Here we would like to draw your attention to some student and university projects, events and committees that bring students together.
Interesting facts about student life in Potsdam and the surrounding area in the voluntarily organised and independent student magazine.
The reading café is a student-run, self-organised free space. Here, everyone can participate and develop freely. With various drinks and food, the reading café also offers a place to relax and network alongside the daily university routine.
The large community garden is located on the Golm university campus and is aimed at students who often do not have the financial and spatial possibilities to grow their own vegetables and who feel like gardening.
The student initiative "Studium oecologicum" has set itself the task of making sustainable teaching available to everyone at the University of Potsdam. In addition, the project advocates for better campus design.
In the Buddy Programme, students at the University of Potsdam support new students from abroad. This social project serves to promote integration and cultural exchange.
Strong together!
The General Student Committee represents the interests of students. Would you like to make a difference at a central level at the university? Do you have ideas about what students need right now? The AStA looks forward to every helping hand.
Do you want to get involved in a student committee alongside your studies? How about becoming active in the student parliament of the University of Potsdam and standing for election?
The VeFa is an assembly of the student councils at the University of Potsdam. Student councils advocate for student projects, organise meetings and thereby support the link between students.
You want to know how the StuPa election works, who you can vote for and what the results of the last years look like? The Student Election Committee (StWA) is responsible for organising and conducting the elections.