Recognize and address abnormalities in good time
- Prepare and document discussions
- Motivate employees for treatment
This insight today is intended to show you that addiction is not a stigma, but an integral part of our society. That is why I would like to discuss this sensitive topic with you openly and critically. It concerns us all, because it is omnipresent.
This offer will be held in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Wellness sport - health for all | 1:15pm to 4:15pm | 2.11.Gym
Accademic Sports Centre
Whether kickboxing is healthy? Of course. Why not.
The decisive factor, however, is whether it suits you. Which sport is healthy for you depends very much on your individual prerequisites. Health includes not only physical well-being, but also psychological and social well-being. Every person has a unique mix of needs and requirements. What exactly you need to feel healthy, you can find out with us. On the occasion of the Health Day, we have put together a "particularly healthy mix" of courses that also cover all the classic core objectives of health sports. So here you can play it safe when it comes to health. Test free of charge which sports area makes your inner light shine!
More information about the different time slots will be coming soon.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Addiction prevention, how does it work? | 2pm to 3:30pm |
Sandra King - Addiction Prevention Center Potsdam
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Mentally healthy through studies | tba | tba
Feel Good Campus - Student Health Management
This offer takes place in German for all students. Prior registration desired.
Climate and mental health | tba | tba
Chair of Social and Preventive Medicine
This offer takes place in German for all students. Prior registration desired.
Studi-Pausenexpress | 10am to 4pm | in lectures
Feel Good Campus - Student Health Management
Experience the lecture in a different way? Our trainers lead live, short and invigorating movement sessions (five to seven minutes) in the middle of a course to inspire students to take an active or relaxed break and thus generate maximum learning success. Mobilizing exercises and relaxation methods promote concentration and improve individual well-being.
This offer takes place in German for all students.
Pausenexpress | 10am to 2pm| individual booking
Accademic Sports Centre
This health-oriented course offer provides the opportunity to interrupt your working hours for 15 minutes and actively move. Under the guidance of qualified trainers, mobilization, strengthening and relaxation exercises are performed that will help you switch off from the stressful daily work routine and experience active relaxation.
This offer takes place in German for all employees. Prior registration desired.
Campus III - Griebnitzsee
Stress Scale | 10am to 3pm | 3.06.Foyer
Techniker Krankenkasse
Everyone is exposed to psychological stress, which in the worst case can lead to negative strain. Whether and to what extent these stresses have an effect depends to a large extent on the personal resources available to cope with them. The stress scales are used to weigh up stress-triggering factors (e.g. working under time pressure) and ways of coping with stress (e.g. relaxation techniques) and simulate possible solutions.
More information about the different time slots is available at registration.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
AWO Limo | 12pm to 2pm | 3.06.Foyer
AWO Ambulante Beratungs- und Behandlungsstelle für Suchtkranke und Suchtgefährdete Potsdam
With the AWO Limo, the AWO Addiction Counseling Service at the Griebnitzsee Campus in House 6 offers alcohol-free cocktails and seeks conversation on the topic of addiction.
This offer takes place in English and German for all students.
Short workshop: Techniques against procrastination | 1pm to 3pm | -
Central Student Advisory Service | The Representative for Students with Disabilities and the "A University for All" Team
Postponement behavior can affect all areas of life and manifests itself in a broad spectrum. It is learned, can be reflected and partly overcome. The workshop will familiarize you with techniques that help you to reflect on learning and working processes and to design them in a resource-oriented way.
This offer takes place in German for all students. Prior registration desired.
Wellness sport - health for all | 2:15pm to 4:15pm | 3.06.Outdoor Area
Accademic Sports Centre
Whether kickboxing is healthy? Of course. Why not.
The decisive factor, however, is whether it suits you. Which sport is healthy for you depends very much on your individual prerequisites. Health includes not only physical well-being, but also psychological and social well-being. Every person has a unique mix of needs and requirements. What exactly you need to feel healthy, you can find out with us. On the occasion of the Health Day, we have put together a "particularly healthy mix" of courses that also cover all the classic core objectives of health sports. So here you can play it safe when it comes to health. Test free of charge which sports area makes your inner light shine!
More information about the different time slots will be coming soon.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Studi-Pausenexpress | 10am to 4pm| in lectures
Feel Good Campus
Experience the lecture in a different way? Our trainers lead live, short and invigorating movement sessions (five to seven minutes) in the middle of a course to inspire students to take an active or relaxed break and thus generate maximum learning success. Mobilizing exercises and relaxation methods promote concentration and improve individual well-being.
This offer takes place in German for all students.
Pausenexpress | 10am to 2pm| individual booking
Accademic Sports Centre & Professional health management
This health-oriented course offer provides the opportunity to interrupt your working hours for 15 minutes and actively move. Under the guidance of qualified trainers, mobilization, strengthening and relaxation exercises are performed that will help you switch off from the stressful daily work routine and experience active relaxation.
This offer takes place in German for all employees. Prior registration desired.
Stressmanagement | 9am to 2:15pm | Online
moveUP and TK
Stress and worries? Accessibility, pressure to perform and high demands? In our fast-paced world, stress seems to have become almost the norm. But stress is not healthy in the long run. If we are permanently under power, it can have far-reaching consequences for our mental and physical health. We show you how you can better deal with stress!
This is how you deal with it! In our interactive talk, we identify individual stressors and illustrate how stress affects our bodies. We show you practical techniques that make it easier for you to deal with everyday stress and worries and free you from destructive thought patterns. In this way, you can get through everyday life calmly, even in turbulent times.
More information about the different time slots is available at registration.
This offer takes place in German for students, PhDs, academic employees, young professionals, trainees and employees from technology and administration. Prior registration desired.
Greeting for the MENTAL GESUND.heitstag | 10am to 10:15am | Auditorium Maximum & Online
President Prof. Oliver Günther Ph. D.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Keynote for Mental Health and Prevention | 10am to 12pm | Auditorium Maximum & Online
Prof. Dr. Dr. Michael Rapp
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees. Prior registration desired.
Racism, racial discrimination & the (mental) health | 2pm to 3:30pm | Zoom-Online-Talk
Dr. med. Amma Yeboah - Organized by the Coordination Office for Equal Opportunities
Racism and racial discrimination involve structural, cultural, interpersonal, and individual aspects that change historically and contextually. Racist actions, as well as racial experiences of discrimination in health care, among others, are key determinants of health disparities in populations. International studies over the past 30 years demonstrate that racial discrimination is an independent determinant of mental and physical health. In particular, mental health is significantly affected by racial discrimination. In the contribution, the consequences of racist discrimination in health care will be presented and the audience will be invited to join in the discussion of solution strategies to overcome racism for Germany as a business location.
Amma Yeboahist psychodynamic supervisor and specialist in psychiatry & psychotherapy with a focus on gender-sensitive psychiatric psychotherapeutic care. As a lecturer at several universities, she focuses on intersectional perspectives in medicine and psychotherapy. Socio-politically, Amma Yeboah is interested in the impact of dominance structures on the collective psyche.
This offer takes place in German for all students and employees.
Registration: The event will take place via Zoom. You will receive the registration confirmation and access data after your registration. To register, please click on this link.
If you have any support needs, please feel free to contact the contact person at least 14 days before the event.
You can find more information here.