Dear students,
from June 6 to June 9, 2023 we want to work with you again to ensure more FEEL GOOD on campus! With the FEEL GOOD WEEK, we will be on every campus again this year to talk to you, to make the campus more attractive and harmonious, to create a healthy environment for all students at the University of Potsdam.
As Student Health Management at the University of Potsdam, this year we want to talk to you about the topics of Well-being and Mental Health and bring them to life with you. You are cordially invited to stay with us, exchange ideas with us and bring a little more feel good into your everyday student life.
We look forward to getting to know you.
We will be at the three canteens on the main campuses.
You can find us on
- June 6, 2023, 10 a.m. - 2 pm in the Mensahof at the Griebnitzsee campus
- June 7, 2023, 12 noon in the Mensahof and from 4 pm on the meadow at the sports field at Campus Neues Palais
- June 8, 2023, 10 am - 2 pm at the canteen on the Golm campus.
Throughout the week, there will be offers for a relaxing break, free Body & Mind courses from the Center for University Sports and Feel Good food in the canteens of the Studentenwerk Potsdam.
From Tuesday in Griebnitzsee and Thursday in Golm, there will be popcorn, outdoor activities from the Campus Cruiser and fun activities to take part in during the lunch break.
Come and talk to us, share your ideas and needs, get to know us and spend your lunch break in a relaxed atmosphere. On Wednesday, there will be outdoor activities from 12 noon and a barbecue and chill at the sports field near Haus 34 from 4 pm. Come along and enjoy the evening with wraps.